Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Letter # 64 July 19, 1943

July 19, 1943
2000 Mon.
Hello Tootsie Darling;
Got two nice letters from my old darling today. I hate to throw cold water on your hopes for that furlough. I didn't know about Dick getting a furlough. Haven't seen him for some time. As far as I know there have been none given to any rookies as yet. While Dick is in the same regiment he is in a different company and in different work. He is in the medics. Their furloughs are largely up to the company commanders and ours is bucking for his captain's bars and of course, the only way he can get them is by turning out a crack company. That is one reason why we have had it as tough as we have. Quite a bit different than lots of other companies. As yet he has accepted no requests for furloughs from any rookies. The older men that are getting them never know more than a day or two ahead of time. I'm hoping as much as you are honey but don't expect too much. You know I never was lucky but once. That was when I got you. I have stayed on the ball and worked hard so I would have a good record and give them no excuse to refuse me, but as I say, Don't do more than dream. I'll let you know as soon as I know anything definite. So just keep your legs crossed and hope. I'll do the same. I would sure like to see you sweet old devil. It tickles me to hear you say you feel that way once in a while. I can't imagine it. Must be I kept you too well satisfied. Didn't know I was that good a man.
I'll let you be a little proud of me if you want to but I don't know why. I'm the one to be proud. You are doing a swell job of getting along by yourself. You see I have reports from other people about you. I thought you might try to shit me just to keep me happy. To be honest honey you are doing so much better than I expected that I really am becoming afraid you won't need me any more. You better damn you or I'll be like Henry B. & Sgt.Brown.
Well honey I'm back on the day shift again and I don't know whether I like it or not. I enjoyed that night work and it gave me more time to myself as you can tell by the no of letters I wrote you. First weeks I ever equalled your letters. I hope it didn't spoil you because I may not be able to keep it up. They don't know if they will continue the night shift yet or not. The other crew didn't go to work tonight. They think they might pick two men to take a steady night shift and I said I would as soon work at night as in the day. It was left that way.
Tonight the first Sargent left word for me to see him at 0700 tomorrow. I don't know of anything I "fucked up" on so it may be that. I'll find out tomorrow.
As soon as we had supper tonight a few of us took off to the pool again. Had a nice hour's swim. Boy that sure does help to have some recreation I like so handy. It'll keep me in shape now that I don't have so many exercises. After all the bragging I've done I'd hate to come home with it back on again.
You're a nice old thing begging cookies and sending them to me. I wish you could send me the ice cream but the cookies will be very much appreciated. You see you taught me a bad habit. I get hungry by bed time and such things come in mighty handy. Here in the army I can't raid the ice box when ever I want to. Who says you didn't teach me anything?
I have recovered some of my old appetite. I'm nearly always ready to eat. While I was working nights last week I was eating 4 meals a day. Imagine that. The cooks fixed us a lunch for midnight. Sandwiches and fruit. We didn't have anything to carry coffee in or we would have had that too. We're in good with the cooks. Good guys to have on your side. When they have something specially good I can usually work them for seconds.
Well honey I have to shave and shit yet and it is almost lights out so I quit for tonight. Night honey, wish you were here so I could uncross those nice legs of yours. I love you tootsie and am also dreaming.
your loving soldier.

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