Monday, February 27, 2012

Letter # 449 August 12, 1944

New Guinea
Sat. eve.
Aug 12, 1944
My darling wife;
Sunday coming up again.  The weeks are flying right along.  Hard to believe it will soon be fall at home.  That was always my time of year.  Remember how we'd go hunting nuts or take the rifle and shoot walnuts off the trees?  Good times weren't they, honey?
Gosh what I wouldn't give to be able to do that this fall.  I'm missing my Mummy and all the splendid times we had together.  If the news is really as good as it sounds, it might not be too awful long.  I'm skeptical, however.  I'll believe it when I see the good old U.S. coast again.  I'm hoping and praying so hard, that if prayers are ever answered, it won't be long.  I'm loving you.  Did you know it? 
Our ball team took another loss today.  Very good game and a heart breaker to loose.  6 - 5 in ten innings.  Really a thriller to watch.  The game was tied nearly all the time. 
I'm living alone for the next week.  All the rest of the boys are on a detail away from camp.  If I get too lonesome, would it be all right to buy me a black woman?  She wouldn't cost very much.  Well, if you wouldn't like it very much, I won't.  Don't think I'd like it either.  They sure don't appeal to me in the least.  Guess from the pictures I sent you can see why.  I can get a lot more fun looking at your picture and dreaming than I could from them. 
No letters today, for the first time in a week.  I still have 3 left to answer.  I'm going to get caught up for a change.  I sure haven't been writing much news lately, only answering your letters.  Like you, I hate to get so far behind.  It takes long enough at best to get an answer without me holding it up at this end.  Here goes.  July 29.
Sweetheart, that bank roll sure sounds good.  Who said a woman can't have money?  Anyhow, I've got a woman that can.  More money than we ever had when I was home.  Of course I know you are an unusual woman.  The exception that proves the rule or something like that.  Even if you never add any more, it sounds more than adequate to finance our vacation and honeymoon and have plenty left to take care of "expecting" expenses, or if that doesn't pan out, something else we want.  The vacation should be a very inexpensive affair.  Live mostly on love and no expenses much, other than that.  Not even any "packages" to buy.  Ain't that something?  This enforced waiting is "hurtin".  I'm very anxious to start in.  I love you and miss you too. 
So Tony has also landed in England.  Between the two of us we have traveled a good part of the way around the world since last April.
Honey, you are a devil.  First you tell me not to worry about not being able to send you anything and then you ask me if I can't make you a bracelet of English coins.  You are a devil but not for asking.  It's because I'm working on a couple projects of the sort and wasn't going to say anything until I sent them.  Production is rather slow what with all my other activities. 
The Australians are always selling such trinkets for outrageous prices and I can do much better work myself.  They sell such a bracelet for from three to five pounds.  The value of the necessary coins is only about a dollar.  I'm too scotch to pay prices like that.  Anyhow, you'll have them coming, when, I don't know.  You're a sweet devil in spite of everything.  I'm thinking of you all the time. 
The picture of Mom Kelser and the dogs was very good.  Natural as can be.  Next to your pictures, I like it best. 
The Vandercook book that you are reading will probably tell a lot more about the island than I will ever know.  All of us here know very little about what things are.  Our information comes slowly from a few contacts with fellows that know.  It must have been summer when he landed on the island.  I'm sure it hasn't been as hot as 115 degrees as he says and I'm much nearer the equator than he when he first landed. 
You sweet thing.  Already planning to be there to meet me when I dock.  "I'll be wearing a red dress so you can spot me."  That would be swell and you can bet I'd run off the gangplank too.  Somebody would probably be killed in the rush.  It's a beautiful dream anyhow.  I don't quite see how it could be worked.  No way of telling you when I'd arrive.  Of this you can be sure.  If I can't, almost immediately take off for home, you'll get a summons to rush to where ever it may be.  That's for sure so maybe you'll get a chance at your trip yet.  Would you like that? 
Sure, you're a young lady even though you are 27 now.  I can't see that you look a day older or a bit different than when I first started to court you.  Let's see, you were only 19 then, Right?  That takes care of the young part.  Remember the times I've mentioned that fellows said you were a good looking lady?  They don't know you like I do either.  I agree wholeheartedly.  A perfect lady when you want to be.  I like you best though when you're being a sweet devil.  Much more alive and warmer, or more than warm.  You're nicest when you are being just you.  I love you so much. 
July 30.
Honey, I don't know if the critter I saw on the boat was a porpoise, dolphin or what.  All I know it was a fish of some kind and from a sketchy acquaintance with sea critters I just supposed it was a porpoise.  What the hell is the difference between them? 
From stories I hear the article was right about the crocodiles.  Haven't seen any in this area.  Probably killed off as most of the other game fish and etc. has been.  They say there are big crocodiles around the mouth of the rivers and smaller ones back in the interior.  The flies surely survived the destruction which other forms of life suffered.  Thick as hell and big too.  Good thing the tents are all open.  If a dozen of them got caught inside they'd carry it away.  Some of your questions are restricted. 
On the subject of flowers, trees and shells you've got me snowed under.  I don't know one from the other yet.  I've seen very few flowers.  May be the wrong time of year.  Sorry I can't do a better job answering your questions.  Keep 'em coming.  I'll answer all I can.
Signing off now, sweetheart.  Bye now and sweet dreams.  I'll be loving you.
Your man

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