Monday, November 29, 2010

Letter # 138 November 28, 1943

Nov 28, 1943
My darling sweater girl;
Well here it is Sunday again and a rest day at that. Seems rather good to have a day off now and then. I've been trying to catch up on some of my letters and was doing swell. Gus & Vi, Mom & Hazel, Marg, and Steve. That one to Steve is where I hit the snag. I would have sworn I wrote his new address in my little book when you sent it but it isn't there, so now that I have the letter all written I can't send it. Be your same sweet, natural self and send it to your forgetful husband again, Will you honey?
I just destroyed all your old letters the other day. I have Jim's new address in my little book but not Steve's and you sent them both about the same time. Guess I'm slipping sweetheart. Need me a good wife or secretary to take care of me. You have me so badly spoiled. I can't get along without you anymore. Funny but I sure like to be spoiled by you. You're a peach, honey and I love you and miss you an awful lot.
I finally made it to the P.O. this morning and mailed you your letter box of Yanks. Also put a very small surprise in for you. I also got some air mail stamps and will try them for a while. Let me know how much quicker you get them, if any.
I also came very near to going to town today, but I had so many things I should do and it's been raining steadily all day. I got half drowned going to the P.O. so I thought it wouldn't be much fun. They tell me it's dead as hell on Sunday anyhow, only a few hot spots open for business. Someday, if they ever give me a chance I'm going to see the place on Sat. night.
I looked at the show schedule for this afternoon and there wasn't anything I wanted to see, so I'm going to spend the evening laying around and reading. Have a nice quiet lazy evening. Most of the boys that are here today have spent the whole day sleeping. I don't see how they do it. More than my honey. I bet some of these boys can out sleep you by quit a lot.
Honey, it is just 8 months to the day that I was spending my last day at home with you. It sure seems a lot longer than that. Almost seems that long since I last saw you and it isn't even that many weeks yet. A lot has happened in those eight months. Lost all my belly, have become a mechanic [I guess], been in two army camps, found out just how much I love you, you came and spent three of the nicest weeks of my life with me, then I returned the favor and spent two perfectly grand weeks with you at the house, and here it is almost 5 weeks again since I left you.
Well honey, I had good intentions of writing you a longer letter than this but "Brownie" came up here, plunked his ass down on my bunk, and we've been shooting the shit, hunting, fishing, timbering, and etc. all evening. So you are hurtin for a letter. I love you honey and will try to do better next time.

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