Friday, July 8, 2011

Letter # 379 May 27, 1944

At Sea.
Date and day have been cut out.
My darling Sweetie;
The first day of your vacation.  How does it seem to be a lady of leisure again?  Don't even have a troublesome husband to pester and annoy you and keep you busy cooking and washing and sewing and etc.  It must be swell honey, yea, like fun.
I know what your report is.  I too, am on a vacation and taking a trip to boot, but if my wife was here, I'd like it a hell of a lot more.  This would really be fun then.
At first it was fun and very interesting and then for a couple hours I wasn't so happy.  Yes.  I got seasick.  I was very lucky though in comparison.  Some of the boys were sick almost immediately and have stayed that way.  I was ok. for quite a while and then I began to feel like I had been on a hell of a drunk.  Stomach upset, headache, weak in the knees, and miserable in general.
We were told we should eat if we possibly could so I went below deck to get my mess gear and then it hit me.  Mac and I both made a dive for the garbage can, put there for that purpose, at the same time, and, he hanging on one side, I on the other, we did our business, not too successfully either.  It's not easy to stand on a heaving deck, in the condition we were in and hit a can with a 3 foot opening on top.  Sounds funny doesn't it?  It wasn't then, but it is now.  The feeling is exactly like being so drunk it's almost impossible to walk.   Gebby and Baker had beat us to it by a while and they stayed in bed.  Mac & and  I went ahead and ate and snapped out of it in short order.  Some of the boys were so sick it was pitiful.  As one fellow said, " If my wife ever wants to see me again, she'll have to come where I am."  He didn't think he'd want to take a chance on being so sick again.  I got off easy.  Old toughie me, you know.
I'm not so tough and you know it and know my weak spot too.  You did me a favor by finding and working on that weak spot.  I love you, you sweet devil. 
I'm sitting on deck, my back propped against a ventilator, listening to good band music coming over the ship radio speaker system.  It's evening, the sun is going down and the weather is perfect.  Sea a real deep indigo blue broken here and there by spots of white foam on the crest of a wave.  It's rather quiet, not like a mirror but not at all rough.  It's beautiful.  I never saw water so pretty.  It reminds me a lot of the color of the bluing mother used to add to the wash.  Know what I mean?
Where the bow cuts the water and pushes it aside it foams stark white and back along the side where the white swirls deeper.  It has much the look of lake ice with bubbles frozen in it. Gosh it's pretty.  Wish you could see it honey.  I still think that branch of the English, native African army, that allows the soldiers to take their wives along is good stuff.  You'd like this if you didn't get too sick. 
I still have part of your Monday and all of your Sunday letter to answer.  I didn't have room on yesterdays' so this will be a continuation. 
What do mean it's nice of me to give you a free run with everything?  What else should I do?  After all, we agreed to be 50 - 50 partners, didn't we?  I sure as hell didn't have anything until you married me, so whatever we now have is as much yours as mine.  Whatever you do is what I would want done anyhow.  So there too.  That's taken care of.  I love you. 
I'll take back the crack about the artificial business.  I did misunderstand the way you intended it and anyhow I was only kidding.  Maybe someday we'll try and know what we are talking about.  Huh?
I had about the same opinion of what to do with my money as you have.  I'd hate like hell to be caught short when I needed some.  Then, even though you say you weren't hinting, you devil, I thought I might sometime, someplace, find something you would like and I'd want to be able to get it for you.  I like to buy things for you.  You're always so pleased, even if it doesn't amount to much.  You're sweet and boy, how I love you. 
I sure am sorry you had to give up your plans for your western trip.  That would have been perfect.  Remember last August?  Those were the days!  Go ahead and take your trip to N.York anytime and have yourself a time.  We'll take our trips by ourselves, like the big wigs do.  I don't like it though.  I'd much sooner take my trips with you than any other way.  You're a very nice gadget to have around.  I love you. 
I'm afraid your dreaming and planning for me isn't going to work.  That would be nice but I won't be that lucky. 
You can let your Mom dream about me if she wants to.  I'm glad they like me so much.  It may not be absolutely necessary to be on good terms with the in-laws, but I consider myself very lucky that my in-laws are almost as nice as my wife.  I couldn't think any more of them if they were my Mother and father.  I love you all. 
I'll say it again, sweetheart, I'll let you know, whenever you can send me anything.  I'll have to see what things are.  Like you, if it were at all possible, I'd ask you to send the best package a man could get.  You.
As that isn't possible, we'll have to mark time a while and I'll come and collect that package.  Gosh I'll like that.  Won't ever ask for anything better than that. 
I've just been told that no dates are allowed on these letters so you'll have to guess which ones to read first in case you get them in a bunch.  I'll have to cut it off this one. 
Well, sweetheart, it's nearly dark and I guess I'm unwound anyhow.  Night, sweetheart, I love you so much my feet even hurt.  Lots of love and kisses and everything. 
Your hubby.
Norman W. Effinger
The full name is a requirement.

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