Monday, November 29, 2010

Letter # 139 November 29, 1943

Nov 29, 1943
Mon. eve.
Darling Babe;
Got two very nice letters from you today. One was a six pager. Your Thurs. and Friday ones. Kinda makes me a little ashamed of laying down on the job last night and only writing one page. I had very good intentions. I finished the others I was writing and then about the middle of the afternoon, started one to you, got a little tired and read until supper thinking I had plenty of time in the evening to finish. As it turned out I guess I was wrong. Brownie had spent most of the day sleeping and after supper he came out of his lair, has a room he shares with another Sgt, sat his ass down on my bunk and the shit began to fly. Talked about everything but no women. Don't think they were even mentioned. Hunting, fishing, trapping, timbering, machinery, country we had seen, and lots of things. The shit got pretty thick at times, but we had a very pleasant evening. It was time for lights to go out before I knew it, so I had to hastily write a few more lines and send it to you as is. Sorry honey, I'll try to write my letters before I get into one of these bull sessions again.
Just had an ordinary day in the shop today. The outfit went out but Brown sent a couple other boys and kept me in the shop. Repaired a couple cripples and then worked on the new engine. Got it all ready to go into the tank tomorrow. I don't know if all engines of that type need so much checking and adjusting or if it is just due to fast production and inexperienced help, but they sure aren't ready to run. I've spent a couple days on it and just finished it. It wouldn't even have run the way it was. Valves & pistons out of time, in fact, nearly everything had to be checked and reset. Maybe it won't run now. Not much worried about it though. Got time as fast as it's made and they won't fire me. If they would I'm afraid I might be tempted to "fuck up" good. Then I'd come home and let my wife take care of me and support me. I sure would like to have you taking care of me again. I loves you gorgeous.
I had always been rather independent until I got you and now I'm just the opposite. You did things to me honey. Damn near made a different person of me. I'm happy about the whole thing and wouldn't have it changed for anybody or anything. Love is great stuff to receive and return. I love you.
I'll try to get the issue of Yank you mention and will relay it to you sometime. I have been watching for the songbook you wanted but I haven't seen it anyplace. Looked at all the magazines stands on the way down too. I hadn't forgotten you wanted it. Even remember the name and description you gave me. If I ever see it I'll get one for you.
I see from Tony's new address that you answered one of my recent questions. The Pvt. part. I thought he would probably have a rating by now. The address sounds like he must not be quartered in a barracks. Of course, I know they would have a place in town, but usually the mail goes to the barracks. 185 Wash St. doesn't sound like a barracks to me. I wrote this address in my book. Learned a lesson maybe.
Real maneuvers would be about like the three days last week, only last for, at least six weeks and probably more.
I have no more news as to what is in store for us. I try to tell you the rumors as they turn up, and they are all I have to go on. The latest rumor is that we will be here for another 6 months. Hope not. I'd just as soon see some other part of the country and we might accidentally move closer to home. I'd go to Knox again and not complain a bit. I might even encourage you a little to come see me some weekend. You can bet I would get all the three day passes they would let me have. I'd come home too.
Honey, don't let it worry you, what they are going to do to us. As long as I'm in the army it doesn't make much difference. We can't be together so I don't see why we should worry about where I will be. They can't hurt me any and when it's all over I'll be back pestering you again. Just forget about it except to hope it's over and I can be loving you soon.
That was a very nice love letter honey and you can double everything you say about our years together, past and to come. I love you honey and I'll do all I can to be what you say I am.
It was swell of you to help the folks move. I hope the next time I'm on hand so you won't work yourself too hard.
Who's the one that always used to laugh at me because I was always getting myself into work, helping someone out? I knew you didn't mean it. You're a sweet wife and I love you ever and ever so much.
If you're tuned into the proper wave maybe you can feel me kissing and loving you. I am anyhow. I love you sweetheart.
your hubby

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