Monday, October 4, 2010

Letter # 103 September 30, 1943

Sept 30, 1943
My loving wife;
Hi sweetheart you old devil, I love you. Getting bad when I have to tell you I love you the first line I write. If that furlough doesn't get here soon, most of my letters will be a string of "I love yous". I do, so there too.
Well honey, after tomorrow I can say, only a week left, and 6 days, 5 days, 4 days, 3days, 2 days, 1 day, Oh Boy, here I come. Wish I had some of superman's powers of locomotion. Then I could just leave a streak in the air from here to you. As it is I won't waste any time you can bet. I want to see you badly. I loves my Chubbins and I want to show her how much.
I sent you a package today. The garrison cap I bought and a couple things I didn't want with me anymore. Also three "Yanks". I had also bought you a little present but got gypped. I saw some decks of cards with the army eagle on, so I bought a pair. When I got back I found the girl had made a mistake and gave me navy cards. I sent them along anyhow. I guess it won't make much difference. I'm just cutting down on the stuff I'll have to tote along with me. The cake box came in handy. I was wondering where I could get a box, and here you send me one. Good old wifey to the rescue again.
I spent all afternoon getting my stuff ready. We are going on the new schedule next week and that means only evenings off, so I worked like a beaver all afternoon. Washed my musette bag, gas mask carrier, sewed on 4 pr of T/5 stripes, stenciled my name on my barracks bags and etc. Want to be all ready to take off like a streak when I get those furlough papers. We aren't supposed to pack our gas masks, so I suppose I'll have to wear it home. I washed the bag just in case I couldn't get all I want in the bag I have. I've still got a few things to do but I guess I'll make it Sat. aft.
Damn the army and their changes anyhow. I'll have to hurry like hell to make a quick connection home.
Things are going very smoothly and nothing much of interest happening this week in school. To you I mean. We are still tearing Torchy apart and putting her back together, so I won't waste any time or space on her.
I continue with comments on your letters. I still have two here to cover. Sun & Mon. So you now have the same time as we do here. I'll have to remember that in case you want me to call you.
My, my, honey, such conduct for a school teacher. Going out drinking at 1 A.M. in the morning. Won't be long before I'll be there for you to come home to. You always were nice and responsive after a couple drinks. Wish I had been there.
Gus and I went to the show Tuesday evening. Good cowboy picture with lots of shooting and more people killed. I always enjoyed that kind of show, but you should see Gus. He just jumps up and down. He was still so excited when we got back that he couldn't even take a piss until he calmed down. I had more fun watching him than the show.
I have never noticed the song book you mentioned but I'll look the next time I go to the old post. They'll have it there if anywhere.
You don't have to worry about not dreaming of me. I'll soon be there so you don't have to dream. Then I suppose you'll dream of Steve. You old devil you. I don't care. You can dream of anyone you want to as long as I have you awake. This dreaming isn't very satisfactory so I don't envy Steve a bit.
That sure was a novel experience you had with your plastered pupil. Your reaction amuses me most of all. Sounds like a typical old maid school teacher, but I have had very definite proof that you aren't an old maid in actions.
I guess though it would be very surprising in school, with kids of that age. I never heard of that happening before, except in college. The little devil. I'll bet it taught him a lesson.
I hope you aren't the bad influence honey. You know you get nice and happy once in a while, yourself. I like you that way. You have a tendency to be a bit passionate then, and you always have such a good time.
So you gals are still talking about those pictures. If I can get some more film I'll take some more, just to keep you gals busy deciding which one you want. Thanks for the compliment, honey, but I think you are the only one that would pick me for the best looking bum in the bunch. I always did have to depend on something beside looks for whatever attraction I might have. Even Grafton's wife only classified me as "interesting looking". I didn't either keep my hat on just so my bald head wouldn't show. That is one of the least of my worries, especially with a G.I. haircut.
I'm not trying to attract any girl friends anyhow. I've got all the girl I want and she says she loves me, bald head and all. That's all I want.
Don't worry about Torchy wearing me out. She may in some respects, but in the way I'm interested in, she isn't worth a damn. I can lay under her all day and not even get a thrill. You try that and see what happens. I get so thrilled I go blind and wild when you are around, even in a dream. Torchy is just a passing mental interest. You'll never be a passing interest and not all mental by a hell of a long way.
We love everything about you and are impatiently waiting for you to get in range, so we can show you. In fact we've had the desire since 5 weeks ago tonight, so we'll be in double A1 shape. You better be in the same shape or I'll have to take you out and get you happy. Since Kentucky, you've a very high standard to live up to. Think you can? I'm looking forward to it.
Well sweetheart, I guess I've covered your letters pretty well so I'll quit for today. I'm loving you so much and so anxious to be with you again, that these last few days seem to be rather slow. I know they aren't but I'm all impatient.
This waiting for a furlough is harder than not having one to look forward to. It won't be long though now. Down to single figures, only 9 more days, and then a couple weeks of heaven with my angel.
Night mummy darling. I'm hugging and kissing you by long distance all the time. I loves you Tootsie Wuggles and we'll make that third honeymoon the best ever.
your lover

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