Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Letter # 22 May 5, 1943

May 5, 1943
7:00 Wed evening
Hi Sweetheart;
Got two more letters from my "Tootsie Wuggles" today. The ones you wrote on the 1st & 2nd, you must spend all your spare time writing to me. What if I'm not worth it? I think I am. I'm sweet and I love you like hell, worthy of you or not. Like most of my letters I don't know just when it will be finished, I have to go to the dispensary for another shot in a few minutes and I may not get any more time to write tonight.
I took your tip and wrote a card to Kelly. Couldn't say much and don't know what I would have said if there had been more room, so it is practically nothing but card and address.
As for what I will do after basic training I haven't the least idea and I doubt if anyone else has either. It will undoubtably be easier after basic because we will be more settled and probably have a job to do and learn all there is to know of that one job whatever it may be. There are rumors that our basic will end before the 13 weeks are over but that is only rumor so I know very near nothing. We'll just have to wait and see.
You spoke of Bob being selfish and not knowing he is in the army. He has lots of company. Nearly all the young fellows here are always sending home for money and then they just loose it in craps or a card game and I imagine that is Bob's trouble too. There is nearly always a game of some kind in progress as long as anyone has any money. Like Bob Hope says, " I found the deffinition for barracks: a
A crap game with a roof over it" Very nearly true.
I wonder if Thurston Berry was moved also. I wrote to Barry & Ritter a long time ago but have had no reply.
While I think of it, don't be concerned if sometime soon you don't get any letters for several days or a week. They may at any time and on 5 minutes notice take us on an extended bivouwack trip. I don't know about the spelling of that word but I guess you can get the meaning. We have had orders to keep our field equipment in shape to move out at any time, so I rather expect it. We may get a chance to mail letters but I don't know. Just be prepared and don't worry.
I certainly could recognize the flowers and wish I could be there with you to see them. I think it is mostly to see you instead of the flowers.
You also said something about not complaining about anything as long as we could be together. Very sweet and makes me feel good but I don't remember that you ever did much complaining. A little at getting up and a little because I didn't tell you I loved you often enough, but that is all I can remember. You were very sweet even if I didn't appreciate it all I should have, maybe I will when we get together again.
So you are wearing my pajamas to keep warm. Shows you must not have another man in bed with you anyhow, or else he must be a poor excuse and not worthy of the priveledge. Yes, I think I would even let you lay against me all night but I don't know about the sleeping part. After nearly 6 weeks I think I could keep you busy for a part of the night at least, and resume in the morning if you could get in the mood. I bet maybe even you could do that or don't you miss me that much. I love you more and more and have gotten to be a real mail hound, always on hand at mail call and so anxious to read your letters I read them before I even move from the spot and they always come first no matter how many others I get. You are a very sweet letter writer and even though you say you don't express yourself very well I can read a little more between the lines and imagine any that might be missing. I love our letters nearly as much as you, they are your representative.
I haven't been able to keep your letters because of lack of room and I don't think it necessary to keep them as evidence. I know damn well you love me and will continue to, so there too.
As for the cigarettes and matches, there are plenty of them handy and they only cost $0.12 a pack. I'll let you know if I need anything. I think I have been depending on you quite a lot already haven't I ? and you do a good job every time. You are sweet and I love you to pieces.
Very glad to hear you are getting along so well financially and with the gasoline also. You ought to get a check from the government by the middle of the month to add to your collection. Looks like you are doing so much better by yourself than we did together, maybe I had better stay away. You would have a hell of a time keeping me away after they turn me loose from the army. You're a sweet devil.
About the water heater, it is turned quite high but I don't believe it would have any effect on the bill to turn it down. They probably didn't read the meter this mo. but just based it on the previous mo. so I would wait for the next one before saying anything. If you want the heater turned down get either Harold or Carl to stop and do it for you.
So you are becoming plumber and general handyman about the house. Good for you. I am becoming more and more proud of you all the time. The only thing is maybe you will become so good you won't need me to take care of you anymore and that would be hell. Maybe you could just play helpless and let me take care of you anyhow.
Well this is a little short but I have to shower and shave yet so I guess I better leave you for tonight. Night tootsie. I am looking forward to the day when I will say that while laying beside you again. I love you georgeous and always will. I'll show you too so you can't have any doubts. Another kiss and "goodnight". I was tempted to kiss your picture.
Your loving husband,
P.S. Here is a little poem I thought you might enjoy.


sue said...

where is the poem?

Unknown said...

I think I have it! I have a box of memorabila that Mother must have put together and saved. I think it's an old candy box. Contains newspaper clippings, some coins, army patches, etc. There are two items that might fit here and could have been folded into a letter. I'll make a note to get it.

sue said...

Okay - we are now connected.