Sunday, November 14, 2010

Letter # 126 November 14, 1943

Nov 14, 1943
My Darling wife;
Boy-oh-boy two more letters from you today. Both written on Thursday. You're just getting too ambitious. I'm really not worth that much. One of them was even a six pager.
Had a very busy day. Went to work at 0800, worked until noon and then had just time enough to eat and get my letters from you and then beat it back to the motor park and load the maintenance half track and follow the convoy out to the bivouac area. Had 16 tanks to ride herd on and we went about 40 miles. Only had a couple of breakdowns and they weren't very serious. I herded the last one into the bivouac area about a half hour after the rest got there. About 1800 then, so I ate supper in the field and then came back. I sure didn't loose much time on the way back. 50 minutes for the 40 miles and that was all over sandy roads that are as bad to drive on as ice. The motor Lt. came back with me and he told me to pour the gas to her, so I did. You should have been along honey, I know you would have shit your pants a couple times. Went around a few curves, sideways. Really are bitches to drive on fast until you get used to it. Then you just let her slide. She always comes out of it someplace and if you go in the ditch or off the road, What the hell's the difference? Can't get stuck with them so all you have to do is miss the trees. That's what the Lt. says. Claims he could make a good army driver of me if he had the time. He sure is a crazy devil with a vehicle of any kind. Be scared to ride in a civilian car with him.
It sure seems funny to think of it being the middle of Nov. and going out for an 80 mile ride in an open air job and being comfortable with just a wool shirt and pair of fatigues on. Our rainy weather has passed for a few days and it is really swell. Nice and cool, even a little snappy in the morning and evening and just perfect during the day. Even the country looks much better to me since I don't need to wipe the sweat out of my eyes to get a look at it. Might be I'll get to like the country after all. No kidding. I do like it down here this time of year. The pines are really beautiful, real nice green now. In the summer they seemed a dirty brownish green.
The pretty sunsets and nights are still with us. Moon so nice and bright and stars by the million. Perfect nights to sit and love a certain very nice female I know. The only trouble is she is too damn far away. I have to love her by remote control and that isn't nearly as nice as I imagine it would be at close range. Of course I don't know anything about it but I intend to find out for sure someday. Do you think the gal I'm talking about will cooperate and let me find out? I love her, you know.
Well I've got four letters from you here to answer, so I guess I better get busy. Honey if you don't quit talking about me and quoting me so much, people are going to think you are in love with me. I'm going to be very sure of it if you keep on writing such nice love letters.
I have been meaning to go to the P.O. and get some air mail stamps, but I haven't had time to get there yet. I will someday. It seems to make about a day difference and I guess it won't break us up to buy stamps. It does seem to take a long time to get an answer. Just about a week to make a round trip.
I've been getting a Yank every week and will send them to you one of these days.
I was very much pleased that you are saving a date for me. That will be fun. But you'll have to watch out, you know I'm an army wolf and they're bad. Liable to be a bit fresh and free with my hands, more than that if I get any encouragement at all. I love you a lot sweetheart.
Sorry to hear you have another cold and can't go to the Wads. football game. What's the matter with you, honey? Do you need a man or what, to keep you from catching cold. You never had that many when I was home. Bet it's because you keep the windows shut all the time.
I don't think I want the moccasins or anything yet for a while. Wait and see if they have anything in store for us.
So Louise is going to try and get a little closer to Mickey after all. Their separation idea may be alright, but I bet they will be plenty glad to see each other again.
I'd even like to see you again, already. In fact I wanted to see you again as soon as you were out of sight, but I think we had better wait for a better opportunity. You wouldn't have time enough to come here at Christmas.
It may be a waste of time to fool with these old tanks, but it sure is good training and anyhow we do have to have something to use until we get new ones.
No, Honey. I didn't mean you when I was talking about coaching some women. At least it doesn't apply to you recently asking me if I remembered the "Shall we eat or shall we love?" "Let's love." How could I forget it? Never will be able to forget it and I want a lot more like it.
Well honey, it's time to go to bed again. Alone too, damn it. I'm going to expect you to make good on that date and some of that special brand of loving one of these days, so take care of yourself and keep in shape.
I'm loving you gorgeous. Maybe I'll even take a chance and try to dream about you a little.
Your lover

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