Thursday, November 18, 2010

Letter # 130 November 18, 1943

Thurs. eve.
Nov 18, 1943
Darling sweater Girl;
Got your Monday eve. letter this evening. Something rotten in Denmark if you aren't getting a letter every day or at least one for every day, because, so far, I have managed to write some sort of a note or letter every night. I wondered about it a little. Seemed like a kind of a slip-shod method of handling mail here. If it happens any more I'll jack someone up a bit. Can't have that kind of business. Let me know if you miss any more sweetheart.
Your mom can call that picture "the titty one" if she wants to and I would say there is some excuse for it, but I think it's swell. Looks so good I could almost love the picture. Really good of you, so natural I almost think I can reach up and get hold of you and yours. Wish I could. Bet I'm in pretty fair shape again.
Glad to hear you got a picture that will answer for the cards. You can do as you wish about sending the cards. I can send them if you want, and have time to get them to me. I don't care either way, and there is no one in particular I want to send one to. Just our friends. Like you always did.
It's swell of Vi to go to all the trouble of knitting me a sweater and pair of gloves. They will probably come in very handy. If she does make the gloves I would sooner have regular gloves. The army is supposed to issue us leather gloves and we use the wool ones inside in cold weather.
Thanks sweetheart for the clippings of the O.S.U. game. I had read a short account of it in the Shreveport paper, but not many of the details. I bet that would have been a swell game to see, also the Wads, Medina one. The account in the Gazette sounded good even if we did loose. If we had a gallon of wine like last year, we soon wouldn't have cared who won. I can still see Mickey doing the hula.
By the way, I see by the Gazette that Gleason Halliwill has a commission in the Navy Reserves as an ensign. Not bad. Probably be in Cornell for quite a spell. If you get any dope on it let me know. Cornell is in Ithaca, New York, isn't it? I just wonder if that means that he is in for a period after the war. I think that is what it means. Just curious. While I'm thinking along that line, I wonder if Mickey knows that a 3 or 4 yr. period at least is required of the boys they send to college, after the war. That part isn't generally known and the army doesn't seem to make that too clear, until they are sworn in, and then it's hard to get out of. The idea is that the army and navy want trained men to take over the reconstruction job in Europe after the war. Most of the boys that went from here, just left this week and they were all signed for at least 3 yrs. overseas after the war. Might mention this to Louise, if they don't know it. It might not apply to Mickey but he had better be sure.
Too bad about Margaret, but they can always try again. Lots of fun trying. At least I think it would be. Don't misunderstand, I mean trying with you.
That picture of you sure suggests that you would be just what I want to love. You haven't lost the old appeal, honey, even a picture of you gives both of us a thrill. One of us almost stood up and begged. It just can't behave when you are near.
I don't imagine you are very mad about the long vacation from school. Pretty nice.
I wish the army needed some repairs and would send me home for a vacation like that. I wouldn't be very mad either. I bet you catch hell when you do go back to work again. Probably will cut your Christmas vacation short and anything else they can to make up. Darn near a month isn't it? Rather hard to make up.
I think you're very wise to forget about trying to see me over the holidays. Just not time enough to go through all you would have to getting here. Travel would be hell, I bet. I want to see you as much as you want to see me, but I can't see asking you to try it now. I'm also doing all the things I know of to bring us another lucky break.
I don't like this separation business a bit and if it was at all possible you can bet I'd be all for having you with me. I can't get enough of you at any time to last more than a few hours. This business of seeing you a few days every few months is a hell of a lot better than nothing, but very unsatisfactory. I love you way too much to keep you away from me if it would be at all possible to have you with me.
Even if I had a dozen gals down here I'd still want you and your special brand of loving. So there too.
Night Sweetheart. I loves my sweater gal wife an awful lot. That picture should be good for a very nice dream. I love you and love you and love you.
your lover

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