Thursday, September 16, 2010

Letter # 88 September 14, 1943

Sept 14, 1943
My darling wife;
Got your Sat night or rather Sunday morning letter this noon. My, My, such a business, staying out until 1:30. If you hadn't explained I would have thought one of your truck drivers had you out. Get in practice, honey, because when I come home I'm libel to keep you up or at least awake later than that.
Gosh sweetheart it seems like a hell of a long time since you went home, but when I look at the calendar it says only 2 weeks and 2 days. I think the damn thing is telling a lie. It must be a year and that long. I guess it must be because I'm so anxious for that furlough to start. Only 25 more days now. Doesn't sound very long but it's going to seem plenty long to me. Honestly honey I believe I miss you more this time than I did the first time. I love you Chubbins.
Sounds like your pop did a swell job on the bonds. $1,000,000 is a lot of money to take in three days. If everyone else does that well the third bond drive ought to go over big. From the figures on the cost of this war, I guess they'll need it all.
Watch those pancakes honey, they make fat fast, especially when you eat them for the 4th or 5th meal. I'd have liked some myself. I don't have to watch my waistline anymore. No belly at all. Don't mind me honey. I'd love you if you weighed 200.
I mailed your little trinket today. Wrapped it up in another Yank.
School is doing O.K. so far this week. We sure have a hell of a time trying to keep ahead of each other. Guess we'll have to give up and call it a draw.
We have been having much the same kind of weather as you have, but today it warmed up a bit. First time for a week or more that it has been warm enough to be outside without my undershirt. Rained like hell most of last night and looks like it will again tonight.
I'm not the only one that gets gigs. Ernie got another today, his second since he's been here and had to sweep street this afternoon. He was rather burned up because he had a date in town. He sure took off in a hurry when they turned him loose.
Monday afternoon we had a fairly good workout. 1 hr. of close order drill and half an hour on the trainasium and the obstacle course and then a half hour of calisthenics. Boy I sure am getting soft. I was a little tired after that. I'm going to be hurtin when I go back to work again. My hands are the softest I have ever seen them. Almost like a woman's.
Went over to the barbershop and got another haircut this afternoon. Kinda gripes me to have to get them so often. If I was home a haircut would last 6 weeks instead of three. They must have taken pity on me this time and charged in proportion to hair only 35 cents.
Gus has been trying to get me interested in going to town someday soon. I'm not much interested but I may go along. He hasn't been out of camp since we've been here and he says he can't leave without going to town at least once.
Hope school is going smoothly for you by now. Maybe you'll even get to like it.
I may be a little W.A.C. or woman minded honey but it's only natural for a young buck like me to look. It's amusing and harmless as long as it's only in the mind. I am also very conscious of the fact that I have a wife and that goes a lot deeper than the mind. That's way down in the heart so I can't forget it.
I love you sweetheart and I'm counting those days. Night gorgeous, you're sweet.
Your W.A.C. Minded husband.

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