Saturday, February 19, 2011

Letter # 205 February 13, 1944

Feb. 13, 1944
Sunday eve.
Hello Sweetheart;
We had another very lucky trip to the field. All out and all back and we only had a few minutes work at noon. Otherwise they all kept right on running. The only real trouble we had was with our own vehicle. The oil seal at the rear main bearing blew out and there was very little we could do with it out there so we just poured oil in and ran her home. Took about 5 gallon of oil to get back on.
The boys were all mad because we were working today. Most of them were out on drunks all night and some of them were far from sober this morning. You can imagine how they fucked up the problem. Surely didn't gain a thing by going out today. To top it all off, we had gotten back to the edge of camp and one of the boys drove his tank into the river. Swears it was accidental but I doubt it. It was really only a nearly dry creek bed and the road turned over it. Nice wide bridge but he missed it entirely and buried the tank in mud and quicksand. We worked for an hour towing it out. Lt. Newberger was so mad he couldn't see straight. It marred his perfect record for having no tanks out of action.
It was cold as hell again today. I had on about half the clothes I own and wasn't doing any sweating. We ride in an open half track and you can imagine how warm that is when it's about freezing. The only time they allow us to put the top on is when it rains. Have a canvas top for it and even a heater. Nice when we can use them.
This is going to sound rather funny after telling you how cold it was today but it's true. I was noticing that the buds on the trees are getting big and a few trees are even showing new green leaves. Then this noon, while walking from tank to tank, I noticed a few flowers in bloom. Similar to our spring beauties, only much smaller. Later this afternoon we passed a place where, evidently a farmhouse used to be before the army moved in. Some sort of fruit trees were in full bloom. I would say they were sure signs of spring in Louisiana. I was wondering why, with all the beautiful days the past few weeks, the trees weren't leafing out. That much warm weather at home would do it. I guess the trees must go by the calendar and take their proper vacation regardless of temperature. The last few days prove they are smart.
Things are really beginning to point to a move or something in the air. I still refuse to believe it until I see it happen. We have turned in several inventories of tools we have and don't have and are now filling out forms on each of the tanks and equipment for each. All that kind of paper work goes with a change of equipment and a move. Something may happen yet I hope. I'm ready to move someplace.
Another day and still no letters from you. They must be sending our mail by way of China or something. Your Monday letter is the last I've gotten and usually I have your Thurs. one by now. Boy, I'll get a pile when they do come through. Hope you are getting better service than that.
I'm sending a cute little verse that one of the fellows showed me this evening. I got a good laugh out of it and I thought you would enjoy it.
I'm run down and I guess I'll quit. I'm wasting a lot of good paper and shorting you on your letter beside. Hell of a note! Isn't it?
I forgot to say, the schedule for this week calls for Wed, Thurs, & Friday in the field. More missing letters for you I'm afraid. In this outfit the mail man doesn't come out in the field so there isn't much use trying to write. Couldn't get them mailed until I get back anyhow. I'm not sure that I will be out, but on that long a problem, I imagine I will be.
Tomorrow is Valentine day. I remember you asked me in a letter. Would I be your valentine? After some consideration of the question I've decided I would like to be your valentine as long as I can still retain my status as your husband and lover. That is something I wouldn't give up for anything. I loves my wife. She's tops. Best loving ever came down the road and lots and lots of other things.
Night sweetheart. I'm loving you and dreaming of seeing you soon.
your valentine.

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