Monday, February 27, 2012

Letter # 451 August 14, 1944

New Guinea
Monday eve
Aug, 14, 1944
Hello, Sweet & Gorgeous;
Another day and another letter from you.  Aug.1. Nice letter and another leg picture.  Two pair of them too.  Darn nice looking legs.  One pair looks a lot better to me than the other pair but I'd settle now for either.  As far as you are concerned in this picture, aside from the legs, it's rather poor.  I can't quite say you look very beautiful in this one.  It's still a rather pulse stirring picture, but honey, when you pose for that kind of picture, for gosh sakes, don't look so dead.  Louise has a bit more of the idea. You know, turn on the personality as well as show the legs.  You were really doing it in the first one you sent.  If you had the same look on your face in this one it would be a honey.  You surely weren't doing yourself justice this time.  There, do you feel bad now?   I like the picture anyhow.  It's you and you do have very swell legs.  I love you. 
I've got all your pictures mounted under cellophane on my table where they are in plain sight.  I like to be able to look at you often.  I also have my model girl, the one that reminds me so much of you, stuck up on the table also.  When my imagination doesn't suffice, I take a squint at her.  She really could pass for your double in all ways that matter.  Not as chubby as you, but as you know I like 'em chubby better than otherwise.  Gives you more curves and places to pinch and pet.  This model is standing and facing one quarter away.  Take a look in the mirror sometime after a bath and you'll see what I'm looking at.  Wish I had the real thing instead of only an image. 
Who took the picture of Louise and you?  Did she send one to Mickey?  I imagine it would have a "raising " effect on him also. 
Thanks for the suggestions of names to call you.  I like one better than the rest.  Somewhat along the same line as one I used to call you and you didn't like it too much.  "Bubbles".  Remember?  I never thought to add the bobbing to it.  That is a nice physical description, but it isn't what I was really after.  You aren't only physically attractive you know.  I guess"perfect wife" is as near as I can come until I have a brainstorm and invent a new one.  Unless I write a book about you, I can't seem to find anything else that entirely describes you.  You're going to have to quit being so perfect in all ways.  If you were like most, describing the physical side would be sufficient.  Good to look at and that is all.  Not you, though.  Darn good to look at and love and beside that, intelligent, sweet, faithful, and capable.  You're my "perfect wife".  I love you.  If you can be satisfied with that for now, you can be sure I'll do my level best to show you all I can when I get home.
Gosh, honey.  Can it be Babe saying she is going into physical training  for a while before I come home so you'll be in top shape?  Doesn't sound like my old Babe.  I don't think it's very necessary either.  You did plenty all right without training.  If you get too good you'll be too good.  Get me? 
Don't forget any of the "surprises" you mention. I like surprises that are as thrilling as those.  You have been a constant source of surprises to me the past year.  These letters you write don't sound very much like the Babe that used to say, "All right if you must" and be rather impatient to get back to your books.  I loved you an awful lot then.  Think what my love should be now.  Will be too if I'm man enough.  You say you ache all over for me and the time when I'll be home again.  You can double that.  It goes for me too.  Sometimes I almost give up when I think how long it could be before I can get home by you again.  We sure are missing a hell of a lot of good time.  Going to be a big job catching up.  It's one job I'll never mind working overtime on.  I'll love it all the time.  I love you all the time.  Night, sweetheart.
Your lover

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