Sunday, February 13, 2011

Letter # 200 February 6, 1944

Feb 6, 1944
Sun. aft.
My own Babe;
Have just finished dinner and am stretched out on my bunk feeling very comfortable. Had chicken for dinner. We've been having fairly good meals lately. In fact, they have been much better than we had in basic all along. Our supply lines must be catching up to us at last.
We rolled out at 7 this morning, had breakfast and then did our little clean up detail. I had as much work getting them up as I did on the detail. Some of them are a lot worse at getting up than you were. They'll wait until reveille whistle sounds before they ever set a foot on the floor, then grab a pair of shoes and fatigues and put them on, on the way out. Worse then ever on Sunday.
After our detail we felt like doing something so we got some ball gloves and bats from the supply room, went to the ball diamond and had us a limbering up session. We fooled around a couple hours until it rained us out. Felt mighty good to do something like that again. Have a lot more and better facilities here, for things like that, than we had at North Camp. Still no tennis courts though.
If it keeps on warming up it won't be long until swimming time again.
Think I'll go see a show after bit, if I can get in. Hadn't ought to be so bad this week. Camp is rather empty. The airborne moved out last night.
I think I'll work on your letters some more. I got another this noon, your Thurs. one. Guess I was lucky. There were only about a dozen for the whole company. The mail clerk says the trouble is with the workers in the army post office. Mostly civilians and they won't sort mail on Sunday or work overtime. That may explain some of the irregularity of service.
I forgot a little incident that happened last night. I was writing in the Day room and the C. Q. had gone out for a bit, leaving me to take over. The battalion runner came in with a message for one of the fellows in the company. His wife was at the Leesville U.S.O. and expected him to come in. I went to look him up and found he was one of the boys that had gone to Texas. They won't be back until some time Monday. That kind of put me in a spot. I knew she would be expecting him and if he didn't and she got no word, she'd be in a spot. All I could think of was go back to battalion hdq. and see if I could get the duty officer to call and give her the dope. All the phones there are restricted to business and I really didn't want to walk way down to camp center and call her. I did persuade the officer to put the call in, but I wondered what the hell she would do. Very unlikely that she can find a room and she can't get into the camp Guest House without him. I hope the U.S.O. takes care of her. Most of that type organization is piss poor down here. She evidently came as a surprise to him and must not have known he was in Texas for the past week.
I've been listening to the radio and they've been playing that song you spoke of a while ago. You know. Mares eat oats and etc. Crazy as hell as far as words are concerned, but the tune is catchy.
The newscasts also sound very good to me. Hope it means something. Now for your letters.
So you're drinking again? Straight rye at that. Another way you've changed. Even going to a party instead of choir practice. My, My, what's my wife coming to. Go to it, Honey, drink some
for me too.
Betty has made quite a stay of it, hasn't she? Seems you have both changed your opinion of each other.
I told you you were belittling yourself all along. Even Babcock thinks you're a good teacher. I don't question his opinion in this case at all. I know you can do most things very well, if you want to. He does spread a lot of "grassy" if it's to his advantage to do it. Can't see much reason to pat you now. You're already signed for the year. You're O.K. honey. I'd put my money on you anytime. How about him seeing you after one of your liquid refreshment parties? Hardly a model school teacher then, but boy, how she can love! You must have something, darling. Even got the little fellows loving you and offering to do such things as remove the mice from your traps. I wouldn't be surprised if some older fellow made offers like that, but when 6 or 8 year olds start----. It's one for the books. Maybe in their case it's because you are sweet and attractive. I can't believe they can appreciate some of the charms that are so attractive to me. Now, if they were high school boys, it would be a different story. They might think a war widow teacher that looks like you do would be a good proposition. Would too.
Some of your letters sound like you're hurtin as much as I am. Whoops, my dear, I can almost enjoy our next meeting already.
The boys didn't say they liked your picture because I'm a sgt. In the barracks, I'm one of the boys. Only place I exercise any authority is at the motor park or along mechanical lines. Any man that didn't like your picture would either be blind or too damn young or old to have any appreciation for an exciting, luscious looking feminine figure.
If you could drink a little more and still be able to write, I bet you could write a really "hot" letter. This Wed. one wasn't bad. I can picture your mood and I know what happens when you're that way. Wow! Wish I was there. I''d love you until one of us wore out.
I did praise the marriage business to Steve and that was the "pressure" exerted. Why shouldn't I praise it? Best thing ever happened to me. I mean it. It would be swell if everyone could find it the same.
I take the promoting to include me. He has had something of the sort in nearly every letter he writes. He apparently doesn't want me to think I'm forgotten.
Yes, I wrote to Mr. Rex. It was a hard letter to write and I'm afraid a rather poor one but it's done.
I thought you were going to look into that tax on your check already last fall. Lot of difference between $3.20 and $13.80. I'd be damn sure I did get the refund. I don't care who you go to about the income tax. One is as good as another.
I didn't make any comment, before, on your attempt to have $600.00 by the time school is out. That is entirely up to you. I think it's very smart and you're doing a good job, but I hope you aren't going without things you want or need. Even if something happens and you can't use the money the way you want. It will always be handy to have. Never could find any fault with your handling of money. You're my sensible as well as good looking wife.
Sorry to hear about your stove. The last time the oven wouldn't work, a wire was burned off at the back of the stove where the unit plugs in. Expect that is the trouble again. Don't know who to suggest to get to fix it, unless maybe, Max Blakslee or the Ohio Edison or maybe Dewey DeWitt.
You did sound a lot more like my old egotistical Babe. "I pretty darn nice to live with and after two years should have made some impression." I too like to hear someone toot his own horn. In your case, it's true though.
When I read a little farther, I see you really are egotistical and cocky-----. Take the stiffness out of my muscle in a very few minutes. It may be true, honey, but you'll have to show me and then I bet it won't stay out long. I'm ready to be shown any time. I think I'd last longer than a few minutes. I'd say a few days.
I didn't come out near right on this letter. I finished your last letter. Now I'm afraid I'm run down., so I guess I'll quit and waste this much paper.
Gonna read a little, do a few chores, and then see the show. Nice quiet Sunday. Would be perfect if I had a nice wife to spend it with.
Bye for today honey. I love you. You're my wife, my sweetheart, my lover, and all other nice things.
Bye now, Darling.
Your hubby.

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