Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Letter # 30 May 19, 1943

May 19, 1943
Wed. eve. 9 P.M.
Hello Sweetheart;
I'm going to do like you did last Friday and make this letter short. We have an inspection first thing in the morning and then go back on the range for a couple days and I still have some work to do to get ready. I'm not trying to even up for your short letter but just don't have time. I wish I could write more, I like to, to you and don't misunderstand the crack about your letter. You are a good little letter writer, don't think you have even missed a day, which is a lot more than I can say.
You wonder how I get all the letters written. I have all day Sunday with nothing else to do while you work all the time. That's the difference.
I got three very nice lettes from you today, two of yours and the combined one of the kids. Too bad you are having such bad weather you can't even have an outside weiner roast. There ought to be enough wood left to roast quite a few.
So our good friends put the screens on and are taking good care of my little wife. She's sweet, they ought to. I would if I were there.
I also got the cakes and they were in good shape. We had a regular party on them. Thank Tib for me and I will write her a letter as soon as I have time. They tasted swell and were much appreciated by the boys. I left you have the credit for baking them and the boys think they see why I married you, but they don't know the half of it. While you could have baked them as well as Tib, you're cooking ability wasn't all I married you for. I love you so damn much it hurts honey.
They have posted a list of the job classifications and guess what they gave me. A Supply job. I'm like Steve, I don't think much of it at present. Leo also has the same job. I will find out more about it and if I still don't want it, I may have a chance to change to something else. It almost seems a job for a limited service man and I sure as hell am not that, neither is Leo.
I don't know how soon we are to take over our new duties. Since we have a new commander it may not be until after the 13 week period. I will let you know as soon as I know anything deffinite.
Could you read the letter I wrote on the range? The moon was just bright enough to see the lines but I couldn't see the words very well. Iope you can make it out.
I'm still all in one piece and feeling very well. Not even a little thing wrong with me physically, but sometimes I am not here mentally and you, the cause of that condition. I just can't help but think of you and do a little dreaming about you. You're sweet and I love you whole lots.
Wayne Good's wife was down for the weekend. It took her two full days to get here and they only had Sat night together. They went to DeRidder and Wayne says they had a decent room in a hotel. The other two nights, Friday and Sunday she spent at the guest house. Wayne said it was worth it but it looks to me like a hell of a lot too much trouble for what little time they had together. He didn't seem to be any happier either. For my part I would sooner wait until I had several days to see you. When I have you again I want you for more than one night. Why I couldn't even get enough of looking at you in that time and I have some other things in mind beside looking, to do to you. I really love you honey.
If nothing else turns up before September or October we might get together that way then. I would be on some sort of job by then and could probably get leave every night for a couple weeks and then it would be fun. As you say, we can wait and see. I can live without you but I sure as hell don't like to. You're just too sweet to leave you running around loose. You were made to have someone enjoy living with you.
Well honey I've got to quit and get to bed. Will write as soon as I can again. Night honey. I love you.
your hubby.

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