Sunday, September 19, 2010

Letter # 90 September 17, 1943

Sept 17, 1943
Hello Sweetheart;
Got your Tues evening letter this afternoon and also one from Mom & Hazel. They sent some more pictures, evidently taken when Bob was home. One of Hazel & Bob, one of Marg & her girlfriend, one of Mom and best of all, one of Marg's friend and my wife. You were wearing a sweater and this time you look very much like a sweater girl. Boy what I could do to those "bubbles" if I could get hold of them right now.
I showed Gus the pictures and just happened to neglect to say who was in that picture. "Wow" he said. "I bet your wife wouldn't send you a picture like that." "She would be afraid you wouldn't come home." I told him I guessed you wouldn't mind too much seeing as how you were the one he was looking at. He says now he can see why I didn't seem too interested even when I get hit in the eye. The men all like you honey. Here's one man that more than likes you. I love you like hell honey.
Well today I stole a march on Ernie. We had two tests of 20 points each, and I made 39 but he only made 37 so I am now 4 points to the good. Have 119 points out of a possible 120. I fucked up on one question. I knew better too, but just didn't stop to think long enough. Tomorrow will tell the story again. Maybe I can even up those two points he took me for a couple weeks ago.
Mom says you have had a couple of light frosts already. We haven't had any here yet, but it's right snappy along about 4 A.M. when we roll out for breakfast. I've been putting on a wool undershirt every morning for a week or so. Usually have to take it off by noon. The days are just swell. My kind of weather. It has been raining every couple days but it doesn't make any difference up here. Never have to get in the mud. My shoes haven't been dirty since I've been here.
We had a personal and barracks inspection this afternoon. Stood by our bunks in suntans and had our foot lockers open for inspection. Captain hardly looked at us or our lockers. After inspection he told us to get our O.D.'s ready. We will change into woolens the 4th of October. I was hoping they would before I come home and I guess they must have known. I like the wool uniforms so much better than the cottons. They look a hell of a lot better too. I gotta look my best to live up to what you have been telling people about me. Bragging about how good looking I am. You can't fool them honey, they all know what I look like. I'm just not so pudgy anymore, but otherwise about the same.
Don't worry about me writing too much. I've got a lot of spare time and I enjoy writing to you as much as anything I've got to do. Of course if I have too many "tits" poked in my eye I might change my mind. Couldn't hardly blame me could you? Even if that would happen, which it won't, darn it, I would still write to you nearly every day. Can't afford to let you forget me because I couldn't find another mummy like you.
I've got a very unusual wife, has all kinds of men asking her for dates, and her husband is away all the time and still she isn't interested. Kinda makes me think I must be quite a man. I'll be getting egotistical yet if you keep on telling me how nice I am.
I'm wondering how you meant that about loving every inch of me. Must be in height. If you meant it any other way you couldn't be loving me very much. "I am what I am", honey.
Chubbins darling, I'll sure make a gallant try at taking those two weeks of loving. I'll wear myself to a frazzle before I give up. In case you do wear me out maybe we can find another soldier or truck driver or someone willing to help. You old devil. Just act like you did down here and I won't be able to get enough. I'll practically live on it.
Wish I was going to the football game with you tonight. Tell me how they come out and how the team looks.
So Mickey is on his way to becoming a soldier. Hope he gets a good spot. I guess it must not have been a second honeymoon for them, if Louise is complaining of her feet. That wasn't what bothered us.
I gotta quit thinking of that. It bothers me. I think I'm going to be ready to love you good. Only 22 more days honey. I'm getting all impatient already.
Glad your school is going as well as can be expected and everyone is so nice. I'll have to keep that music teacher in mind, just in case you're the one that wears out.
I love you darling. Keep your legs crossed just a little longer and then--Oh Boy!
Night Mummy dear
your lover

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