Thursday, February 17, 2011

Letter # 203 February 11, 1944

Feb, 11, 1944
Fri. Eve.
My Darling wife;
Here I am, back in camp again, so I can take up my writing again. I guess I could have written a letter last night in the field. I had time but it wouldn't have been mailed until tonight anyhow, so I couldn't see much use. Instead I lounged around the campfire and shot the shit with the boys.
Our trip was very satisfactory. We had all our tanks running and only one fell out. That for only a few minutes while I adjusted the accelerator. Then it caught up to the rest and all got to the bivouac area in good shape. We arrived shortly after 4. There was very little trouble and 5 mechanics to take care of it, so we were all through by chow time, shortly after 5. We laid around a small fire and talked. Some of the boys got up a poker game.
It was a beautiful warm evening. Perfect to spend in the field. I rolled in my blankets about 10 and was I surprised when I woke up later in the night to find it cold as hell with a strong wind from the north. I bet you northern people are having a spell of winter now. I wasn't at all cold myself. I'm learning this climate and know you can expect almost anything in quick changes. When I went to bed I wasn't expecting anything, but for some reason I put on my long handled underwear, built my bed on a couple armfuls of dead grass to separate me from the damp ground.
This outfit doesn't require us to put up our pup tents so I never do unless it is raining. I find the driest spot available and either pull a bunch of dry grass or use small pine limbs to keep me off the ground and then place my two blankets and one comforter so half of each is under me and half over. Fold each from the opposite side and then put my half tent over and tuck it under all around. That makes a very satisfactory sleeping bag and would even shed some rain. Can't get uncovered very easily either. Believe I could sleep out in 0 degree weather with the same equipment and be comfortable. Only time I get cold is getting up and dressing. Clothes are always somewhat damp and feel cold as hell. There was a nice coating of white frost and the ground was frozen in places this morning. Coldest day we've had in a month.
The problem and this trip were uneventful. Didn't even touch a wrench. All the tanks out, all back in, after going over the whole problem and no trouble. That's a record. We are the only company in the battalion that can say that. Maybe we'll get on the ball yet. About the time we get them all fixed up we'll turn them over to some other outfit, I bet.
I hadn't gotten any letters from you since Monday, but today the spell broke. I got two. Your Sunday and Monday ones. Very nice ones too. I'll start answering them now.
I'm glad you decided to go out with the kids Sat evening. I was hoping you would. You always enjoyed going to places like that so much, it would have been foolish for you not to go when you had the chance. Sounds like you had a very good time and aren't a bit sorry you decided to go.
Betty's husband seems interesting and generous with his money.
Sweetheart. I'd love to see you in your new dress. You always did look so good in black and white. If it fits as I imagine it does from what you say, I bet you were beautiful. Even had a corsage. I can see the manpower shortage must be acute or you would never have gone unescorted all evening. Didn't the fellows have to beat off at least a few. If they didn't I don't think much of the men left at home. You could never go past me unescorted.
I'm a bit peeved myself. No one should realize better than she, how little time you have and how little you feel like gathering news. Damn poor and thoughtless letter.
I hadn't thought about the cute little plumber gal being glamorous. I was just comparing the job. No man, so the gal takes over and does the unaccustomed job. If she can be glamorous and do a plumbing job, you can too. They haven't any of them got a thing on you in looks, brains or anything. The only way I can see you differ from the most attractive cover girl ever drawn or photographed is that you're bigger and heavier. What the hell difference does that make? I think it makes you better if anything. You've still got all they have and some curves they don't have. Just because some guy set up a standard for bathing beauties and has a following is no sign everyone thinks as he does. Don't belittle yourself honey. There are plenty of men like 'em chubby. You can bet I like 'em that way. Always did and always will. You're my wife. I love you. You get my vote in any kind of competition. Now, are you told? You can't belittle yourself to me and get away with it.
You can go ahead and keep on thinking it's mean of you to be glad I miss being away from home. It isn't a damn bit mean, because I'm glad too. Gives me something to work for and hang on to. I know I would be a lot more satisfied to be in the army if it wasn't true, but hell, sweetheart, it's worth it many times. I've got you.
Home, in a limited sense, still doesn't mean much more than it ever did. It used to be home was wherever I hung my hat and I'm honest about it, but now, home is wherever my wife is. I'm also very sure I'm honest about that. You're the thing that makes the world go round and round for me. I sometimes wonder what used to be my guiding star. Doesn't seem there was one. Just lived. Now I'm living and loving. There's nothing like it honey.
Funny, that in a crowded world, one girl could make so much difference. Unbelievable, but true as hell. You're mine honey, and don't you ever forget it. Boy! I sure go on don't I?
Night Sweetheart, I love you. You're my wife and sweetheart.
your lover.
I'll send Louisa's letter in another envelope by regular mail. No room in this one.
your hubby.

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