Sunday, October 3, 2010

Letter # 101 September 28, 1943

Sept 28, 1943
Hello my lovely wife;
I didn't get any letter from you today so I'll have to think of something to write about. This Sunday business kind of screws up the mail business. I'll have two all at once tomorrow.
This afternoon Gus and I went over to the old post and after going to several different places succeeded in getting part of our chevrons. They didn't have any washable ones for the fatigues but I got 5 pair of the others. That will take care of the overcoat, blouse, wool shirts and field jacket. I got them for 30 cents pr so I saved myself 50 cents. Wouldn't have been worth the waste in shoe leather, if I had anything else to do, but on army pay 50 cents looks rather big. Beside the shoe leather is the army's'.
Tried to get some more film, but no good. I would like to bring a few rolls home if I can get them. Might want to take some more pictures of my wife, so I won't forget what she looks like after I've gone back to the army again. I also want to get a few more pictures of the camp and the fellows. I still don't know if I will be able to get any tank pictures, but I'm sure going to try. I hate to think of spending my time in a tank outfit and not having a picture to show for it.
I guess it is nearly certain that we will be on the new shift next week. Damn it anyhow. I don't suppose a couple hrs. more or less will make much difference but I'm very miserly about those hrs. I'm supposed to have with you. I want every minute of them and it makes me mad that they are going to make me a couple hrs. later in getting away. I want to see you so badly again, I'm all excited already, and here it is eleven days yet to go. That's less days than I will be with you, but I bet they won't go nearly as fast.
I love you sweetheart. I wish I would never have to leave you for more than a few hours at a time, the rest of our days. That's what you get for being so nice and sweet. You'll never be able to keep me off your apron strings. You got yourself a lifetime job taking care of me. You've already signed the contract so I'm not even going to ask you if you want the job. You've got it.
We are still enjoying the cake, have just enough left for a piece for each of us this evening. We ate it all ourselves too. If the way I tore into that is any indication, it may be that my stomach will overcome some of my passion and I'll let you go long enough once in a while to bake me something. The old saying, "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." may be partly true at least. I always did enjoy your cooking but I would never have said that it had anything to do with my loving you. I still prefer to think it was some other attraction. I can see though now how cooking ability might help. That cake was sure good. I'm putting in an order for some more when I get home.
Oh hell honey, it's no use trying to discover the qualities about you that make me love you so much. It's just because you're you. I love anything and everything about you. Even during your ornery spell, just after you get up in the morning, I love you. I can't touch you or talk to you but I love you. If I had put in an order and had you made to specifications, you couldn't have been more satisfactory. I was lucky as hell I found you and got my mark on you before some other guy saw you, and discovered how nice you were. You're a peach. I'm hungry enough for you to just eat you up as if you were a peach. I'll try to curb myself though because if I ate you I couldn't have you anymore and then I would be hurtin. There's no more like you. They threw the formula away as soon as you were created. Ain't I lucky to have the only one ever made.
I love you gorgeous. If I loved you any more I'd bust wide open. My heart swells up and gets too big for my chest now when I think of you. The heart wasn't the only thing that swells up either.
Gus just told me we are going to the show. Good cowboy picture he says. So I'll end this for today. I'm rather cheating you on letters the last few days but gee honey, I can't write when I know I'll be seeing you soon. Writing letters is O.K. but I like to do my loving first hand. I love you forever sweetheart. Bye now Chubbins. 11 more days and I'll be seeing you. Loves you mummy.
your adoring husband.

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