Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Letter # 192 January 29, 1944

Jan 29,1944
Sat. Eve.
My bundle of sweetness;
You are, aren't you? I'll tell the world you are. You're my wife. Am I glad and lucky!
We had our road march today. Started out at 8 A.M. in a hard rain and plodded on through the rain and mud for nearly 14 miles and were back at 11:15. Not bad time. We took off cross lots and came out back at North Camp. Kinda rubbing it in, taking us back where we came from so short a time ago. We had a 15 minute break and then started back to South Camp.
It was the first long march I had taken since last July, but it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. It was nice and cool, some contrast to the marches last summer and I never even turned a hair. Not a bit tired. My feet got a bit sore, but that is the only bad effect. Some life left in the old man yet. Just wait, I'll show you some of these days.
I really had expected it to be rather tough. I haven't had any physical training at all since I've been back. At one time they started to require us to take exercise with the rest, but that only lasted two days and they forgot all about it. Decided the mechanics had enough work to do, to keep them busy all the time. Guess they are right about that. I think Brownie is the main reason we don't take exercises. He can't stand them and so he raises a fuss and that is probably the big reason. He has one bad foot, broken when a horse fell on him at a rodeo once, and then he has that stomach trouble. He didn't go on the march today either. Baker and Mac were all worn out and are in bed already. So stiff they can hardly move.
I guess it pays to live a clean, temperate life, like I always have. You know - never drink too much, smoke too much, [more than two or three packs a day] never work too hard, always get enough sleep, [at least 4 or 5 hrs in every 24] and above all, never love too much [never more than twice a day, on the average] See, I lead a very easy life and took care of myself. That's why I can take this stuff.
After dinner we went to work at the shop. I was doing a little more painting [with Lt. Newberger looking on and who should walk in but - Angie. I hardly knew him for a minute. Not because he is any different, but he took me so by surprise.
I told you I had sent his pictures to his wife. She wrote and told him and gave him my address, so he took a peep and came to look me up. He knew our outfit was down here now.
I took time out and we had a nice talk for a good half hour. He's still the same old Angie in every way. He even talked himself into a Thanksgiving furlough and if they don't ship out, he has another for April. Just had a three day pass last week. Went to Baton Rouge. Says it's a swell town, had a good time. Could get anything you want. I didn't question him, but a remark like that can mean a lot of things. Angie will get along. He can talk and goldbrick his way into anything. He says he is expecting to get his T/4 soon. His outfit moves out in the brush again Mon. for the week and then they expect P.O.E. They are like we are. All rumors and really don't know anything. He now has a Post Master address % Shreveport.
After he had gone, I remarked to Lt. Newberger that he was rather a lucky boy. In the army 10 months and home 3 times, with the fourth coming up. Newberger agreed and added that was one thing he couldn't understand. Some fellows get all the furloughs and others get none. Then he asked me how much time I had off. I told him and added that I would like a furlough soon. Thought it a good time to put in a plug. He said that if they ever take us off this alert, he would see what he could do for me. A little help won't hurt a thing. I'm getting to be a politician or something. I'd even kiss a little ass for a furlough, if I have to. It's about the only way to get anything in the army.
If I thought it necessary, I'd kiss a lot of ass, to get a chance to pat yours again.
I'm missing you, sweetheart, loving and thinking of you a lot. I've got some of your pictures here in front of me now. Boy honey! You sure look good to me. Better than any movie queen or pin up girl I've ever seen a picture of. That "titty" one is really a pin up gal picture. What would it be if you were in a bathing suit. Wow! Afraid I'd mess my drawers. Wouldn't have to look too long and think too hard to do it anyhow. You're exciting honey. Some gal!
Speaking of pictures. I've a rather good one to tell you. I was showing a few of my pictures and I got out the little folder with the pictures of you, taken before I came in the army and said, "Here's my wife." As the boys looked at it and passed it around, they all remarked they couldn't see how an old man could get such a good looking wife. Thought I must have kidnapped you or something. The picture finally got a round to a fellow, I'm certain knew nothing about you, and he said, "You know, she looks just like a school teacher." It tickled me and I asked why.
"I don't know, she just has that look." I couldn't pick 'em like that. You look swell to me. I certainly never thought you looked like something but you. That was enough for me. You're my Wife.
I got your Tues. letter today. I'm running out of space here, so I won't answer it tonight. Do that tomorrow.
Now I'll say, Night darling, pleasant dreams. I love you Tootsie baby.
Your hubby.

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