Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Letter # 207 February 15, 1944

Feb 15, 1944
Tues. eve.
My darling Chubbins;
Gosh, honey, here it is the middle of February already. Time is rolling right along. Let her go. As long as I'm here I don't care how fast it goes, but when I get home again I hope it slows down a bit. So many things for us to do together and we're losing time we'll have to make up. The time is coming and I hope not too far away. I love you honey.
I have been reading the Gazette, last Fridays, and I see Hal Burton has died. He had become a figure around the lake. He'll be missed. Don't think I'll ever forget the kick he got out of your obscene but funny outbursts when you fell on your butt in the water. I always got a big kick out of such exclamations of yours, but I think he enjoyed them more than I. Quite a character.
I didn't get a chance to do my firing today. Changed the schedule again and Mac and I were sent out with the tanks. Didn't even have a driver today so I took over. First time I have driven anything but a tank for several months. {I still want to spell month with a "u". Remember? Way back while I was at Knox you corrected me on that. I remember, but still want to spell it wrong. I'm a hell of a speller anyhow}.
Have to keep in practice or I'll forget how to drive an automobile. It was an uneventful trip of about 50 miles. Very little trouble. I can't get over the good luck we are having lately. Hope it lasts.
The tankers were getting in a little practice with the 75's. I tried to wiggle a few shots but no soap. I like to shoot that baby. Wish I could get a truckload and blast away. I'd have me some fun. It's interesting to watch too.
The company goes out again tomorrow and stays out tomorrow night and Thurs. A few that missed firing the machine gun today are scheduled for that tomorrow afternoon. I don't know if we will get out where the company is, then, or not. I imagine so.
I still haven't gotten your Friday letter. They are fucking me up proper on my letters. I get the Gazette on time but no love letter. I still have two of yours to answer so I'm ahead of the game anyhow.
I see I have another box of something to eat on the way. Thanks honey, very thoughtful of you. I like to get boxes and things from you. This time I can give you credit for it, you say. Think maybe I better give Tib credit. She got cheated once when I gave you the credit.
I see you got the package with the notebooks, gum and etc. I changed my mind about making you do something special for more gum. You're sweet enough without any bribing. I've even got a few more packages in my locker now, waiting for the next shipment. I'm wondering about the other package I sent at the same time. I suppose it got separated and you got it a day or so later.
I even remembered and sent you a valentine card. I remember when I was in school, seeing other boys give their special girl a nice big valentine and I never had anyone that I liked enough to give a nice one. I think that one is the first big one I ever gave any girl. You're kinda special. I love you.
I don't know honey, about your statement of being happy to get along on your government check. You could probably swing it all right, especially now, because I could and would be very glad to send you a little each month to help out. I don't like to have you working any more than you like to work. You're much too nice a wife to need to do anything else. The trouble is I'm afraid time would get heavy as hell if you weren't busy. Having a job keeps you occupied and you don't have much time to get lonesome and blue. I know. I don't like to have very much time with nothing to do. I get thinking about things as they should be and that isn't good for peace of mind.
Baby. You find out what the 46 different ways of approach are in this "Science of Diddling" and we'll try them all out when we get the chance and time. Might possibly be a better one than we have discovered. If there is it will have to be something. You've shown me some that leave very little room for improvement. Best loving ever came down the road.
It's getting past my bedtime. I too, need my beauty sleep. Not like I used to be at home. I've gotten so used to going to bed early, I miss it when I don't get my sleep. It's probably a good thing you have become good at getting up. I'll need someone to call me to get me out. At least until I get used to civilian life again. You're going to have a lot of training to do over again.
Night, sweetheart. I love you so much.
Your hubby.
P.S. I see you sign yourself, "Your bitching wife" I don't think you are, the way you meant it, but I'm expecting you to be bitching in another way when our 4th honeymoon comes up.
Your bitch loving husband.

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