Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Letter #77 September 3, 1943

Sept 3, 1943
Hi darling wife;
Got two more letters from my chubby girlfriend this evening. Tues & Wed night ones. I also got the Aug 24 Gazette via Camp Polk. Kind of funny they have been carrying my change of address in the paper and still send it to Polk. They just don't know from nothing. I don't think it hardly worthwhile to have them change it now. I see they also have Fred Hazen's and Pete Kreiger's address.
Well today was Mickey's big day. By this time I suppose he is getting his introduction to Fort Hayes. He has my sympathy because I'm afraid he won't like it too well. It'll be a lot like the description in "Private Hargrove". Hope Louise takes it O.K. It has to be, so she might as well be like you, put on a brave front when you really are soft as hell inside. [Outside also. Very nice and soft.]
Sounds like Mick and Louise are having as much trouble trying to have some time to themselves as we did when I was leaving.
That part about Gus & Vi coming down if they can sounds good. I'd like to see them again, but the best part of it is that WE business. Sounds like my nice chubby wife is going to come along. I'd like to see her again also. I love her a lot you know. As you say we won't plan on it very much because it would be rather hard for all of you to get time enough to make the trip and after all it is only 37 more days and maybe I can come and see you all.
I'm sorry to hear about the teaching business but don't let it worry you. You can do it all right and don't even think of the fat old bitch. Just do a good job and tell her to go to hell. You can afford to be independant. Even if she don't like it she won't say anything.
That part about you being home all the time I am sounds good. Boy oh Boy. Won't that be fun. The longest vacation we've ever had together. Under these conditions I'm glad to say that I think I'll have to raise my previous estimate of at least 30 and raise it to----well I won't say just how many but if we both feel like we did, this time it would be quite high. Wow! I almost can't write just from thinking about it. I'll love you in the morning, I'll love you at noon and I'll love you at night and maybe a few in between times. I'll love you all the time even if I wear out and can't show you I can tell you.
I don't know how you rate honey but you sure have some swell friends. Even Art & Jr. taking time out to help you cut the lawn. They must think almost as much of you as I do. Glad I beat them to you. You're nice, sweet too.
School is going along smoothly and continuing to be very interesting. I was talking to my favorite instructor today. He was a former mathmatics teacher. Seems like I find all the teachers. His home is in Louisville and he has been here all the time, over a year. Didn't even have much basic, just fell into that job. He says the only way he can tell he is in the army is the uniforms and the pay. He has a C card and drives back and forth every day. Some guys are lucky.
Had inspection this afternoon and a few minutes of close order drill and were done at 3:30. Guess I got a racket up here also. Getting a lot of sleep and rest so I'll be ready for you.
Maybe you think it was a relief not to buck the bus line and dutifully go to see my wife, well it wasn't. I'd do a lot more than that to see you and beside I don't consider it a duty. It's the nicest pleasure I ever had. So there too.
Bye honey. I'm thinking of you and loving you and remembering.
your loving soldier

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