Sunday, July 31, 2011

V-mail # 399 June 23, 1944

Fri. June 23, 1944
My Darling Wife;
Well, honey.  Here is that request letter.  First of all.  The camera and all the film for it you can get or have on hand.  Three of those cheap little cigarette lighters like I had just before I came to the army.  You remember?  They only cost from $.50 to $1.00.  If you can't find any maybe you can find the ones I left at home.  Send some extra flints and wicks for them also.  Don't try to send any fluid.  They wouldn't take it and we use gasoline anyhow.  Several bars of good laundry soap such as Fels Naptha and some good old Lifeboy.  Then, if you have room you might slip in a pound or so of Prince Albert pipe tobacco.  I guess that will take care of me for the present.  That may not be at all necessary after we get established but I can always use that type of stuff.  At present it is scarce as hell.  I'll try to write another and more personal letter some time today.  Now it's time to go back to work.  I told you you'd have plenty opportunity to send me things.  Bye sweetheart.  I love you so much.
your hubby

Fri. June 23, 1944
My Sweetheart Wife;
Gosh, honey, I feel good.  We just came back from an all afternoon swim.  First since last summer and best of all the first good bath since I left the states.  There is a nice clear, cool, mountain stream a mile or so off in the woods.  Sand bottom and everything only it is hardly deep enough to swim.  It makes a beautiful bath tub though.  I can see where I will spend most of any off time I get in the day.  Can't do things like that at night because of mosquitoes.  I haven't seen any yet but I am told they are bad at night in the woods. Didn't see any signs of fish but there surely ought to be.  It's an interesting country.  I'm rather enjoying it.  If I didn't miss you so much I'd be very nearly contented.  I do love you and love you some more.  You're a very swell wife. 
Damn this V-mail. I no more than get started and I'm out of paper.  I got another and especially sweet letter today.  The one you wrote the day you saw Steve.  It was a good loving letter. Now I'm going to have to quit and go to bed.  I'll try to write you a good one and answer some of your letters.  I love you darling. 
Your hubby

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