Monday, September 27, 2010

Letter # 93 September 20, 1943

Sept 20, 1943
Dear Chubbins;
You can bet I was there on time for mail call today. Got two nice letters from you too. Kinda nice to have two to read all at once, but I don't think I will make it a habit to miss a day just so I can have two the next. Not much percentage in that.
Once in a while I run out of writing material and have to have a letter from you to give me something to write about. That's about the case today and yesterday. I had to fall back on fond memories to get the inspiration for a letter. You know honey, in some ways this army is rather a good thing. It gives me time to think. It took me nearly all afternoon to write that letter yesterday. I would write a few lines and then sit looking out the window daydreaming. Gus yelled at me several times and asked me what the hell was the matter with me. I told him I was just thinking of the old days. It's the truth, honey, so help me. While I was courting you and while we were together after we were married, I was always so busy, I just never took time to think about things that were happening to me and us. Now I have lots of time and as I look back and remember little forgotten incidents, they all fall together like a jigsaw puzzle and form a definite pattern and the predominating thing in the pattern seems to be LOVE. Probably we never realize just what all the small incidents mean until after they have happened and we see them in a group in our minds. I know damn well I had never taken the time to put them all together and see what they looked like. Since I've been in the army I've spent a lot of time doing just that and it sure is surprising. I can begin to understand now, how you made me love you so completely without me knowing it. As long as I was with you I was so satisfied inside I just took things as they came and never stopped to analyze them. I had to leave you and miss you like hell and then have time to think, before things showed up in their true value to me.
This is probably old stuff to you, because I think all this had occurred to you long ago, but as I wake up I just have to tell you. I'm dumb honey, but give me time and have patience and I'll be all right. I have a fairly good memory, especially of the things about us and someday I'll get them all in their proper place and then maybe I'll be as good a husband as you so nicely say I am now. I mean all this too honey, I'm not just writing to fill up space.
Every time I start gathering up the happenings of the past 7 years, I find out so many things I never realized. I just have to give you an idea of what it's doing to me.
You're a swell wife to wait so long for me to really wake up. It's no wonder I love you so much. You're a peach, darling, beside being good for me. You're so many other things too, sweet and thoughtful, understanding, intelligent, good looking, face and figure both. Don't laugh at that. I know that as a bathing beauty you wouldn't go too far, but to me it's perfect, just what I like. As you said of me, I say of you. I love every inch and pound of you and always want you just as you are.
So there too. Do you still like love letters, honey? If so maybe I'll get around to writing a good one some day, after I've had enough practice. Just give me time.
I'm glad you like the little pin. It's the only thing I've seen that even came close to what I thought you would want. I like to get things for you, but I never know what to get. You're a very satisfactory person to buy for because you always seem to get such a kick out of any little thing.
As for the nick names or rather pet names, I don't care much what you call me, even bitch-bastard, just so long as you still have that certain light in your eyes. That's what I like to see.
From the score of the football game it sounds like Medina might have the makings of a team there. I hope they do a good job the night I'm there to see them play.
Glad to hear school teaching has some days that aren't too bad. Can't have you wearing yourself down too much, honey. I like you just as you are.
We started another week of school today and it looks like the study part is over. From here on out it will be mostly actual work and we will have the same tank and same instructor for the rest of the time. They assigned us to groups of 5 and each group has a tank that they will keep until graduation day. For the first time Ernie and I are in different bunches. My group is Sgt Finnegan, Pfc. Ercanbrack, Pfc. Fenstermacher, Angie and I. We have a staff sgt. for instructor. Today we gave the tank a good wash job and checked it all over. For the rest of the week we will work on the engines, completely taking them out of the tank and overhauling them and putting them back in. We are also going to give it a new paint job.
Next week we will dismantle the entire power train and tracks and do any necessary repair work. The third week we take it to the field and try to wreck it. If we have done our work well the first two weeks we won't have so much to do the last. Sounds rather interesting. It sure feels good to go back to work again and get a little dirty again.
This morning sure went fast, didn't even take time to get hungry. Our tank is named "Torch" so I am inclined to think of her as a redheaded girl. I imagine she will be about as temperamental as a redhead. Anyhow, I've got to have a girlfriend of some kind. She's not very nice to look at and she's rather larger, 16 ton to be exact, and she sure doesn't have any nice soft places or curves, but for the next three weeks I'll do my part to take care of her. She'll do until Oct 9th when I hope to have a real girl again, and a hell of a nice one at that.
It would be swell if Gus & Vi did come to get me and you came along. That way I would get to see you several hours longer and, honey, I want all the hours I can get with you.
We had another of our tough afternoons. It rained so we had a talk by the Captain and some war news by a Lt. and a lecture on military courtesy. I'm damn near worn out and I still have to do my S's so I'm going to quit for tonight. They sure are rough on us up here. I don't see how I stand it.
Well night Chubbins darling. It's only about 19 more days and I won't have to say night by pen. I'll be where I can get hold of you and say it the way I want to. I'll let you guess how I want to say it. I love you darling and I'm as impatient as hell.
your awakened lover

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