Saturday, June 12, 2010

Letter # 41, June 11, 1943

June 11, 1943
Friday 12 A.M.
Hello darling wife;
I've been forced to neglect my letter writing to you for a few days. I haven't had an opportunity to write since Monday night. Terrible isn't it? I want to but just don't seem to have time. I am starting this during noon hour and if I'm lucky I may finish it this evening.
Tues, night we had our regular bowl formation. Wednesday night we went out on bivouac and stayed until this morning. At the present time I haven't even had my shoes off since Tues. night. They really try to keep us busy. Mail call right now. I'll see if I get one from you.
I didn't get a chance after mail call to write any more. It is now 9 P.M. and I have just finished scrubbing barracks and finally have gotten out of my clothes. I'm going to make this letter very short because I want to preform the 3 s's of personnel maintenance - shit, shower, shave and then go to bed. I haven't had more than 6 hours sleep in the past two nights, guard duty and going on a night compass course of several miles have kept me on my feet most of the time. I don't feel very tired or sleepy but I think I better rest. Inspection day tomorrow and I must look my best.
I did very well with the mail call. One from Steve, one from Clyde, and two from the nicest woman in the world. I think you are and I love you more than you think. I'll prove it sometime. Wish I could now. I just feel like loving tonight.
Well I'm going to quit now. I'll write you a nice letter over the weekend. Sorry I can't seem to write more often. It's mean but I can't help it. Night honey, I love you.
your loving soldier,

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