Thursday, September 2, 2010

Letter #76 September 2, 1943

Sept, 1943
Hello my amazing wife;
Just got your first two letters this noon and from the sound of them I believe you still like me a little. I don't know why but I'm too well satisfied to have it that way that I'm not going to spend much time wondering. Maybe it's just because I love you so much you can't help but like me a little in return. I do love you an awful lot you know.
If Louise thinks you're hard tell her to just ask me. You're just an old softie. In fact you're the nicest, softest thing I ever laid up against. Nothing hard about you, in that respect at least. Nice soft fluffy bubbles, big soft belly and just lots of the nicest things and places. I guess I have explored most of them several times, but I never seem to get tired of starting all over again. I don't know just what you got honey but whatever it is it's all I could want.
You aren't the only one that could have done some bawling. I could very easily have shed a few tears myself. I was just kind of lost as I watched you drive off down the street. I'm still lost.
Can't go to town to see my darling wife so I'll spend some of the time writing to her and catching up on a few of the letters I owe. I've also gone back to haunting the mail line for letters from my sweetheart. I loves yuh honey.
That was a very nice newsy letter you wrote. Sounds like you might be still being kidded about coming to see me. From what Melvin said you couldn't have looked too much the worse for wear. Guess you must be able to take it honey, because there was quit a bit of wear to stand. Rest up good honey because I'm going to want to do it all over again in about 38 more days. I'm also still in a fog and haven't quite come down to earth yet. Maybe thinking I'm going to come home to see you so soon will keep me in that condition until I do get there. Hope so. It's fun.
So John is going to come back to the store. Guess he found out he didn't have it so bad after all. Maybe he'll be satisfied again for a while. I can't imagine him coming back under the conditions Harold laid down. It must kinda hurt his ego to be under Phyl. Glad for Harold's sake he did come back. Even if he doesn't do too much it'll make it possible for Harold to ease up a bit and at least take time to eat dinner. All Harold meant by what he said was that in any question of privileges [I don't know how to spell it] like days off, vacation, raises in pay, or if times get bad and someone is to be left out, John will be on the tail end and have last choice. It's no more than fair it should be that way but I bet it's hard for John to take. Wonder if he still wants Sat eve off. Wonder what happened to all his defence jobs.
That all sounds a little "catty" but it made me so mad when he left Harold at a time like that. I just can't help but gloat a little that he had to eat humble pie.
It sure sounds like you fell right back in the old groove and also like I am not the only one who misses you. I must have a very popular wife. Maybe I ought to be jealous, but I'm not. I just love you a hell of a lot.
We just got the results of our first three tests this week and the old man is still doing fairly well. Out of a possible 59 points in the three tests, Ernie and I each made 58. The next high was 55. I'm just good. Ernie says he just has to beat me this week and he really is trying. We had a "coke" bet on these tests but came out even so we just bought each other one.
Well honey I'm going to say bye now and answer Steve's letter.
Bye sweetheart, I love you so much I can't believe it myself.
your loving hubby.

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