Monday, April 25, 2011

Letter # 350 April 21, 1944

April 21, 1944
Friday eve.
As you say another day marked off the calendar.  Won't be long now until the First of May and then the first of June.  Let her come.  I'm ready any time.
It rained like hell all last night and up to noon today.  Was raining so hard this morning we didn't even have calisthenics, but went right to work.  Another day of rest and the old man has gotten over all the sore muscles of a few days ago.
Still working at our tool packing in between other things.  We drew part of our new clothes and equipment today.  I didn't get very much so far.  They didn't have my sizes.  I guess they will get them soon.  You should see the undershirts and shorts.  Instead of white they are brown or very nearly the same color as the socks I have.  Don't look like much but I guess they will answer the purpose.  Won't show the dirt very easy anyhow. 
They herded us all up to the dispensary this afternoon and punched another hole in my arm.  Another tetanus shot.  They are the ones that only hurt for a few minutes as soon as given and leave no sore muscles.  It's a wonder the old arm is still hanging on after all the needles its had in the past year. 
I didn't get any letter today.  Really didn't expect to because I got two yesterday.  I'll answer the one I have left. 
I imagine you did your part of Flora very well.  Bet you looked very pretty too.  I know you wouldn't hurt any reputation I ever set at such things.  I did them but never liked it very much and wasn't as good as you say I was.  You're the public appearance agent in our family.  You've got the looks for it too.  Very nice to look at. 
I didn't tell anyone of my day in bed with my tantalizing nurse.  They all think I'm an old man and would think I was only bragging if I even mentioned that I could get very bothered.  They don't know me.  Think because I don't go out, I'm too old to give that stuff a thought.  Anyhow, we had our day in bed together that we had talked of beforehand.  I would sooner that I had been in slightly better condition, but we didn't do so bad anyhow.  It was fun.  If we get together the first of June we'll be able to try it again.  Won't have anyone to bother us by calling either.  Just you and I and we'll forget about anyone else.  Boy!  Happy day.
We won't have any idea where we will go until we get there and we won't be allowed to communicate with anyone in any way while the movement is on. 
We changed into our suntans today.  They feel much  more comfortable than the wools down here.  It was so hot last night that I slept all night last night that laying on top of the covers and stark naked.  Shameless aren't I? 
This business of no blouse and no necktie is, I imagine, only for this move.  If we don't go over I imagine the tie will go back on and the blouse won't be worn until next fall anyhow. 
I'm an old meany, but until you mentioned it I wasn't aware of any change in your writing.  You aren't bad at it.  I have always been able to read your letters without any trouble.  It's sweet of you to try to make it better, but all I want is lots of letters like the ones you have always written.  I've been writing mine laying in bed again, since I've been back.  It had been so long I had forgotten how, so you may have trouble reading mine. 
Honey, you said it when you said the hugging and loving didn't last.  It sure doesn't.  I miss it as soon as I'm away for even a few hours.  I, too, want it all the time and not just for a few days now and then.  It's like eating only a lot more fun.  Miss a day and I'm hungry as hell.  I guess I had my fill while I was home, but it was all gone and I wanted more already the next day.  The day is coming closer all the time sweetheart, and then just you try to get away from me.  I'll follow you and stay by you all the time.  You're too damn nice to me.  I can live with you but I sure can't live without you anymore. 
Night, you chubby, luscious old devil.  I love you so much I hurt all over. [some places more than others].  You're a very sweet wife.  I love you.
Your hubby.

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