Saturday, April 28, 2012

Letter # 460 August 23, 1944

New Guinea
Wed. eve
Aug. 23, 1944
My sweetheart;
As you have probably noticed by the stationery, I got your first package today.  There were only a very few and Mac and I both got one.  Good job, honey.  First to reach here for us.  Now you can rest easy, the wrong address didn't have any bad effect, apparently.  Everything but the envelopes in perfect shape.  The box was well banged up but not a thing damaged.  Just like Christmas.  I got a big kick out of it.  Kinda makes it seem you are closer and still taking care of me.  Wish it didn't only seem that way.  I love you.
That packing around the camera sure surprised me.  I knew from the many times you mentioned it, it must be something "queer" but I never thought of that.  I held it up and exclaimed, "My God, look what she uses for packing!"  The boys got a big kick out of it.  We've been trying to find some use for them but the best we could think of so far is to hang them outside like a flag and make everyone wonder where we've been.  Of course it had to get a bit dirty too.  Someone wanted to know why not a slightly used one so it would at least have a "smell".  Wouldn't that be something?  Well anyhow it did the job and beside I like personal things of yours.  Never had any love for those things though, did I?  Blame me?  Every time they show up I loose a lot of special loving.  If we go on with our plans we may not have to bother with them for some time.  You can throw your "package" away too.  I'm not letting myself think of the long bad stretch if it works.  Really have to keep on the ball the first half year won't we?
The camera is as good as when it left home.  I'll start getting some pictures but don't expect to get any too soon.  It takes a long time for developing and printing.  The soap got here just in time.  I haven't been able to get any for some time and I used my last this week.  Laundry soap I mean.  The lighters all work swell.  Very glad you sent them too.  I have three or four books of matches left and that's all.  I'm smoking my pipe now for the first time in several weeks.  Gosh it tastes good.  I bought a package [all I could get] at the P.X. and when I opened it, it was so musty I couldn't use it.  This is dandy.
I'm sorry I can't say much good about the air mail paper.  This is alright but the envelope type I don't care for.  I'll use it on other people I don't have much to say to.  It'll be better than V-mail in a pinch too.  The envelopes are all sealed tight from the dampness but the stamps are O.K.  If you send any more things with glue on them put pieces of cellophane [off packs of cigarettes] over the glue area.  Glue won't stick very tight to it.    Have to do that here all the time.  Even have all your pictures covered with it or the dampness at night will curl them up.
There, I guess that about covers the package.  You're a very sweet wife.  I love you so much.  Thanks a lot, honey.
No letter again today but I did get July 7 Gazette and a Colliers.  Contact is established all around now.
I was thinking if I don't loose this camera and get it safely back to the states, it will surely be a well traveled camera.  Over almost all the States and Steve even had it in S. America.  Now it's in N. Guinea.  Sure is getting around.
Honey, all the things I've talked about in this letter can be considered on the request list again.  I can use it all the time.  I'd also like a new pipe, yellow bowl, or something similar.  $1.00 - $1.50.  I lost one and so now I have to use the same one all the time.  Few cigars might be welcome also.  If you ever get a chance to buy another couple of lighters, like the one you sent or similar, I'd like them too.  How am I doing on requests now?  Enough to suit now?  You're sweet.  Have I told you that recently?  Don't dare tell you too often or you'll be getting too conceited for your own good. You've plenty to be conceited about though, so I guess it's all right. I love you so much I can't see any, [at least very few] of your faults.  You're my perfect wife.
The time on the package isn't at all bad.  July 3 to Aug 23. I figured at least 8 - 10 weeks or even more.  I think you must have the Post Office Department charmed or something.  I seem to get  better service than most of the boys do.  You're some girl.
I take it you're kidding about me sending a baby kangaroo.  You'd better be.  Even if he could stand the trip, by the time he got there he wouldn't be a baby anymore.  Afraid a grown one would be a little like a bull in a china shop.
Yes, I've often thought, that as much as you hate bugs, you'd go wacky in no time over here. Couldn't sit down to read or go to bed if a fly was buzzing around.
Played ball again this afternoon.  Put me in to pinch hit in a tight spot again and this time I did it.  The game ended 2 - 3 in our favor.  I can run all right again too.  Like a colt. [an old one though].
Don't ever think I wouldn't like to come home and tell you about the rest of the world.  You probably get more immediate information from a letter but there would be times when we could take a long enough break to tell you some things.  Maybe at the end of two or three months you have heard most of it.
I'm loving you, honey.
Your hubby.

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