Monday, February 28, 2011

Letter# 212 February 21, 1944

Feb. 21, 1944
Monday, eve.
Darling Chubbins;
Well honey, I think what I expected is about to happen. The battalion problem we were to go on today was called off. From the looks of things, I expect orders in a few days to lift the alert. They have teased us enough now I guess and will go back to old routine. Training will continue but be less intensive. We had orders today to quit work at 4:30 and dress for retreat. First time the mechanics have done that since last summer and first time for the company since the alert. All men will stand retreat every day except Sat & Sun. if they are on the post.
My guess, [I have no direct information] is the alert will be lifted and passes and furloughs will be handed out again. Don't get too enthused about that bit of news. It isn't official yet and unless I am lucky there are still a lot of fellows ahead of me on the furlough list. I'm hoping I'm lucky. It would be swell if I could get home soon. Four months without seeing you is plenty long for me. I'm hurtin.
I had hardly finished your letter yesterday when I got into another bull session. Brownie, Baker, Gebhardt , and I. It lasted the rest of the afternoon and instead of going for supper, I invited the boys to eat with me. We sure slicked up the box of things you sent. The boys all like your cookies and candy. Brownie especially. He isn't supposed to eat much of that kind of stuff. [I told you he has ulcers or something] but he got started on your cookies and made a pig of himself. Had to go take a pill. He says if he ever gets in our part of the country he's going to stop and get a meal or two. He always goes for Tib's cakes too. Tib's cheese and crackers didn't go begging either. Very good. I'll let you say, "Thanks Tib." for me. We had quit a party and shit slinging session and then we all dressed up and went to the show. "Standing Room Only" Fred McMurray and Paulette Goddard. Wasn't bad. Comedy.
I guess I introduced a new character to you tonight. Gebhardt. He's been with us all the time but we never got well acquainted until recently. He's from Kansas City, married, and is a T/4 radio mechanic. Since we've been over here at this camp his workroom is in the garage and he goes to the field with us in the mechanic's vehicle. Sleeps in the top bunk next to me. I don't have room tonight to go into detail. I'll remember and save introducing these fellows more fully to you for someday when I don't have much to write about. I guess I have been getting lax about that type of writing material. You've said you like to know about them but I rather forgot.
I'm going to answer some of your letters now. I got your Thurs. one today. That's a little more like mail service. I also got another letter from Jim. He doesn't say much at all. Isn't much they can say. Can't talk about what he does in the service and from what he says he has only been out of camp once in the time he's been there. That's a better record than mine. I've been out once in four months. Old married men and like it that way. I know I do. Wouldn't change it for anything.
Now for your letters.
You can tell Vi to send the gloves along. I really don't expect to need them very much down here any more this year, but I've been wearing my G.I. ones for work and they aren't what they used to be. If I should need a pair for dress, I'd be out of luck. The sweater sure has been handy and nice to have, these chilly days. It's a warm one.
I'd say you were doing all right with your driving on snowy, slippery, roads. Keep it up, sweetheart, you can do it. That one accident scared you out but you'll get over it if you keep at it. You can do just about anything you want to do. You're an unusual girl and I love you.
Good thing you told me about your new boyfriend. Even though he's only 8, I envy him being able to sit on your lap. I envy and am jealous of anyone that can be near you, 'cause that's where I want most to be. You're so nice to be with and boy are you nice to pet and love.
I guess I told you the 3 cent letter came the same time as the air mail ones mailed 1 & 2 days before.
They sure are keeping Gus on the hot seat aren't they? Get him all set to go and then pass him up for another month. Hope they pass him up for good.
You are a darn good looking lady when the occasion requires, but I like you best as the kid you say you feel like. You're you and I love you kid or lady it doesn't matter.
The dream about Knox is too glorious to even think about. I'd be so tickled you would hear me whoop clear up where you are. Too much good luck.
So you're reading parts of my letters to the gals. You're giving me away honey. They didn't know I liked you so much. I think Jean must get "goose flesh" very easily if my nicer letters do that to her. What would happen if she heard some of the others? You're going to have me believing my love letters are a success after all. I never expected them to mean anything to anyone but you. I want you to get "goose flesh" and like them , because I'm trying very hard to tell you I love you like hell and think you're the best gal ever created. You're tops honey. Night for today. I loves you mummy.
Your hubby. Norm.

P.S. As per orders, here are the only civilian identification I have with me. You can keep them for me.

love, Norm.

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