Saturday, November 27, 2010

Letter # 137 November 27, 1943

Nov 27, 1943
Sat eve.
Sat. night again and we don't have to work tomorrow. That is unless they change their minds. Did myself a little washing. Two pair of fatigues, and boy oh boy, were they dirty. Good thing you aren't like some of the other gals and living here with me, because then I wouldn't have time to do my own laundry. You'd have to do it for me and I can just hear what you would say about it. You wouldn't even recognize me after a day's work. Just like a _____. Have more grease on me than the tanks have on them.
We worked all day until 1700 and then quit. Have most of the battle wagons ready to roll for a day or so again. Still haven't got the new engine in yet. Kept me too busy fixing the others today.
Went and got myself another haircut tonight. Maybe that is another habit I'll keep after I come home. [You hope] It still hurts a little to get a haircut that often but not as bad as it used to. Maybe if I live long enough I'll acquire some good habits after all.
I hear they keep the Post Office open a couple hrs. on Sunday morning. I'm going to walk over and see tomorrow and if so, I'll send you those Yanks I've been saving for you. Wish I could send you some other things I'm saving, but I don't know how to go about it. Kinda hard to send so far. Anyhow I love you lots and lots and am storing it up for the time when you are close enough to show you. I loves my chubby wife and I don't mean maybe. If you ever doubt it just remember honeymoons number 2 & 3 and add a little more and you will have an idea of what number 4 will be like.
I got your Thanksgiving morning letter today. The pictures were nice of you honey, also of Mom. I got quite a laugh at myself though. That blouse is so long or something that I look like I was a short leg man, mostly body. That isn't quite the case. You probably know that. The rest of me looks good, in fact, I think as good as any photos I've ever seen of myself. Even look happy and it's sure easy to see why I would be. With such a nice hunk of good looking, exciting female so close to me. Any man should be happy. What more could I want? You've got everything. You sure look good honey. Even if Mom does say they are rather "titty", I'll take that kind of picture of you any day. What's the use of having something that good, if you don't show it. Kinda makes me want to whistle and follow you.
I still remember you promised me a date the first time I get a chance. I'm holding you to that promise, young lady and don't you forget it. Of course. I'm warning you, I may be a wolf, so you can prepare any defenses you think you might need. I love you sweetheart. How could I help it? You're all I could ask for, for a wife.
I don't quite know what Vi means by my "hardware" look. I'll have to ask her so I know if it's a compliment, criticism or what. I guess I'll get a chance to catch up on my back correspondence if I don't get lazy.
Tony's new job sounds like it would be right down his alley. Sure will be swell for them if they do get in the same office together. Just like being at home. I guess we aren't the only lucky ones. Good luck to them. I don't believe you ever said if Tony had any kind of rating yet. Seems as if he should.
How did Gus make out with the gun? Did it work as well for him as it used to for me, or is it a one man gun? I think he's the only one beside myself to fire it.
Did Pop ever get the radio fixed? Was there much wrong with it and how does it work?
I guess I didn't tell you that when we were out in the field the first of the week, Dick Elder and another medic went along with us. They rode in the half track with me. I can see why Franklin had such a tale about Camp Polk. Dick is really disgusted and wants nothing so bad as to move out of here. I expect he told them all the worst about it and nothing of the good. He sure has a soft job while he's out. Very seldom that anyone is hurt and they did nothing but ride along and sleep all the time we were out. Probably gets rather monotonous and makes the time go slow as hell.
Now me, I don't have that trouble and the time goes fast. It really didn't seem like three days and two nights at all, just flew by.
The weather has still been holding swell. No rain since the first week or so I was here. Just perfect temperature for me. One of the local barbers told me tonight that it is time for the yearly rainy season to begin. Says it usually rains almost every day through Dec & Jan. Doesn't sound so good to me. If that is the case, I bet there won't be much maneuvering around here. These heavy babies would just go out of sight and stay there till it dried up. Maybe give us a chance to get them fixed up again. Well my good looking sweater girl it's almost 2400 so I guess I better say bye for this time. I'll talk to you again tomorrow. I'd like to talk to you, make love to you, and even sleep with you. Brazen aren't I? I would though, so there too. I love you sweetheart and even if I can't understand how I was lucky enough to get you for my own, I'm sure as hell not kicking a bit about it. Perfectly happy and satisfied about the whole thing. Night honey. I loves you. Should we eat or should we love? I'd like to love but seeing I can't, I guess I'll have to be satisfied with eating. But I can dream can't I?
your loving hubby.

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