Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Letter # 140 November 30, 1943

Nov 30, 1943
Tues. Eve.
Dear Mummy;
Starting this early before supper and will probably finish it sometime later tonight. Have to go back to work for a couple hours. The tanks are going out again tomorrow and so far we only have 10 able to go. We have been trying to keep at least 12 on the operating list all the time. Have a couple that don't need too much work. Get them running and we will quit.
They issued an order in the battalion that all mechanics will take calisthenics so we now have an hour of exercise a few mornings a week. First I had taken since about the middle of Sept. Thought it would be kinda hard on the old man, but it wasn't. Can still touch my toes after I get warmed up. The belly isn't as much in evidence now as when I left, but they aren't taking me down nearly as fast as they did the first time down here. Have only lost about four of the ten you put on me when I was home. In the same length of time last spring I lost at least 15 lbs. Guess I'm getting used to army life. Never fear, I'll never come to like it well enough to stay any longer than necessary. I like to be with my little wife too much. I love you honey.
Today was payday again, rather close together this month. Got most of the last one left yet so I'm quite wealthy now. Come see me sometime and I'll take you out and show you a time, without taking you out.
Well honey we're back from work and it's only 2000. Did pretty good.
I got a letter from Jim today. Didn't waste much time answering it. He didn't, I mean. I probably won't get to answer it until the last of the week. As soon as I get it answered I'll send it on to you.
Sounds like I'm going to have something to eat before I go to bed at night. I imagine I'll tie into that as soon as it arrives, but I promise not to open the rest until time.
Glad you finally got the rest of your coal, probably have enough to last the winter now.
Well honey, I'll have to cut short again tonight. Have some things to do yet before bed time. I love you honey. I'm thinking of you a lot. Night sweetheart. I love you and love you.
your soldier

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