Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Letter # 152 December 13, 1943

Dec 13, 1943
My Darling "Varga" girl Wife;
Honey, I sure rated at mail call today. Two letters from you, one of them an 8 page one. They were your Thurs. & Fri. ones. If my getting another stripe is going to have that effect on you I'll have to see if I can't do it more often. Glad you seem to get such a kick out of it. It really isn't so much. Just like getting a raise on any other job.
I also got a couple Christmas cards, one from Mr. & Mrs. Russell Kirk & daughter, and one from Max & Ethel Kopps. The one from Russ was rather a surprise. Boy the mail is sure rolling into camp these days. Two big mail bags of letters for this Co. alone every day and beside that, the packages. Guess they were smart to advise early mailing.
I'm chewing on some of your cookies and candy as I write. Real good honey, thank you a lot. I'll do something nice for you some day. Went through all the cookies in the pretzel box yesterday afternoon. I didn't eat them all but I sure got my share.
Had a very restful Sunday afternoon & evening. Didn't have many letters to answer. I had been waiting for such a day, to go look up the old Knox gang and then, when it comes, they are all moved out. Have to wait now until they come back, if they do.
It gave me a swell opportunity to digest the funnies, Parades and Life you sent in the box. Very thoughtful of you, Darling.
I've been getting Sunday papers regularly but they don't have all the same funnies. Kinda like old friends. I enjoyed them a lot. They went all around the barracks too. I'm not the only one that likes my funnies.
After I finished them Brownie gave me a book he had to read. Bet you'd like it. Titled the "Impatient Virgin". Sounds good doesn't it! Well it was. Some rather warm spots in it here and there. She'd be a handy kind of gal to have around. Wouldn't play with but one man and didn't want to marry him. All she wanted was her loving. She got it too. No wonder. She'd unfastened her brassier and let him kiss her nipples, warning him not to bite. Sounds a little familiar doesn't it? Seems I've heard almost the same words from a gal I used to live with. Gives me a tingle to think about it. Probably would bite too if I had a chance. She evidently was built like a brick shit house too. I loves you darling.
Max went to the field with the boys today so I had a routine day of work. I guess it will be my turn to go tomorrow. Max had worse luck than I . He had to have two of them towed back. Both will need new engines. They didn't even get to the field, broke down on the road.
I'm like you honey, I've got three of your letters to answer. You say they aren't worth answering but I disagree. They merit better answers than I am capable of writing. Guess I'll get at them now.
Don't worry honey, if Hades does freeze over while you're waiting for me to come home, we'll sure as hell thaw it out when I do get home. Chubbins, I'm sure going to enjoy making you feel like you ran into a door again. Think I can do it too.
You can use your song titles and I'll use my little clippings from magazines. Here's another I thought applied very well. Think I remember saying, in my poor way, nearly the same thing several times.
These pinup gals are O.K. but they sure as hell can't do anything to relieve whatever passion they may create. I like to look at them but I want my wife. They just remind me of her.
As I said before, you seem to get more kick out of my extra stripe than I do. You being so proud kinda begins to make me think maybe I did something. You may call me Sgt. if you want to. It's just like the other one. Called Corporal, but listed as T/5 on the records. This one is listed as T/4 and is called Sargent. The only difference is I have the rating because of what I know about my work and a buck sgt. has his because he has the service time and has charge of men.
I'll answer to sgt. or most anything else you want to call me. You wouldn't even have to call me anything if I could see you. I'd be so close to you I wouldn't need calling. All I'd need would be loving and lots of it. Your special kind of loving. No other kind will answer the bill anymore. I love you darling.
I very carefully put the Christmas note away in the bottom of my stationery box. I won't peek. I promise.
Brownie had his xrays but still has no definite information. They told him to come back again.
I too am very glad I'm not sick, but honey, you're talking rather bravely when you say you wouldn't have to be jealous of the nurses. Remember I have never been thrown in contact with any women when you weren't around. Maybe I'd slip. Then what? Bet she'd have to be some grand gal to make me forget you even then. I love you sweetness. If that lifetime date I asked you for is a life saver to you, Grab hold, Sweetheart and hang on 'cause some of these days I'll come back and make it more than a date or a lifesaver. It'll be one long, happy, contented life for both of us.
You're a devil. I thought after I had written about our meeting in Louisville that you might not get the idea of comparing the two meetings and think I hadn't said anything about the last, because I was disappointed with the way you looked. That wasn't at all the case and you know it damn well. I just didn't write about that one because I was saving it for material for a letter sometime when I didn't have much to write about.
Honestly honey, did I act very disappointed?! Did I have to be urged to take you in my arms and kiss you and hold you close? Did you have to do any begging to get me to love you? I can't recall that I was the least bit disappointed. I thought you looked very swell. Beside I was getting a big kick out of surprising you. I'll tell you all about it someday and in the meantime, don't be getting any more such foolish ideas. I'd love you just as much in a bathrobe as in silks or furs any day. If you really want me to love you and see you the way I like best, just wear your birthday suit. That's the way I like you best.
I might not have looked so good when you saw me in Louisville. Your fault too. I was missing you. I think you soon found out I was feeling rather well though. Right? I can't say I was aching all over that time but I sure was anxious to really get hold of you. You looked so good to me. I just wanted to be close to you and talk to you more than really love you. Of course, I knew that was coming. I think I told you once that I loved you in more than sexual ways and maybe that is some proof.
I still don't think it would be very wise to send me the Esquire again. We move around so much and if we go on maneuvers it would be very hard to keep it long enough to read. I do enjoy it, but I can buy it on the newsstands if I want it. I'm a rich Sgt. now.
I'm glad you think I tell you some sweet things, Darling. They are more than half true. I mean every word of it. Maybe, as you say, love is blind. If so, I'm very well satisfied to be blind. I still don't think I am. You are pretty fascinating but I wouldn't say "bitch" very often. I would say pretty fascinating wife.
You can tell Jean I'm very flattered that she is proud of me. I'll have to think a while before I can return the compliment. Our usual relations are reversed. Try to slam each other as much as we can.
The calendars were swell honey. I can sure keep track of you now, even if you aren't very regular anymore. Probably, if I didn't disturb you, you would be your regular self again. But, darn it honey, I like to disturb you and I'm going to keep on doing it as often as I can.
Well honey, I'm going to say good night for today. I'm returning the long distance loving and hope it won't be too long before I can love you at close range again. You know, belly to belly.
The damn lights went out so I'm on the throne again. Night sweetheart, I'm loving you.
your soldier.

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