Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Letter # 39 June 5, 1943

June 5, 1943
Sat. Eve. 7:30
Dear Wife;
Here it is Sat. evening again. The weeks seem to fly by. I guess because they keep us so busy. Just think, it is 10 weeks ago that I left you. In that respect it seems an awful long time, but otherwise not so long. I haven't had much time to write you this week and haven't written to anyone else at all for a couple weeks. Guess I'll have to get busy and catch up.
This past week I worked until 9 every night. I have been given the thankless job of assistant to the non-commissioned recreational officer. He is this Sgt.Rush I bunked with on the range that night and because I didn't keep my mouth shut it led to more work. While we were talking that night he found out I knew a little about a lot of things and decided I would be a good one to help him. We built a volly ball court this week and this coming week we are to build a horseshoe court and boxing ring. Now you can see where I come in. I know too much about construction. We are also going to try to cut sod and sod the area in front of the orderly room. It is an area about as big as our front lawn, so you can see we have a good sized job to do. We will have plenty of men to help and he says I am not to do any work, just see that it is done, but I never was much good at sitting down and letting the other fellow do all the work, so I'll probably get my exercise for the next week or two. There is so little good sod in this country that we hunted for some time before we found some suitable, about 8 miles north of camp. We just took a truck and started looking and looked until we found it.
The barracks are nice and quiet and empty tonight. We just got paid and all the boys are at the P.X. trying to drink all the beer and soft drinks in La. The boys were all broke so badly they didn't even have cigarettes. I loaned all the carton you sent me, so the boys all thank you. You're sweet. I have them all back now, also all my money that I had loaned. I did a lot better this mounth. { I put a 'u' in month again. I won't do it again. } I got $19.90 after all deductions. Add that to what I had left and what you sent and I again have $48.00 so I'm doing O.K. Don't worry if I ever go broke I'll call on you. I'm not that stubborn. You should be getting your check soon and, as you tell me, don't be afraid to spend it if you want to. I guess you'll have to spend most of it. The life insurance and car insurance will be due the first part of July and you will probably get the statements soon.
Don't pay any attention to the income tax statements. I'll write them a note, but if you should receive more statements, just burn them up. Don't pay a cent on them.
I sent you a special note on this at noon hoping it would get out yet today but you may get both letters together. While I'm thinking of it, did you open the cellar windows? If you haven't, impose on one of our good friends to do it for you when they are there.
I love you honey, here's a couple of long distance squeezes. Oh Boy!
Yesterday being Friday, I worked at the motor park all day. Along about 4 P.M. we got notice from headquarters that there would be an inspection of all equipment Sat morning, and the names on several of the vehicles had to be changed and we had a half track that would have to be painted before inspection, so I worked there until 10 last night, but we did it.
That is one of the biggest faults with the army. They give you almost no time and very little equipment to work with and will accept no excuses. Just get it done somehow and on time or as the expression in the army goes, "You'll be hurtin." meaning a good tongue lashing, and you can't talk back, or extra detail. Don't misunderstand. I like the job as much as ever, but was just trying to give you an idea of what the army expects the men to do.
I don't know if I told you or not, but Leo is teaching a 1 hour class every day. There are over 100 men in this regiment that cannot read or write and Leo and three others are given the job of teaching them to if they can. Most of them are from Kentucky & W. Virgina. Norm Rahill is in army intelligence and Carl Bauman is in the personell office, so we are all getting set in jobs of some kind.
There are several men they didn't place in jobs being transferred to someplace else and there will be more transferred later because the division is about 2000 men over strength at present. They will be sent someplace in the next couple mo. If they go north I wouldn't mind being one of them.
I got my hair cut at the post barber shop today and the barber is a native. He says it will get 115 degrees here in the next mo. I would just as soon not be here then. I don't seem to mind the heat so much anymore so I'll make it. I'm feeling swell and healthy as a horse.
Don't be too thrilled about the pictures or expect too much. It's hard to make a good picture of me and all these damn fools were standing around distracting my attention. I haven't seen any proofs or anything so I have no idea of how they will look. I'll send me along as soon as I get me. Wish I could send me in person instead of likeness. I could give you a good loving.
I got the glasses in good shape. Thanks honey. You're sweet and I love you like hell.
I also was thinking of the trips we used to take over weekends. I took mine but it wasn't nearly as much fun as those used to be. You were missing and believe me I really miss you at times like that. It just doesn't seem right to go someplace without you. While working I don't miss you so much, but when I'm off duty, part of me is missing and I'm like a lost dog. I love you honey.
Time for lights out so I'll quit for tonight. I hear we get up at regular time tomorrow and there will be some work details, so I may not have much time to write after all.
Sun. Morn. 8:30
Hi sweetheart. We did get up at 5:30, had chow and then had the articles of war read to us again. After that they sent about half of us on details and I'm one of them. I guess it doesn't pay to be a good worker. This is the first Sunday we have been on duty and you ought to hear the bitching. I'm even doing a little but not as much as the boys that wanted to go someplace.
This is the first Sunday we have been on duty and you ought to hear the bitching. I'm even doing a little but not as much as the boys that wanted to go someplace. They have money again and the Co. is restricted to camp and on top of that we have work to do. I would like to catch up on my letters but aside from that I don't care. When I'm busy the day goes so much faster and as I've said before, the faster they go the quicker I come home to you again.
11 A.M. Sunday
Just got back from getting a load of sod so I'll write a little more.
In following your last few letters:
So Mick is getting his first exam Tues. If he passes I suppose that will mean he will be in the army about the middle of July. I hope for his sake he doesn't get sent to the south for the summer. In fact I hope he doesn't get sent at all, but I imagine he feels as I do and wants to do his part. Good thing Jr. is left or you would soon be by yourself.
Marg had told me Bob was on the sick list but not serious, just incapacitated for a time.
I thought I had written that I was getting the Gazette. I have gotten it for a couple weeks. I haven't written your folks since so thank them for me. I enjoy reading it now that I am away from home.
I see you are still contributing your part to it. One of the issues, the whole South Pike news was composed mostly of news of the Effingers. Mrs. Norman Effinger was here and Mrs. Norman Effinger was there and etc. You're doing O.K. honey.
About the car. If it bothers stalling too much leave it at Laurenz's or the Ply. garage along side the Diner and have it fixed. It is the wiper and not the hose that is bad and if that is the trouble have them put on a new or rebuilt one. I think you could probably get a rebuilt one at Laurenz's. I doubt if that is the trouble, probably needs carburator adjustment for idling.
I still think you were more homesick than constipated on our honeymoon but I won't argue the point. It was the best week I ever spent in any case. We'll have another after this again. Better than the first.
Don't worry about loosing any more weight to keep up with me. A few cans of ice cream and several of those meals at card parties will put it all back on me again. I'm back in real good shape and feeling swell. Don't even burp anymore.
Just had mail call. No mail but Marg sent me a copy of "See Here, Private Hargrove".
Don't know when I'll have time to read it, but I may.
I love you honey and still think you're the best thing that ever happened to me.
your loving soldier,
P.S. I almost forgot. Sometime when you send me another package, I hope, send me my hunting knife, the one with the leather sheath. It's on the workbench I think, and also one of the pocket knives I have laying around. Thanks honey. No hurry about this.

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