Thursday, April 21, 2011

Letter # 347 April 18, 1944

April 18, 1944
Tues. eve.
You know I'm in love with you - you devil.  Wish you were where I could show you, not just once in a while, but all the time.  Every day at least.  Every hour would be better. I don't mean passionate loving that often, although that would be swell if I could stand it, I mean nice, comfortable tender love all the time.  Oh hell!  You know what I mean.  I just can't say it but I feel it. 
We are still greasing and packing tools in between road marches, calisthenics, and retreats.  This is much like the period Tony {Horvath?} has been going through.  About the same as basic all over again.  Trying to toughen us up again I guess.  If they aren't careful they will take off that 10 lbs. you put on me while I was home.  They just won't let you fatten me up, honey.  You can do that and make it stick when I come home to stay for always. 
We didn't work more than an hour or so last night.  I had intended to write you some more, but I got lazy and read a book instead.  Terrible aren't I ?  Reading a story instead of writing to my sweetheart. 
The army orders for packing our tools are like this.  Clean them thoroughly and grind off all rust spots.  Dip them in hot solution of wax grease.  Look like ice cream suckers with chocolate covering on the outside.  Let that harden, then wrap each one in special wax paper and seal by dipping the package in melted wax.  That makes them completely air and water tight.  Some business huh?  Must think we are going to get wet.  I'm guessing it to be another phase of training in preparation for the real thing.  I still expect to be in the U.S.A. for some time.  I'm not trying to make you feel good.  That is my honest opinion and I'm still dreaming of seeing you this summer.  Must be only about six weeks now.  Boy I hope they fly.  I'm anticipating.  Have been since I left you the other night.  That's over a week ago already.  Times going, honey.
I got your Thurs. letter last night after I had written my short note.  Today I got your Fri one, so I have two to answer. 
You are having quite a time with the wildlife lately aren't you?  I wish the squirrels had gotten tame enough to stay around.  I like to see the little devils.  I may not have found the only mouse hole but I sure as hell plugged up one of them at least.  If you continue to have them I'll have to look again. 
I see by the article in the Gazette that they are finally getting to the point where they are going to try to defer fellows like Gus.  Too late, of course, to do him any good.  Fucked up like all the army activities. 
The only reason you have trouble sleeping all night when you go to bed early is that you are trying to sleep without a nice man beside you.  It's a big comfort as well as being good for you.  You want to try it sometime.  Only you better be careful who you try it with.  I miss feeling a nice woman in bed with me too.  Don't think I ever want those twin beds I once talked about.  Not any more.  I've had enough of sleeping alone. 
I'm sorry to hear about the trouble with the car battery.  I expect it's partly my fault.  Remember the night you asked me if the ammeter needle should jump around like that?  Well I fully intended to look at the battery because I had a suspicion that very thing might be causing it.  No water in the battery.  I forgot it.  Guess I must have been like you said I was the last time.  Not responsible.  Couldn't think of much but you. 
Art is surely taking good care of you.  I appreciate it a hell of lot too.  Hope I get a chance to pay him back in some way.
It might be possible that the battery is ruined.  If it is, I'd buy an ordinary battery, not the best, because if the car stands this summer it won't be any good anyhow. 
It may not be news that you love me but I always like to hear it.  Always gives me a little thrill no matter how often I hear it. 
I love you too and am even getting so I like to tell you as well as  show you.  Night, darling, I love you so much.  You're my sweet wife:
Your hubby.

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