Thursday, November 25, 2010

Letter # 135 November 25, 1943

Nov 25, 1943
Hello Sweetheart;
I'm doing like you seem to do in writing your letters, start now and finish later. They turned us loose at 1430 this afternoon to get ready for the parade this evening at 1630. So I have a little time to write now and I'll finish it tonight after our
Thanksgiving supper. Haven't heard yet what it will be. I'll tell you about it after supper.
Sgt. Brown came back from his furlough last night. Says he got everything he went home to get. Went hunting and got two nice four point bucks, and had good luck fishing. Says he spent several days in Reno. That was his old scratching, hunting ground, so I imagine he found some of that also. Says he sure hated to leave the hills and come back down here. Had nice weather all the time. Winter is just coming in that country. Unusually late this year he says. He sure picked a nice time to come back. Most of his tanks in need of repair after that 3 day march. I started to tell him all the troubles, got about half through and he says, "Fuck 'em", "We'll deadline them until we get a chance to fix them." Not a bit bothered about it.
Mac went to the hospital last night before we got in. The boys say they thought he might have pneumonia. I don't hardly think so myself. I think he just hurt his back and that made his whole chest sore. Just can't seem to keep the whole crew on the job all the time.
Well sweetheart, I guess that about covers the news, and now for your letters. Got quite a few to cover. They brought your Thur, Fri, & Sat letters out to the field, and I got your Sun one last night. Your Mon one this noon. That makes 5 of yours to answer. I still haven't answered any of the others. May get a chance this weekend.
So my chubby darling wife is really back to work again. Probably loose that extra 10 lbs again. Glad to hear it wasn't too bad getting to work again. Wish I could be home to keep you busy taking care of me. You're undoubtedly a very good teacher, but I know darn well you're a very swell wife and I love you like hell. I'll show you when that 4th honeymoon rolls around.
Just think darling 4 weeks yesterday, already since I left you. The time really goes fast. The faster it goes the quicker I'll have you with me again. Can't come too quick for me. The old man isn't quite satisfied when he doesn't have his sweet wife someplace close around. Like to see you, talk to you, and get hold of you. You're a very exciting yet comfortable person to have around. I miss you, "honey.
I guess I forgot to tell you that Gus M. had asked to use my gun and while I don't like to loan it, I thought they had been very good and that he would take care of it, so I said he could. We got talking about other things and I forgot about it altogether until you mentioned it in your letter. It's O.K. I'm glad you let him have it. Sorry I forgot to tell you about it. If anyone but Pop wants any shells, just keep on forgetting where you put them. I might want to hunt before they make any more to sell.
You're the devil. Here you are, already making plans to be with me next summer. Maybe I'll be home with you by that time or maybe I'll be way across the water. It's nice to think we can be together next summer but don't plan so far ahead. It gets too hard counting the weeks and days. I had that experience at Ft. Knox. The days didn't seem to go fast enough the last couple weeks.
Well honey, the retreat parade is all over and Thanksgiving supper is all over but not forgotten. Honestly darling, I've never eaten a better Thanksgiving dinner anyplace and that isn't belittling anyone either. Boy, I'm so full I can hardly write. The old belly is bulging way out over my belt and almost aches. Here is a small description.
We were all dressed in our best for the parade and had orders to eat, fully dressed, blouse and all. "Try to be gentlemen instead of chow hounds for once." the first Sargent told us. The whistle sounded and we all lined up and filed in. Instead of the usual bare board tables they were all dressed up in white sheets and two candles lighted on each. It was just dusk outside and the candles were the only light. The flickering light revealed sparkling china and silver and tables just heaped with food. Home style instead of the usual cafeteria style. Didn't seem at all like the old mess hall. We all got to our places and remained standing while the company officers and their wives came in and occupied a table reserved for them. When all were in their places the captain asked Pfc Fears to ask the blessing after which we seated ourselves and proceeded to work a disappearing act on the food. It did disappear too, but it was the first time in my army experience that I have ever seen food left on the table and everybody so full they could hardly get up.
Really honey it was swell. Only one thing missing and that isn't anything to eat, although I sometimes think I could take a bite out of her. Yes sweetheart, you were the missing item. It would have been perfect if you could have been here. I love you gorgeous and miss you a lot.
Here is the menu. I know you have been anxious to know, so I took pains to identify everything and will give it the proper nomenclature, as near as I can.
Roast turkey and dressing with plenty of gravy. Sweet potatoes, biscuits, sliced tomatoes on a garnish of lettuce, pickles, olives, asparagus, two kinds of pie, pumpkin and apple, cake, ice cream, fruit, apples, oranges and grapes, nuts, candy, and a pack of Camels for each man. I forgot, coffee and lemonade for drink. There I think I have everything written down.
What do you think of that? Okay huh? Funny what a good meal like that does to a bunch of men. All bitching all day because of working the last two Sundays and today. Now they are mostly all gathered around a fellow with a guitar and singing. Happy as larks. Seeing I can't help any on their singing, I'm spending my time writing to my honey. I love her, you know and sometime I'm going to show her but good.
Hope you had as nice a dinner as I did but I'm selfish enough to hope that you missed me a little also. I love you Chubbins.
Quite a bit different from other recent Thanksgiving days I have spent. Those recent ones I have always had you with me. There are other differences but that is the main one.
Seems awful hard to realize it is Thanksgiving and almost December, and to be sitting here on my bunk, with all the windows open and being perfectly comfortable. Remember last year? It was raw, windy & cold and then the next day we had our first big snow and it stayed until Christmas. Just can't get used to living in the south. Think I would sooner be in the north and see a little snow once in a while.
Maybe someday we can take a winter vacation and I can bring you down south so you can see what it's like. Make another honeymoon out of it. Boy we ought to have lots of them coming up. I love 'em. Here's to more and if possible better ones. Here's a long distance loving just to keep you warmed up. I love you sweetheart.
Now for the rest of your letters. I got sidetracked. So Tony is in Norwalk. Does that mean shipping soon or is it a permanent job?
Don't feel bad about the rest of the gals all seeing their husbands. We have ours coming and, as you say, will do it up brown, or something when it does come. I won't be satisfied until I have you all the time either. I mean that in more ways than one too. I do have a lot of fun dreaming about what we will do together when we get back together again. Kinda like letter writing though not as satisfactory by a long way as actually doing it. I loves you and loves you. You're a darling.
I can see your point about Gus Hugert but I don't particularly envy him. Sure, he's making a lot of money and is home, but both Gus and Vi are paying a price for it. You know you wouldn't want me out of it any more than I would want to be out. We can always say we tried to do our part. I really don't think I'm doing as much good here as I would at home, but that isn't the way people look at it. You wouldn't want people looking at me and asking why I wasn't in the army. It looks to me like it would take a lot more guts to stay on a job, than it does to be in the army. It is bad when they take men with families and leave others without, but I don't put the blame on them. The blame lies with the big shots who are running the show. I know Gus will do a lot more good where he is than he would here. I guess that's enough for that. It's hard to take but lots of things in this life are. It's like Louise said, "Say what the hell and forget it."
What do you mean? I should be thankful I'm not living with you. That's a crock of shit. You always did like to bitch about some things but you really didn't mean it. I'd keep you in line if I was there. Only too glad to live with you anyhow. I love you.
The picture you sent was rather a rough comparison but I get the idea. The gal with the shovel there, hasn't got much in comparison to you. Why honey, she is almost flat chested and doesn't have a tummy at all. Lacks a lot of the curve appeal you have.
I imagine the smoking trouble is because of soot in the chimney. Are you burning some wood? That will usually keep it cleaned out, or if you will throw in some papers or cardboard and have the damper open until it burns up it will probably clean it out. Do that sometime when you are going to be there for a while, so you can check it if it gets going too good. If it doesn't smoke too much, don't worry. Are you using the brush to clean the flues every week? Sounds like you are becoming quite a fireman. Good for you. I knew you could. Did you ever get any more coal?
Well honey, it's nearly lights out, so I'll have to quit. Will finish answering your letters tomorrow. Night sweetheart. I love you ever and ever so much. Wish I had you here to warm my bed for me.
your lover

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