Friday, January 13, 2012

Letter # 441 Aug 4, 1944

New Guinea
Aug 4
My Lovable wife;
Another day and no letter from you.  I did get one from Vi, written on the 10th.  Dont' get my telling you about the letters wrong.  I'm not blaming you or thinking you aren't writing or anything like that.  I'm telling you 'cause I think you are interested in how they come.  I'm as certain that you are writing all the time as I am that you love me.  That's sure if actions and telling are any indication. 
You do tell me an awful lot of very sweet and complimentary things.  If they were all true, I'd be some unusual man.  I know I'm nice.  You're nicer though, by a long way.  I love you so much. 
Wild just stopped in the tent and asked me if I knew where I was a year ago today.  I'm not the only one missing the old days at Knox.  Gosh, if time could be turned back, it would only be two more days until I'd see you.  I remember how I counted the hours, 72, 48, 24, 12, 6, and.  Then only the bus trip from camp to the Brown Hotel.  I'm wrong there.  It wasn't the Brown but I can't think which one it was.  That walk from the station to the hotel was probably the most exciting walk I ever took.  Would you be there?  Had something held you up at the last minute?  Gosh, how I want to see that wife of mine again and a thousand other thoughts jumping around in my head.  My heart was jumping too and not from exercise.  Everything was jumping. 
There you were, looking very beautiful and with that look in your eyes that always thrills me and I'll never see enough of.  Like the time I came back after asking you to consider being my wife, only more thrilling now than it was then.  I could have teased you a bit there, only now that I know you were so happy about the whole thing, you couldn't talk, I won't.  I promised didn't I? 
I can still tease you about Steve and your dreams of other men.  Mean, aren't I?  Aw, hell honey, I have to tease you a little.  You like to be teased only in a little different way.  I like to tease that way too.  Remember the days before we were married? About all I did was tease.  Didn't do me much good either.  You must have thought some funny things about me then.  I know I acted badly at times.  You just do that to me, you luscious devil.  Still do, anytime I get near you.  You got everything and do I love it! 
Now I'm going to finish your letter of the 19th.
Contrary to your expectations, I'm afraid I'll make a poor father, but maybe I can learn.  I'm willing to try anyhow.  You'll make a nice mother I know and you've had quite a lot of experience already.  Teacher beside.  Good combination I'd say. 
I'm looking forward to it too.  We can try out some new things that we've mentioned several times and have no fear of the results.  Gee, honey, wish you were by me right now.  I might even surprise you a bit. 
I haven't yet gotten the letter where you tell something about the marital relations of Gus and Jean.  I can guess though.  I never did think he'd be any truer with her than he had to be.  Too bad too.  I didn't used to like her too much but the longer I know her the more I think she's a darn nice girl.  I'm for her. 
I'm like you.  I think it's swell that we feel as we do about each other.  Can't help being very, very happy can we?  I can't see man and wife living together and each going his own way.  It's got to be all or nothing.  That's the way we are.  We're really in love to stay.  Got a lot to look forward to and be happy about. 
I don't blame you for bitching once in a while about the people having all the fun and money now.  I get the same feeling at times.  Not about the money but about the enforced separation.  If necessary I'd give all we will ever have to get back where I want most to be.  By you all the time.  We'll make up for it as much as possible one of these days.
There was a time when I knew if you were "floating". I was in for a special loving.  Not very true any more.  You've done very well on nothing since I've been away.  Seems the separation has wakened us both in some ways.  One good thing we've gained. 
You  mention me saying your estimate of Baker very nearly right.  Back in the states he seemed ok, only rather kiddish, which I thought natural, but since we've started to come over he is showing what you saw in his picture.  He is always complaining about something and bitching 'cause he had to get sent over.  Lazy as hell.  Even says he'd rather sit up all night than do the necessary work to get his bed ready to sleep in.  That's going some.  We're all in the same boat and I don't like to hear someone crying all the time. 
The lights I spoke about refilling are kerosene.  You should see them.  Real elaborate affairs of our own making.  Tin can with a hunk of rope or web belting for a wick and no chimney.  They flicker like hell and are hard on the eyes, I expect, but they answer the purpose.  For some time I've been trying to find a bottle to cut the bottom out of and use for a chimney.  Not a bottle in sight.  Scarce as white women. 
The Red Cross was here with their mobile canteen again today.  Served chocolate cake and drink.  I got my share too. 
Well, nighty, night sweetheart.  I'm still loving and missing you more and more each day.  You're my perfect wife. 
Your hubby.

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