Monday, November 15, 2010

Letter # 127 November 15, 1943

Nov 15, 1943
Not much of interest happened here today. Just went to school all day and am now back on my bunk, dreaming of you. Nice pleasant occupation too.
Only about a dozen of us here at the barracks. The rest are all out in the woods someplace yet. They were supposed to come in tonight and I expect they will be sometime. McDonald went out to herd them back in.
Since the fuss about the school the other day they are very careful to see I stay there. The officers don't want any more restrictions. Nearly every night they tell me to be sure and be there on time next day.
I am supposed to go on the firing range for another try with the carbine tomorrow, but they say the school comes first. I guess we are going to fire all the guns over again, just to keep in practice. The carbine is the one I fired after working all day and all night without any sleep. Remember the note in the regimental paper?
I don't know when the school will be over and I don't think they do either.
Got your Friday letter today. Sorry to hear you are still more or less confined with your cold. Wish I was home, I'd work it out of you. I don't really mean work. I mean love it out of you. After this much rest, I think I could do a fairly good job again. I love you enough and like your special brand of loving enough to keep at it until we are both mere shadows. I do love and miss you a lot.
Your weather sounds rather interesting to me. Of course I can say that now, sitting here by an open window in my shorts and writing. It sure is a nice temperature here and I like it, but seems funny to think of the middle of Nov and have it like this. Kind of makes me homesick to hear you talk of snow. I always did like winter and I guess I always will. I'm still a northern man at heart and as long as you are there, I know my heart will be there with you.
From your comments you seem to be getting along with the furnace O.K. I'm glad. Thought you could do it if you would just get over being afraid of it. I hope you aren't shitting me, just to make me feel good.
You won't get a chance to go hunting with Brown, because when he left here he was headed for California. He is very good looking, just about my present build but with black hair and snappy brown eyes. If it was anyone but you and he was loose in the vicinity, I'd be a bit worried. He's quite a wolf. But I'm not a bit worried about my darling wife cheating on me. I've got her fooled into thinking I'm about as nice as any man she could find. I love you "Chubbins" and am going to show you sometime.
Got a letter from Harold today. He talks about Steve not saying anything in his letters. He sure doesn't either. Didn't even send Steve's new address. Good thing you did. I haven't as yet had a chance to write him, but I will soon.
Also got a letter from Mom & Hazel and they say the place is sold but don't say if they have to move or not. Hope they can find something if they do.
Well honey I guess I have about exhausted all I have to say. Just had late mail call. The boys came in and I got a very nice box of swell cookies. I can give you full credit this time. You're a sweet old devil, always doing something nice for me. They're swell honey. How would I ever get along without you? I bet life would be pretty dull and uninteresting without you. You're just as near perfect as anyone can be and still be human. I loves you darling.
I also got the Gazette today. Last Friday's and they even had the address correct. Well night sweetheart, I'm eating your cookies and loving you. Night honey, sweet dreams.
Your hubby.

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