Thursday, May 19, 2011

Letter # 365 May 12, 1944

Somewhere on the West Coast
May 12, 1944
Friday. Morn.
My darling wife;
Well, honey, we arrived at our destination and I have found out what I can write and what I can't.  Gosh it sure puts a crimp in my style of letter writing.  All our letters will be censored.  In fact any type of communication will pass through the censors.  About all I can tell you is, I love you, and personal things like that.  I don't even feel like writing as personal as I have been in the habit of doing. 
That is a rather long explanation and excuse for the brevity of the letters I will be writing from now on.  I'm sorry, sweetheart, but it's all I can do.
This mail business is the least of the bad news.  I'm very much afraid that all our plans for this summer are now as pipe dreams.  They were fun to dream anyhow.  Of course things can change at any time.  You know the army, but for now you can forget all about being with me this summer.  It's hell honey, but this can't last forever.  We'll be together again one of these days when this business is all over. 
I haven't suddenly gone extravagent.  I'm writing in accordance with regulations.  If some of my letter should be cut out it won't damage the rest of the letter. [He is writing on one side of paper only. His usual  method is to use every bit of both sides of the paper.]
As far as we know now, we will have little if any, liberty.  You may be sure if anything good turns up that I will let you know immediately. 
I imagine that you already have the new address.  Just in case - I'll write it here also.
T/4 Norman W. Effinger 35607651
Co. C  775 Tk. Bn.
A.P.O. 5224 % P.M.
San Francisco, Calif.
We are in a rather nice camp.  Good barracks, well fed, and as happy about the whole thing as I could be under the circumstances.  Anything that keeps me away from you doesn't contribute much to my happiness.  I love you sweetheart.
I'm in the same position as "Funny" Oberholtzer was about six months ago.
I may get a chance to send a wire and end your waiting before you get this.  There won't be much comfort in it, but I know you are waiting to come and can appreciate how you feel. 
I imagine the letters you mailed while we were traveling will catch up in a day or so.  They'll catch up sometime anyhow. 
Well, sweetheart, I guess I have said all I have to say.  Bye for this time.  I love you so much.  You're my darling wife. 
Your Hubby.

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