Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Letter # 115 November 3, 1943

Nov 3, 1943
Hello Sweetheart;
This is going to be another quick one. They are trying to keep me busy I guess. Worked until 9:30 again tonight. But we now have 14 out of 17 of the tanks ready to go out tomorrow. I won't bet that they will come back, but anyhow they will start out. They aren't giving me any chance to go out with them. Say they want me in the shop, to get the rest ready to go out. I'm sure finding out quick what makes them tick or not tick I should say. I tore one all apart and got it back together and believe it or not it ran. I was surprised also.
I got a pleasant surprise tonight. I was standing talking with Sgt. Brown about working tonight and mail call was going on. I heard my name called and here was a letter from my darling wife. I wasn't expecting to hear from you until about the end of the week, so it was a very pleasant surprise. It didn't take it long to catch up either. You mailed it the 1st and here I got it the 3rd already. I hope you get the same service on my letters.
I sure was glad to hear from you even if it is just a week since I left you. It seems like a lot more.
I also was rather relieved to hear that you are still normal. I don't want you having any babies, at least not while I'm in the army.
I won't need any more money. I still have the $30.00 you gave me. I had just enough of my own left to get me here. I guess they are going to pay me on the 10th anyhow so I'll have lots of money.
I'll cover your letter more thoroughly when I have more time. I'm writing this sitting on the crapper and my ass is beginning to go to sleep.
It was very sweet of you to take a chance on writing to me. I was sure glad to hear from you. You're a sweet old devil and I love you ever and ever so much.
Bye for now, honey. I"m loving you and wishing I could be that man about the house you speak of. That would be fun. Night mummy, I love you.
Your lover

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