Monday, November 1, 2010

Letter # 113 November 1, 1943

Nov 1, 1943
11 P.M.
This is going to be a very short note, because it's way past my bedtime. I may not get a chance to write again for a couple of days or more so. I thought I'd at least send you a quick one.
I guess they are trying to break me in to working again, fast. We started at 7:00 this morning and only took time enough off to eat dinner & supper and have just quit.
These tanks are in such bad shape to run. We only have 10 of them in shape to go out tomorrow and I would sure hate to guarantee how far they will go.
We start out early and drive all day and I guess a good part of the night, blackout, and then all day Wed. I bet we boys in the maintenance crew get a workout if we get them all back under their own power.
We heard today that we are to have all new tanks by the first of next week. Probably only a rumor, but it would be a nice one if true.
I got along O.K. It isn't going to take me very long to pick up a working knowledge of these babies. I am really glad to be in an outfit of mediums, but it does seem so crazy to be trained for something and then not use it. I told the lieutenant today that it wouldn't make me mad if they wanted to send me to medium school now. He grinned and said I must live somewhere near there.
It's just like early summer here today, almost hot. I'm sitting here under the firelight, outside, in my shorts writing this and am very comfortable. It was still 80 in the shop when we quit a little bit ago. It's starting to rain a little so I'll have to move. Probably will cool off also.
Well honey, I'm going to quit for tonight. Sorry this has to be so short. I'll try to do better in the future.
I loves you chubbins and am missing you and thinking of you a lot.
Night sweetheart, I love you so much.
your hubby.

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