Sunday, October 31, 2010

Letter # 112 October 31, 1943

Oct 31, 1943
Sun. Morn.
My Sweetheart;
I didn't have enough time yesterday to tell you much, I just wanted to get the new address to you as soon as I could. I'll try to give you an idea of the new set up now.
Everything here is changed from what it was when I left, including the temperature. It has been just perfect weather. I guess the temperature to be about 65 at night and 75 or 80 in the day. Just nice. The trees all have their leaves and are nice and green. Just about like the first part of home. If it stays like this I won't mind at all. Still as wet and damp as ever. Dew drips off the roof like rain almost every morning, and it looks very much like rain today.
I am no longer a soldier of the 8th division. We are a separate unit, the 775 Tank Battalion, and are attached to the 19th armored corps. We will continue our training as a separate unit. The battalion is made up of 5 companies of about 120 officers and men, each. Probably a thousand men in all. There is a headquarters company and 4 combat companies, A; B; C; & D. Three of the companies are medium tank companies and the other a light tank company. Each company has from 12-20 tanks.
Here is where the fucked up part comes in. You know the army. It has to be all fucked up to be normal.
The army went to all the expense of sending me to light tank school, and when I come back for duty, they put me in a medium tank company. So as far as I'm concerned that 10 weeks was just a long vacation. No value to me whatever. We have 15 medium tanks in this outfit and most of them are old wrecks that need an awful lot of work done on them. We only have one man that knows very much about these tanks, so I bet we have fun. I don't think it will take me long to pick it up. Some of the work is different from that on lights, but some of it is similar.
I worked yesterday afternoon, painting the names on the tanks, and getting acquainted. They gave me all morning off to unpack and get myself located.
The company commander is a middle aged captain and seems very nice. The boys all say he's a swell guy. He talked to me a little while yesterday. Asked if I knew anything about medium tanks. When I said, " Not a thing." he just grinned and said, " You're in a good place to learn." Since I've had a look at the tanks and equipment and then a preview of the schedule for the next few weeks, I can see he wasn't just kidding.
These tanks are all the older type with radial engines and have seen a lot of tough service. Not a new Ford tank in the bunch. They say we are supposed to be getting all new ones soon, and then go on maneuvers about the middle of Dec. Just another rumor. I know these tank would never stand the racket unless we completely rebuild them.
We are supposed to spend a lot of time in the field for the next few weeks. We go out tomorrow morn and come back in the evening. Tues.we are to go out and not come back until Wed night and etc.
Honey it sounds to me like you will be hurtin for letters, but I'll do the best I can. Some of them probably won't be much more than notes.
This will all be battle training and we won't be allowed any lights, so you can see, I probably won't have much time to write when we are in the field. We may even work most Sundays. I promise I'll write as often as I possibly can. I love you and like to write to you. It hasn't been very long since I saw you but it seems long enough to be time for another furlough. I love you so much darling.
Now for some of the boys. Sgt. Brown is still the motor sgt. He got another stripe and is not Tech. Sgt. It's a break for me to still have him for Sgt. I seem to have made a hit with him.
Leo is still with the outfit. He did get married and his wife is teaching school near Lake Charles. He has his car here and drives back and forth whenever he can. They wanted her to teach so badly they gave them enough gas so he can drive. It's quite a drive, about 50 miles one way. He has a Pfc. rating. I haven't had much chance to talk to him yet. He is tank gunner.
Rahill is in some other outfit now.
Ernie is also in another outfit. I don't know where. They are all here in Camp Polk as yet, so I will probably see them sometimes.
The rumors about part of the 8th leaving here were not true.
The biggest part of the boys are either Pfc or T/5 and a couple are sargents. Only about 25 or 30 are still buck privates. We have about half the boys from the old outfit here, so it was somewhat like coming home.
I slept in an empty bunk in Sgt. Brown's room the first night and we had several boys sitting around shooting the shit and swapping stories of what had happened since I left.
From what they say, I guess the CO. tried to kill them all off during the Third army tests they had through August. He finally got his second bar, so maybe he is satisfied now. All new officers here in this outfit.
They issued me a pass similar to the one I had at Fort Knox. Can leave the post anytime I'm not on duty. I don't know as it will do much good here, but I may go into Leesville someday just to see what it is like. Three day passes are going to be very scarce from what I have seen of the schedule.
Our barracks are the same as we had in the old company, but we are located in the forest, completely closed in by pines and small southern oaks. It really is rather pretty. We are a little farther away from things, show, service club, and bus station, but it isn't over a mile, so I guess it won't kill anyone.
I have tried to think of most of the changes you would be interested in. If I've missed anything, ask me and I'll tell you next time.
Boy honey, it sure is some change from last Sunday. I was home with a very nice wife last week and today I'm way down here in La. with a bunch of roughnecks.
How is everything with my [pregnant]wife? Well honey, I'm all run down, have to get used to writing again. I'm not going to try to write to so many people. I'll let you tell them when you see them.
I love you more than ever sweetheart. Seems strange to be sleeping alone again. I'm loving you and thinking of you. Bye mummy. I love you.
your soldier

Friday, October 29, 2010

Letter #111 October 30, 1943

Oct 30, 1943
Hi Sweetheart;
Just a quick one to give you my address and let you know I arrived. I got in Leesville about 7:30, went out to camp and spent an hour or so finding out where I belonged.
Moved about a mile from where I was before. Most of the old company is here, but not Ernie. I'll write all about it later. I have this morning to get settled and then I'll have to go back to work.
I love you honey.
your hubby,

Letter #110 October 29, 1943

Oct 29, 1943
8 AM
Darling Wife;
Ready to start on the last lap at 11:00 this morning. Got here at 6:30. I've been out and gave part of the town the once over, had a breakfast and now have some time to kill. Texarkana seems to be a nice town. Probably about 15,000 or so population.
As far as seeing the country is concerned, I'm getting hooked. This is the third time over this route and always at night. Travel sure is rugged. No berths available and a lot of people were sleeping in the aisles or standing someplace they could find room. I was lucky enough to get a good chair and had a fair nights sleep.
It's rather interesting to watch people thrown together on a crowded train. Fellows and girls that had never seen each other before, sharing the same chair all night, sleep across each others shoulders. Don't worry I wasn't one of the lucky ones. I shared my chair with an air corps Sgt. from Texas.
Had a very nice time in St Louis yesterday, and saw some more of the city. After I wrote the note to you, Grafton and I wandered around awhile and watched the war chest parade. It was a big one, must have been at least 3 miles long. Nearly all branches of the service were represented by a few men or women and some of the allies. Very nice.
After the parade Schindler met us with his car and showed us the city. Even went through the art museum.
Schindler and Grafton's orders were a little different. They were to leave St Louis at 12 P.M. last night. So we got separated again.
Bye for now sweetheart. I love you so much.
your hubby.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Letter #109 October 28, 1943

Oct 28. 1943
Hi Sweetheart;
Well honey, I'm now in St.Louis and will lay over here until 5:30 tonight. I had a hell of a time getting here but I did it. The train from Cleve. to Indianapolis was an hour and 20 minutes late so I missed the train to Louisville and there wasn't another until 2:30 in the morning. So I bought me a ticket to St. Louis, cost me $6.23. Made me pay regular fare but I got here at 12 last night. The train I was supposed to be on from Louisville got in at 8:10 this morning so I am all set now. Most of the other fellows that left Knox with me are here also. Grafton and I have teamed up and are going to look around a little. Says he had a swell time but is still a little ornery. I told him I had a better time than that and had most of the orneriness taken out of me.
I went to a hotel and slept from 1-7 and I had slept some on the train so I'm kicking my heels, but damn it all honey I miss you like hell already.
I'll drop you a line as soon as I get another chance. I love you sweetheart. It was a swell 3rd honeymoon.
Your lover

Monday, October 11, 2010

Editor's Insertion: Following Oct 5 Letter

The letters stop with the October 5, 1943 letter while Dad was home on his long awaited furlough. They resume on October 28, 1943.
I do have an:
"Application for Ration Currency" dated October 7,1943
Effinger, Norman W. PFC 35607651
Applicant states that he intends to consume 45 meals during the period
10 Oct 1943 to 24 October 1943 and that he has no war ration book.
It is signed: Ted L. Schaum Captain [Inf.]
The local War Price and Rationing Board having jurisdiction is requested to issue to bearer ration currency in conformity with the above.

Then, at the bottom of this application, written by hand in pencil:

Issued by Medina Ration Bd. 52-1
5 gals. gas
1# sugar
32 pts. p. foods
40 11 meats

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Letter # 108 October 5, 1943

Oct 5,1943
Boy oh Boy! only 4 more days and I'll be on my way. They broke down and told us that we would very likely be paid Sat. and can take off. Won't make me mad. I'll take off so fast as soon as they give me those papers that they won't be able to see me for dust.
We had a very easy day in the field today. Didn't do much but sit around and sun ourselves. It's just beautiful fall weather, snappy in the mornings and nice and comfortable all the rest of the day. We spend a lot of our time in the woods so I'm getting a poor substitution for a Sunday tramp. It really is swell out there. The leaves are all coloring up and it is very pretty. I didn't hardly expect to get a letter today, but I did, this evening. Your Sat. letter with the picture.
I like the picture a lot and if Mom still has the negative I would like to have an enlargement made. It would be a nice one to put alongside our Put-in-Bay picture. That one was near the beginning of our lives together, and this is the first reunion. I guess we do look happy, but why shouldn't we? The morning after the first night together for more than 4 months. I know I had plenty to be happy about. Just look at what I have my arm around and then think that she's my wife and I love her and she loves me. Enough to make any man happy as hell.
That is also the reason I'm so impatient to get home. This time I can see her all the time for a couple weeks, and not for just a few hours in between duties at an army camp. This time I can be with you constantly for at least 320 hrs. and when you were here I only saw you 106 hrs. in three weeks. Just 3 times as much. Boy.
When I get it boiled down that way, maybe that 30 estimate was a little low. I feel almost like that many the first day. I know most of them are in my head , but I sure am primed.
Honey you sure are getting to be an old soak. Twice in three or four days. I don't know who is the bad influence on who, you or Louise. Go to it honey. I have a few beers myself now and then. Sometimes it wouldn't take too much to make me go out and really get plastered. So there too.
I don't know about you popping your buttons, but I almost believe I can right now. I'm in good shape honey. You probably could pop buttons across your chest if I teased the bubbles a little. According to the picture you could probably pop some over that belly. Don't feel bad, honey. I like it nice and soft. It makes swell padding.
I know the third honeymoon will be swell and you will do your part, if I can only do mine. To hell with the outside interference. If it gets too bad we'll go hide someplace.
I knew you were teasing me about slipping honey, but it just gave me an opening to talk a little. You can tease me all you want to, especially when I'm with you. I always did like to have you tease me that way.
Don't worry about the cooking honey, I'll live on love mostly. All the outside interferences can furnish the big meals. I'll eat sandwiches with you. I want you in my arms as much as you want to be. You're the only reason I'm really anxious to get home and you can bet I'm going to stay so close you'll be glad to get rid of me again. I'll pester you a lot. Going to love you all to pieces.
Well honey I'm going to make this another short one. I just can't write anymore. I'm too close to seeing you again. It's rather useless and beside that I'm too excited and thrilled.
I'll write you another note tomorrow night and that will be all until________Whoope. As it is you'll have talked to me by phone before you even get this.
I love you honey. I'm all set and on the mark, waiting for the word GO. I'll be on my way as fast as I can go.
Night mummy. I loves you so much. My arms are already getting in the proper position to give you that first big squeeze. Night sweetheart.
your lover

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Letter # 107 October 4, 1943

Oct 4, 1943
My drinking wife;
Hello sweetheart. How do you like my new stationery? It's charity furnished. Each payday the C.O. has a collection plate set out at the pay table and he uses the proceeds for such things as stationery things for the day room and etc. I had donated $.50 so I thought I was entitled to a few sheets of paper. I was just too scotch to buy another box. I would only use a few sheets and it would probably get spoiled in my barracks bags.
Well darling, we got to the field today and if today was any indication it's a good prep training before we go back to our outfits, after 9 weeks of vacation. The work isn't very hard but there is a lot of walking around up hills & down, getting tools & equipment from the tool trucks to wherever our tank happens to be.
We spent all morning running our tank into holes and dry creek beds, getting her stuck and then figuring how to get her back out again. We finally got her in one she couldn't get out of, so we had to get a medium tank to pull her out. Almost didn't get her out then. We had run her head on into a dry creek bed about 6' deep and she was standing almost straight up on her nose. She was really stuck.
We spent all afternoon taking both tracks off and then getting them back on again. It's some job to manhandle 16 tons of scrap iron, and get her back onto the tracks. Took us about 3 hrs and we spent the rest of the time, checking her over.
Boy it sure is a dusty job. It hasn't rained here for a week or more and it doesn't take long for these babies to stir up a hell of a dust storm. We all looked like we had been dusting.
I finally succeeded in getting some film yesterday. They only sell one roll to a customer but I went back 4 times, before I got too ashamed of myself. I took the camera to the field today and I took a few pictures. I'll get some more as the opportunity presents itself. The instructors don't care but, have to watch out for brass hats.
Got two letters from you today. One especially nice one. Honey you are becoming quite proficient at writing love letters. Keep it up honey, and I'll have plenty of evidence to hold you for a long time.
Now I'll make a few comments on your letters.
My, my, honey, such language for a school teacher. Sounds like you though. That half case of beer sounds good to me. We can have a beer together at home, if you don't drink it all before I get there.
I'm sorry I didn't give the boys any of the cake, but it tasted so good and they were all in the next barracks, so Gus and I ate it all.
I will try to call on Thurs and if I don't get through I'll try again Friday. Our times are the same now so I will try to make it around 8 P.M. Probably be about the most convenient time.
I don't think anything will happen to the furlough any more, but I still don't know anything more about what day I will get away.
I'll furnish all the incentive you need to get in the mood again. I've really got myself all worked up, like you were the last time. I love you sweetheart. You say I haven't got you fooled even a little bit. That's swell, but I still think I have, because I'm really not as nice as you say. As long as I've got a good hold on you, I don't care how I did it. I'd almost be willing to use blackmail, if I couldn't do it any other way.
When I said you were hard to get close to I didn't really mean about the first kiss. You know what I meant, you old devil. I'll admit I was slow on that kiss but I was afraid of you, and you didn't give me too much encouragement.
I feel the same way about letters. I have a hell of a time trying to say anywhere near what I want to. I'm cheating you on these last few, but hell sweetheart, I can't write when I'm so near to being able to talk to you again.
Just think only 5 more days of school and then if they will only turn us loose, I'll be able to look at you and love you at close quarters again for a while. Gosh it hardly seems possible. Just too good to be true. I love you Chubbins, and I'm going to show you how much in just a few more days.
Well night honey, it won't be long but it sure will be hard. I mean hard to wait those few days.
your lover

Letter # 106 October 3, 1943

Oct 3, 1943
Hello Sweetheart.
How's my darling Chubbins today? You better be getting in shape and feeling swell, because I'm hoping to be seeing you a week from today. I'm still planning to get away Saturday. I'm going to be a lost boy if I don't. Regardless the time is drawing close to the zero hour and I'm all thrilled to pieces. Can't concentrate on writing or anything else anymore. Good thing we don't have anymore classes or I'd spoil my good record. You have an awful affect on me, you old devil you. I believe you'll even make me go crazy as the women in books do to their men. I guess I love you honey. Anyhow, if it isn't love it's something mighty nice. If love is any more disturbing than this and any nicer at the same time I don't think I could stand it. I'm satisfied with you and everything as it is. That statement is wrong in one respect. I'd be a lot more satisfied if I was home with you all the time. Oh hell, I can't write what I want to say, so I'll just save it and show you what I mean next week. Boy that next week business sounds good to me.
Last evening we went to the show again. "The Lady Takes a Chance". Kinda silly but it was entertainment for a couple hours. Jean Arthur and somebody. She's a cute trick but not much of an actress. I guess we're going again tonight.
You're not the only one stepping out. I'm getting to be quite a playboy myself.
No mail today. They say the train didn't get in or something, so with no letter from you I don't know what to say. I wrote you all the news I know. I'm afraid those crazy, supposed to be love letters, will be getting tiresome to you so I'll just quit trying. I know you won't admit they're crazy, but that is just because you're so nice.
Beside that I'm running out of stationery again and I don't want to buy anymore while I'm here. I have just 6 sheets left. Enough for three more letters and that is just right. I won't write after Weds. because I hope to be able to deliver my messages in person as quick as you would get them by mail. That person to person business is so much more satisfactory. I'll be seeing you sweetheart and I sure am loving you. Bye for now, honey.
I love you

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Letter # 105 October 2, 1943

Oct 2, 1943
Dearest Chubbins;
Well here it is Sat afternoon again. The last I spend here in this camp I hope. I rather doubt that they let us lay over here until Monday, but it's hard as hell to tell what the army will do. I hope they pay us or at least leave us take off Sat. We'll just have to wait and see. Now that this has come up it's a good thing Gus can't come after me. I have made contact with a fellow in my class who has a car and will be going to Cincinnati just as soon as we can leave on Sat. If we don't leave until Monday I'll have to take either bus or train, whichever one I can make quickest connection on. If we leave on Sat. it will save me all the time waiting on the bus line here at camp. By the time we get loose it'll be two miles long. If we leave on Monday, there won't be much bus line to fight.
He'll probably charge $3-$4.00 for the ride but it'll be worth it to me, not to have to wait in that bus line. I imagine I can get fairly good connections from Cincinnati, or I might even try hitch hiking if I have too much delay. Be rather interesting to see if I can still go places on my thumb.
So you see it would be rather hard for me to give you a very definite time when I'll get home.
There is one thing you can be sure of and that is I will get there as fast as I possibly can. The method doesn't matter. I won't even take time out to look at the pretty girls along the way. The nicest little woman I ever expect to find will be at the end of the trip, so why waste time. I'm anxious to see you. That squeeze and kisses I've been saving for so long are fast getting ready to be delivered. I love you so much darling.
Now don't let this uncertain business upset your schedule. Unless you change the plans, I'll call you Sat evening if I'm not on my way. If you don't hear form me you can figure to see me sometime Sunday.
All this schedule changing and etc. here resulted in me being put out of my private room. They moved all of my class into a barracks by themselves, and a Staff Sgt. wanted the room so I didn't have much to say about it. I really don't care, because now, Ernie, Angie, Schindler, Grafton, Gus & Co. are all together. It's nice that way.
Well honey we got old Torchy all ready to go to the field bright and early Mon. morning. After all the taking apart we did on her I'm surprised she would run at all, but she does and very good too.
The instructors detailed 9 men to report to the shed at 6 Mon, to help them take the tanks to the field. I am one of the 9, so I will still get up at 4 on Mon, but the rest of the week, I can sleep until 5:40. The tanks will be left in the field at night. We will march out and back, morning and noon, so we'll get our road march anyhow. Be about 4 miles a day.
From what the instructors say it is the easiest week of the course. If that is true it must really be a snap. Students that have gone through say that they sleep a lot of the time. I guess they take half of each group at a time with the tank and the other half just waits around until the tank comes back.
I'll be so rested up and full of piss and vinegar and everything, I'll be a wild man. Better meet me with the shotgun honey. I might try to take advantage of you.
I went over to the old post this afternoon but it was just a waste of time, although I did see some nice girls. No film and no song book. I'll keep looking for the songbook, I mean, and maybe I'll see it someplace.
About all I could think of when I saw the gals was that in another week, I'd have a gal to walk around with and love. I look at 'em honey but they just remind me of you. I don't even have a chance to stray, because as soon as I even so much as look at a woman or think of one, you pop up in my mind and then they don't look very good. I'm afraid you have me roped and tied for better or for worse. So far it's all been better and I'm not a bit sorry about the whole thing. I think I'm very lucky to have you. I love you darling.
Gosh sweetheart, I got two letters from you today. One in the aft and one in the evening. That's going some. I can hardly write one and here you are writing two a day.
I thought you were army girl enough to understand the T/5 business or I would have explained. It's a T model corporal as the boys say it. It means a $12.00 raise, $66.00 a mo. now. I'll get there yet if I live long enough.
Have at it and do all the stepping you want to. It's good for you. Get a lot of it stepped out of your system and then when this war is over we can settle down and love each other. I'll want to see a lot of you.
So you won't let me look up some of those other women, but are going to be selfish and keep me to yourself. You're an old devil. To be truthful I want you to keep me to yourself. I wouldn't care if I could take you and go off and hide so I could have you all to myself all the time I'm home.
I'm not worrying about not being satisfied. You always have done a good job of that, even if sometimes your heart wasn't exactly in it. This last time you did a perfect job and even put all you had in it. I still say you can wear me out anytime you want to, and a couple more just like me. However, judging from the way I feel at present, I don't think you'll need those other two for 3 or 4 days at least.
Of course, it might all be in my head. I don't mind being exclusively yours a bit. I love it. I love you.
We are going to a show tonight and I'll have to go shave and get ready. Night darling. I'm still very much in love with you and am counting the hours until I see you. I love you honey.
your hubby.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Letter # 104 October 1, 1943

Oct, 1943
My darling Chubbins.
Whoope! Sept is gone and one day of October already. Only 8 more left. They ought to go by in a hurry.
After inspection today, the C.Q. told us about our new schedule for the coming week. Get up at 5:40 and have roll call at 7:00. Eat from 11:30-12:30 and then go back to the field from 1-5. I guess we will quit early on Sat. but the time is not definite. He also said that they would pay us before we left. Here's the catch though. He doesn't know if he can get the money for us on Sat or not. If he can't we will be held over until Monday.
I guess that knocks our plans in the head a little. Gus had better just forget coming after me because I probably won't know about the pay until Sat noon. If there is any possible way for me to leave before pay I will and depend on good old wifey to keep me paid off until the 1st of Dec. I'll just have to wait until I know before I can say anything definite. They may not let me go until I am paid. I'd sooner let them keep the money than be kept here a minute longer than necessary. It won't mean any loss of time on the furlough though because they will be dated at midnight of the day we leave, regardless of whether it be Sat or Mon. I just don't want to put off seeing you for another day and a half. I'm just about like a time bomb. All set to explode at a certain time and I won't like it if I have to wait any longer. I love you so much, I'm ready to bust. I love you, I love you, I love you, so there too.
We will leave it this way unless you change it by return letter. If I can't get away Sat. I will call you. If you don't hear from me between 7-10 Sat eve. you will know I'm too busy traveling toward you to waste any time calling. Now, don't say you want me to call you either way, because while I would probably do it, I would be wasting precious time and I wouldn't like that.
You can do any other changing you want but make it definite. We don't want to get our signals mixed.
Well by going to school all day we have had our last free afternoons and also the last details, road marches, & etc. It's really getting close to the windup of school and the beginning of our third honeymoon.
I guess I'm the one getting the build up this time. My honey is too busy this time to get as much build up as she had the last time. I'll give you a good build up when I get there. I'll have enough for both of us.
I can understand about how you felt about me not being so far away anymore. I felt much the same, but it worked the other way too. I was close enough to be almost able to get home on weekends and yet just far enough away so I couldn't. It's rather tantalizing or something.
I wasn't even expecting you to send me anything, because I knew you were busy and I also was too busy counting the days until I'd be home to think of anything like that.
Honey you did something to me while you were here. I missed you a hell of a lot before, but ever since you left here I've missed you a lot more. Guess you were just too nice to me. Just can't forget it and don't want to. You're sweet and I love you, and love you, and love you. I told you I'd soon be writing like this. I'm not going nuts or anything like that. I'm just a love sick soldier, planning to soon see the only doctor that can cure that disease.
I did enjoy the cake an awful lot. You and Tib are both very sweet girls.
As for you sleeping along with Gus. You can just bet I wouldn't let you as long as I was around. That's my place and I intend to occupy it whenever I'm anywhere near so I can. If you got the chance and wanted to when I wasn't there, I'd be jealous as hell, but I'd still love you.
We have been having a spell of warm weather this week, don't need my woolies at all even in the morning. Swell fall weather. Just right for loving.
Honey I almost believe you must also be lovesick. Not being able to sleep in the morning. Something must be wrong. The rest of your letter rather bears out the love part anyhow. That was quite a love letter for you. You can bet I'll keep that one. You even admit that you never knew you could feel that way either. Guess we're both learning.
I am just living to give you that squeeze you are waiting for. All the kisses and everything else that goes with a bad case of love sickness. I'm really not as crazy as I sound honey. Just loving you and anxious to see you.
Night sweetheart, I'll be seeing you soon.
your wacky husband.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Letter # 103 September 30, 1943

Sept 30, 1943
My loving wife;
Hi sweetheart you old devil, I love you. Getting bad when I have to tell you I love you the first line I write. If that furlough doesn't get here soon, most of my letters will be a string of "I love yous". I do, so there too.
Well honey, after tomorrow I can say, only a week left, and 6 days, 5 days, 4 days, 3days, 2 days, 1 day, Oh Boy, here I come. Wish I had some of superman's powers of locomotion. Then I could just leave a streak in the air from here to you. As it is I won't waste any time you can bet. I want to see you badly. I loves my Chubbins and I want to show her how much.
I sent you a package today. The garrison cap I bought and a couple things I didn't want with me anymore. Also three "Yanks". I had also bought you a little present but got gypped. I saw some decks of cards with the army eagle on, so I bought a pair. When I got back I found the girl had made a mistake and gave me navy cards. I sent them along anyhow. I guess it won't make much difference. I'm just cutting down on the stuff I'll have to tote along with me. The cake box came in handy. I was wondering where I could get a box, and here you send me one. Good old wifey to the rescue again.
I spent all afternoon getting my stuff ready. We are going on the new schedule next week and that means only evenings off, so I worked like a beaver all afternoon. Washed my musette bag, gas mask carrier, sewed on 4 pr of T/5 stripes, stenciled my name on my barracks bags and etc. Want to be all ready to take off like a streak when I get those furlough papers. We aren't supposed to pack our gas masks, so I suppose I'll have to wear it home. I washed the bag just in case I couldn't get all I want in the bag I have. I've still got a few things to do but I guess I'll make it Sat. aft.
Damn the army and their changes anyhow. I'll have to hurry like hell to make a quick connection home.
Things are going very smoothly and nothing much of interest happening this week in school. To you I mean. We are still tearing Torchy apart and putting her back together, so I won't waste any time or space on her.
I continue with comments on your letters. I still have two here to cover. Sun & Mon. So you now have the same time as we do here. I'll have to remember that in case you want me to call you.
My, my, honey, such conduct for a school teacher. Going out drinking at 1 A.M. in the morning. Won't be long before I'll be there for you to come home to. You always were nice and responsive after a couple drinks. Wish I had been there.
Gus and I went to the show Tuesday evening. Good cowboy picture with lots of shooting and more people killed. I always enjoyed that kind of show, but you should see Gus. He just jumps up and down. He was still so excited when we got back that he couldn't even take a piss until he calmed down. I had more fun watching him than the show.
I have never noticed the song book you mentioned but I'll look the next time I go to the old post. They'll have it there if anywhere.
You don't have to worry about not dreaming of me. I'll soon be there so you don't have to dream. Then I suppose you'll dream of Steve. You old devil you. I don't care. You can dream of anyone you want to as long as I have you awake. This dreaming isn't very satisfactory so I don't envy Steve a bit.
That sure was a novel experience you had with your plastered pupil. Your reaction amuses me most of all. Sounds like a typical old maid school teacher, but I have had very definite proof that you aren't an old maid in actions.
I guess though it would be very surprising in school, with kids of that age. I never heard of that happening before, except in college. The little devil. I'll bet it taught him a lesson.
I hope you aren't the bad influence honey. You know you get nice and happy once in a while, yourself. I like you that way. You have a tendency to be a bit passionate then, and you always have such a good time.
So you gals are still talking about those pictures. If I can get some more film I'll take some more, just to keep you gals busy deciding which one you want. Thanks for the compliment, honey, but I think you are the only one that would pick me for the best looking bum in the bunch. I always did have to depend on something beside looks for whatever attraction I might have. Even Grafton's wife only classified me as "interesting looking". I didn't either keep my hat on just so my bald head wouldn't show. That is one of the least of my worries, especially with a G.I. haircut.
I'm not trying to attract any girl friends anyhow. I've got all the girl I want and she says she loves me, bald head and all. That's all I want.
Don't worry about Torchy wearing me out. She may in some respects, but in the way I'm interested in, she isn't worth a damn. I can lay under her all day and not even get a thrill. You try that and see what happens. I get so thrilled I go blind and wild when you are around, even in a dream. Torchy is just a passing mental interest. You'll never be a passing interest and not all mental by a hell of a long way.
We love everything about you and are impatiently waiting for you to get in range, so we can show you. In fact we've had the desire since 5 weeks ago tonight, so we'll be in double A1 shape. You better be in the same shape or I'll have to take you out and get you happy. Since Kentucky, you've a very high standard to live up to. Think you can? I'm looking forward to it.
Well sweetheart, I guess I've covered your letters pretty well so I'll quit for today. I'm loving you so much and so anxious to be with you again, that these last few days seem to be rather slow. I know they aren't but I'm all impatient.
This waiting for a furlough is harder than not having one to look forward to. It won't be long though now. Down to single figures, only 9 more days, and then a couple weeks of heaven with my angel.
Night mummy darling. I'm hugging and kissing you by long distance all the time. I loves you Tootsie Wuggles and we'll make that third honeymoon the best ever.
your lover

Letter #102 September 29, 1943

Sept 29, 1943
Hello school teacher wife;
Just think, honey, it's exactly 6 mo. today since I left you, a whole half year. It sure seems a hell of a lot longer than that as far as missing you is concerned. In other ways the time has rolled along very fast. I can remember when a man that had 6 mo. service in seemed almost like a lifetime, but now that I've reached the same place it doesn't seem so long. A hell of a lot has happened in that time though.
I'll never forget that second honeymoon. It was almost worth being separated.
Well sweetheart only 10 more days now and I'll be on my way home to start a 3rd honeymoon. Boy oh Boy, Chubbins I'm all goose pimples, I'm so thrilled. Can't blame me much can you? I'm looking forward to a much better time than this last one and that was enough to keep me walking on air for a long time. You sure were sweet darling and that loving______. My idea of perfect heaven. Boy!
This time I won't have to get up and go back to an army camp, but can stay right there with you all the time. Remember that promise honey, morning, noon, and night and maybe even a spare once in a while. If I'm man enough.
I got your Sat & Sun letters today and one from Marg. It was a good thing she took the 5 P.M. bus instead of the 7. It broke down a few miles from Indianapolis and she had to wait a couple hrs. She got in at 12:30.
Here's a few comments on your letters.
I don't quite agree with you that I haven't grown up. I always thought that messing things up like that was an indication that I had become a man. I'm not quite old enough to be in my second childhood yet or it probably would have been a plain case of not holding my water. This wasn't water by a long way. You may consider it a nice compliment to you, because as far as I can remember I have never had that kind of dream about anyone but you. I look at 'em all, but you're the only one that bothers me enough to dream about. After the way you acted here in Ky. it's no wonder. Enough to make any man mess the bed for the rest of his life.
I feel somewhat like you do about not being able to dream about me. I like to dream about you but I wish I wouldn't waste all that energy. Be much more fun if you were present. Dreams can't compare with the real thing.
I recounted the pages of that nice long letter of yours and I was wrong. There are six pages. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to belittle you, honey.
You know, when I got the cake I though it must have been Tib's work, because I didn't see when you had time to bake it and then when you mentioned cooking yourself a supper, the day before you sent the cake and then didn't say a word about it, I was sure it must have been your work, so I gave you credit for it. I don't care even if you didn't bake it, it was a damn good cake. We had just 2 good parties on it. You can pass most of what I said about the cake on to Tib. If I remember correctly, it might be well to censor it a little. Some of what I said wouldn't be quite true for Tib. I meant it for you and even if it wasn't your cake, it still goes.
It was nice of you to provide a party for the boys, but I was too selfish. Grafton had just gotten a birthday cake from his wife, so they had their party and Gus and I had ours. If that was a preview of what's to come I think I'll starve myself for a few days so I'll be good and hungry.
You know my spelling is terrible honey, but I can't help it. As long as you know what I mean, it answers the purpose. I told you I was going to enroll as one of your pupils. I might be able to concentrate on the school work enough to learn some spelling.
Your stationery is much better than the last. I bought two boxes a week ago Sunday and I'm afraid it isn't going to last. Only 20 sheets left and 7 more letters to write to you alone.
Angie and Grafton are both married so if that makes any difference the girls can quit fighting. Tell Jean I can't see what difference it makes. She is married also so they are still on an even footing. Maybe they can get together and swap husbands and wives. From the look of Grafton's wife's picture, Gus{Maitland} wouldn't be getting such a bad deal. She is the one that liked me but I'll let Gus{Maitland} have her. I've got all I want and am able to take care of.
Schindler is just too young. He hasn't had a chance to get married yet. 19 I believe. He says he has a steady girl back home, so maybe it won't be long.
Soldiers are terrible. They have to have something to love when they get home. Lucky me.
Now for the fellows in the tank group. Angie you know about. He and I have done most of the work. The rest like to goldbrick. Finnegan is one of these fellows that you wonder how they ever got their stripes. It sure wasn't from work or brains. He hasn't done an hours work in the past 2 weeks. I don't know much about him. He is from the 13 A.D. Camp Beal, Calif. Has been in for 19 mo, is married, weighs about 180, 5'10" tall. He's just another soldier to me. He's 26 yrs. old.
Ercanbrach comes under the same classification only more so. Dumb as hell. 24 and acts about 15. Very poor personality, comes from Johnstown, N.Y. is married, 6' tall, 170 lb.
Fenstermacher is a good fellow, and not a bad worker for a kid. 19 yrs. old. comes from Kansas, very likable, 5'10" tall, 180 lb. All he needs is a good wife and he'd be O.K. as it is he has too much smelling around to do to be able to work. About once a week he must smell out a little hot stuff and it takes a couple days of rest, before he's any good again. Must be worse than I am. I have always been able to work the next day [so far].
I haven't answered Vi's last letter yet. I'll try to get that done tomorrow. I'd sure hate to have Gus[Hugert] get in any trouble over coming after me. I don't know anything about the situation, but if it is doubtful, I wish he wouldn't. I won't buy a ticket ahead of time anyhow, but I would like to know by the middle of the week. As for calling you before I leave, I doubt it, because I am not wasting any time waiting for a phone connection at that time. I'll get the first bus or train that will get me home quickest. I couldn't tell to the hour when I would get there anyhow. You'll know if you don't hear that I will be home about the middle of the day. Sun. Oct 10.
Well sweetheart I seem to have run out of time and still only have one letter commented on. I'll save the other for tomorrow.
I love you, you sweet old thing. You're a grand little sweetheart and wife. Night darling. I really am not ready to say night yet, but you being so far away I can't do much of anything else. It won't be long before I can do more than say night on paper. I'll say it on your nice clinging lips with a good long kiss, and maybe squeeze a bubble at the same time. I'll have to quit thinking about that or I'll be dreaming again.
Bye now sweetheart.
I love you

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Letter # 101 September 28, 1943

Sept 28, 1943
Hello my lovely wife;
I didn't get any letter from you today so I'll have to think of something to write about. This Sunday business kind of screws up the mail business. I'll have two all at once tomorrow.
This afternoon Gus and I went over to the old post and after going to several different places succeeded in getting part of our chevrons. They didn't have any washable ones for the fatigues but I got 5 pair of the others. That will take care of the overcoat, blouse, wool shirts and field jacket. I got them for 30 cents pr so I saved myself 50 cents. Wouldn't have been worth the waste in shoe leather, if I had anything else to do, but on army pay 50 cents looks rather big. Beside the shoe leather is the army's'.
Tried to get some more film, but no good. I would like to bring a few rolls home if I can get them. Might want to take some more pictures of my wife, so I won't forget what she looks like after I've gone back to the army again. I also want to get a few more pictures of the camp and the fellows. I still don't know if I will be able to get any tank pictures, but I'm sure going to try. I hate to think of spending my time in a tank outfit and not having a picture to show for it.
I guess it is nearly certain that we will be on the new shift next week. Damn it anyhow. I don't suppose a couple hrs. more or less will make much difference but I'm very miserly about those hrs. I'm supposed to have with you. I want every minute of them and it makes me mad that they are going to make me a couple hrs. later in getting away. I want to see you so badly again, I'm all excited already, and here it is eleven days yet to go. That's less days than I will be with you, but I bet they won't go nearly as fast.
I love you sweetheart. I wish I would never have to leave you for more than a few hours at a time, the rest of our days. That's what you get for being so nice and sweet. You'll never be able to keep me off your apron strings. You got yourself a lifetime job taking care of me. You've already signed the contract so I'm not even going to ask you if you want the job. You've got it.
We are still enjoying the cake, have just enough left for a piece for each of us this evening. We ate it all ourselves too. If the way I tore into that is any indication, it may be that my stomach will overcome some of my passion and I'll let you go long enough once in a while to bake me something. The old saying, "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." may be partly true at least. I always did enjoy your cooking but I would never have said that it had anything to do with my loving you. I still prefer to think it was some other attraction. I can see though now how cooking ability might help. That cake was sure good. I'm putting in an order for some more when I get home.
Oh hell honey, it's no use trying to discover the qualities about you that make me love you so much. It's just because you're you. I love anything and everything about you. Even during your ornery spell, just after you get up in the morning, I love you. I can't touch you or talk to you but I love you. If I had put in an order and had you made to specifications, you couldn't have been more satisfactory. I was lucky as hell I found you and got my mark on you before some other guy saw you, and discovered how nice you were. You're a peach. I'm hungry enough for you to just eat you up as if you were a peach. I'll try to curb myself though because if I ate you I couldn't have you anymore and then I would be hurtin. There's no more like you. They threw the formula away as soon as you were created. Ain't I lucky to have the only one ever made.
I love you gorgeous. If I loved you any more I'd bust wide open. My heart swells up and gets too big for my chest now when I think of you. The heart wasn't the only thing that swells up either.
Gus just told me we are going to the show. Good cowboy picture he says. So I'll end this for today. I'm rather cheating you on letters the last few days but gee honey, I can't write when I know I'll be seeing you soon. Writing letters is O.K. but I like to do my loving first hand. I love you forever sweetheart. Bye now Chubbins. 11 more days and I'll be seeing you. Loves you mummy.
your adoring husband.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Letter # 100 September 27, 1943

Sept 27, 1943
My other real baby Chubbins;
Hello sweetheart. You know I got a big box in the mail today from Mrs.N.Effinger. Across the front, written in big blue letters was the word "cake". It's swell honey, just like it came out of the oven. I got it right after chow, but never-the-less, Gus and I dug into it. This evening we're going to buy a quart of milk and have a party. We're going to be very selfish and keep it to ourselves. We can, now that we have a room to ourselves. It's damn good. You old devil, sending me a surprise. Wouldn't even say a word about it.
From your letters, I don't see how you had time enough to bake it. It's sweet of you honey, to go to all the trouble you do for me. You just force me to love you more and more. I'll try to get even someday but you're going to have an awful lead to overcome. I bet that's why you cooked yourself a supper on Thurs. evening. You were baking me a cake and just got your supper as a sideline. You're a devil but a very sweet one. I love you too.
Gus says that if I wasn't so big he'd take it away from me and eat it all himself.
I'm sorry I cut your letter short last night, but I couldn't help it. I had very good intentions. I had just gotten a good start and the gang dropped in on us. Angie, Schindler, Grafton and a couple others. We sat and talked until after 10 and by the time I wrote as much as I did it was time for bed. I had stayed up until midnight Sat. shooting pool, and was up at 7 Sun morning, so I had to get some sleep. Imagine me needing sleep after having 7 hrs the night before. I've slipped, honey. I'm just an old sleepy head anymore.
I even damn near forgot to tell you I had a promotion. I went over to the orderly room Sat. eve about 10 to see if I had a telegram from Marg and the C.Q. asked me if I knew I was a T/5. The damn order had been there over a week and they just hadn't told me. So now that whole Sunday I spent sewing my P.F.C. stripes on was wasted. I was a T/5 then but didn't know it. Kinda makes me mad. All that hard work for nothing. Besides the P.F.C. stripes cost me a buck and I won't get any use out of them. The new ones will set me back. They cost 40 cents a pair and I need 11 pair of them.
When Ernie heard about me getting another stripe he said, "The damn cheapskates. It should at least have been a T/4." Well that's enough bitching about that. Maybe I'll bring them home for you to sew on.
Renna had a letter today from one of his pals at Polk and they say the 80th AR is no more. Has been broken up into 3 tank battalions and one of them has got its shipping orders. So we are rather like a man without a country. Don't know where we belong or what is going to happen. Ernie and I are hoping they don't separate us, but I expect that is too much to hope for. Even if we are, one bald and one grey headed, we think we would make a good team.
I'm hoping like hell that it doesn't affect my furlough, and at this late date, I rather doubt that it will, especially since they sent my rating up here. This may all be a lot of B.S. anyhow. I won't believe it entirely until I see it.
Now for a few comments on your last two letters. Thurs. & Fri.
Let me know as soon as you know definitely if you are coming down for me. Do you remember how to get over here to the barracks? If you don't I can send you some directions, just in case you get here before I'm turned loose.
They are talking of changing the hours next week because it is still dark at 6 and we will be in the field.
If they do change, the hours will be 8-11:30 & 1-4:30 which could make it quite a bit later on Sat. before I would be free.
If you really want me to call you we better agree on a night. I would think Thurs. would be best, just in case I can't get through, I will still have try again. I would probably try to call between 7-8 our time. You set the day and time.
As for your question about what I've got, you should know, but it won't be long until I'll show you all I got. Just think, honey, only 12 more days. WOW!!! Two weeks from now we will again be man and wife. I'm just fairly jumping up and down, I'm so thrilled. Like you were the last time, so excited I'll loose what little fat I have left.
I don't quite agree with the other nice things you called me, but you sure hit the nail when you said, passionate. I'm wild honey.
Sounds like quite a bunch of widows of some sort or other at your football games. You can tell Katie she can sit by me but I won't guarantee to be very attentive. After all I haven't seen my wife for 5 weeks, be 6 by then, and that's a hell of a long time.
I'm getting the Gazette part of the time, usually a week late, but the news is still good. No use to change the address until I see where I land.
I'm sorry to hear about Clyde's boy. He's sure had his share of tough luck this year.
Glad Mickey is getting along so well. Sounds a lot like the basic I had, same length and all. The first week or so was much as he says, not too tough, but then they started to pour it on. Being in the Medics he should miss a lot of it.
I don't know just what you expected me to say of your comments on the pictures. I got a kick out of them and I have told the boys most of what you and the other "old married women" said anyhow. I told them enough that they are rather undecided about whether to go home or come home with me. I told them to come ahead, it was open house. I also told them to take more of what you girls said as just talk, but they are still a little intrigued, and say we may have callers someday.
As for your comments on Ernie and Schindler, they didn't worry me much. You have been liking truck drivers and all kinds of men since I've been gone and still seem to love me a little. Remember Kentucky. I know I'm no prize package, but after a demonstration like that, you couldn't bother me much by what you said of them. I think I got you fooled so much that I have a good hold on you.
It wasn't a case of deciding how to spell "baby's" name, it was just another case of poor spelling. You've seen enough of that in my letters, you shouldn't be surprised. The name is "Torch". I just seem to want to use a 'u' in lots of places where it shouldn't be.
Today we worked all day taking off carburetors, starters, and generators, cleaning and repairing them, and putting them back on. She sure is an ornery bitch to work on. No room anyplace to get at anything. I think I'll have to see if the medics can't put about two more joints in each arm and leg or even a snap catch or something so I can leave part of me outside.
If my "real" honey was as hard to work on, I'm afraid I wouldn't be so anxious for that furlough to start. You were rather hard to get close to for a while, but you soon warmed up. I don't think Torchy ever will, so I won't shed many tears when I leave her behind.
Thanks a million for the cake sweetheart. You're just the sweetest thing ever was. I love you ever and ever so much and it won't be long until I can show you how much. Night Chubbins darling.
your loving soldier.