Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Letter # 447 August 10, 1944

New Guinea
Aug. 10, 1944
My Chubbins;
I'm neglecting you a bit tonight.  I went to the show instead of writing to you.  I may get a fair letter written yet, if I don't get sleepy.  Not used to late hours anymore you know.  The show was "Best Foot Forward"  with Lucille Ball.  Wasn't worth neglecting you for.  I haven't been going very much lately.  The big part of the shows are only the usual run and you know I never was a show fiend.  I've been being a good boy, staying in nights, never drinking more than a couple bottles of beer at a time, no love affairs, [ except one by correspondence] and being a model boy in general.  Turn me loose in the good old U.S.A. again and see how long I lead that type of life.  The first thing I'll do is look up my correspondence sweetheart and if she's as nice as her letters and does all she has promised she would, well, there'll be a hot time in the old town from then on.  May even find time to get "stinkin from drinkin".  Probably go to bed early but not to sleep.  Gosh, my good, recently acquired habits are all shot to hell in no time.  Sounds like fun though, doesn't it? I'm expecting you to wake me up once in a while for a twenty minute break too.  I won't forget that, honey.  I'm loving you and there is plenty kisses, nice ones, and everything, all stored up here with me, waiting.
Got another letter today. July 30.  I won't answer it now.  I'll get to it in rotation.  Lot's of 'em ahead of that one to answer.  One more look at my "leggy" wife's picture and I'll get at it.  Did I ever tell you, you are very sweet and lovable?  You are.  I'm not prejudiced either.
Honey, you're laying it on a bit thick.  Everyone so impressed by my descriptions and command of English and being almost a professional artist.  Some stuff, but it sounds good coming from you.  I'm glad you think I'm so good and hope I can always keep you fooled.  I hope you didn't show my spelling.
I don't mind a bit that you forgot to pass on the greeting and good wishes of other people.  It's nice to know they are thinking of me but I want to hear that you are missing and thinking of me.  You do a swell job of that.  You're very special.  I love you.
Yes, I remember the day I was sick last spring.  I wasn't too sick though, was I?  I can still hear you teasing me, "Oh but you're sick."  Didn't hold out very long as I remember.  You make a perfect nurse.  A man couldn't stay very sick with you around. 
I am sorry I was so dumb about the rings.  You waited and wanted them a long time.  Hope it was worth the wait.  I'm waiting and wanting now too.  You are a tease.  Asking if I have any loving to spare and at the same time sending a "come get me " picture.  I could explode very easily.  After all, it's four months today since I've been with you.  That's a hell of a long time to be without your special brand of care.  I hate to think it may be only the beginning of our separation too.  Anyhow, bet it's the last.  You say you'll be a lush and I know I will, so we'll be seeing a lot of each other.  Can't be too much to suit me. 
You can tell 'em all for sure.  Here's one soldier that will be plenty satisfied to come back and resume normal living again.  I'd gladly trade any and all experiences and excitement I've had in the army for a few really exciting days and experiences with you.  You're more to me than anything else can ever be.  Does that convince you that you were right about me? 
Another day when you wrote two letters.  My gosh honey, you must love me.  I hardly deserve all that.  I like it though.  One of these days you can spend all this writing time showing and telling me.  I've got plenty of something coming, haven't I?  So have you. 
Once again, I must have anticipated your question and answered it before the query got here.  About where John was from.  Staten Island.  He says, "boid" "shoit" and etc.
Honey, I was only kidding about the "bad thought".  I'd go through a repeat performance of the Michigan episode any number of times for the privilege of just being with you.  You're nice even when you aren't good.  That night was well worth all the misery.  That was what finally broke down all your resistance.  Remember?  I do and could go on and prove it. 
Honey, I'm not trying to put "blinders" on you at all.  I promised last winter when I had the sore heel that I'd tell you the straight dope all the time.  So far I've done that and I will continue as much as I can with the freedom of speech I am allowed.  I am very well and safe as at home.  Not nearly as satisfied but how could I expect to be satisfied any place, without you? 
I don't know either, how you captured me.  I didn't intend to be caught when I started going places with you.  I only wanted a nice companion.  Now I've got one for life.  The most wonderful, sweet, beautiful, and loving wife a man could ever find.  I love you.
your lover

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