Sunday, October 14, 2012

Letter # 484 September 30, 1944

New Guinea
Saturday eve
Sept 30, 1944
My Bewitching Babe;
Another month gone again.  Good old September.  I always did like the month for the weather and comfortableness after the heat of summer.  The last few years, but to be exact, I've had a lot more reason to like it.  It gave me you for my very own and that is plenty to put it on top for good in my calendar of months. The last couple years I've been glad to see it pass like all the rest, as quickly as possible.  One of these days I'll be sorry to see it over and October coming up.  That will be when I'm back in your arms again for always. You will hold me won't you, honey?  You'd better say yes or, so help me I'll look into the W.A.C. situation.
No letters today.  I haven't any kick on that though.  I only got four yesterday.  There were quite a few packages but none for me.  They had July postmarks and I've had them for almost two weeks.  Last one I got was July 28, I think.  Mac, Oil, and Bowman each got a package.  Almost all candy, so I'm fessing as I write this.  Bowman's wife sent a whole box of homemade nut fudge. That's going fast as you can well imagine.  By the way, she is a red headed "Mick".  Sounds interesting, huh?
Payday again and once more I have more money than I know what to do with so if I get time, I'm going to send you another little pile, Monday.  A hundred or a little more, how ever it figures out.  That will still leave me a roll of nearly $60.00 and unless something unusual happens that will last a year over here.  I've said this before and I'm saying it again.  If you want anything take some of this money and get it.  Call it a present from me if you want.  I can't send you anything but I'd like for you to get yourself a present now and then.  Darn it all, honey, I love you and haven't any way to show it at present.
Our washing machine threatened to turn out the same as the sawmill.  The old peep engine is so darn near worn out that it is giving trouble.  Isn't enough work for the engine so being an oil burner it carbons up enough nearly every day so it has to be cleaned to run the next day.  Parts for such things are almost impossible to get so we made some modifications of our own.  No new rings to stop the oil pumping so we drilled a lot of new oil return holes under the oil rings, hoping to keep it out of the head.  Haywire job.  We sure do get plenty of chance to experiment.  It's running again, but I don't know for how long.
The censorship rules are getting a bit stricter but it won't bother me much.  I have purposely stayed clear of shady subjects or went way around the bush in mentioning them and evidently they have all gone through
intact.  Also informed we are to use no vile language so if I don't do much cussing it's not because I've become a priss and got religion, it's just rules.
Johnny has been putting in way too much in some of his and lately he has gotten several of them back.  I can't see any profit in that so I try not to say too much.  I guess you understand all this anyhow.  You're a very sensible girl and smart too.  You seem to get a lot from the letters that isn't put in words.  Guess maybe you know me and how I work inside.  Bet you're the only one who does though.  Somehow you wiggled through my lines of defense and hard shell and got inside.  That's where you belong.  I'll keep you there too, if I can.  I loves my three "B" girl.
Now about the article from the Post you sent.  It's interesting and basically true.  I think I can safely say I know 'cause I've been very close to there.  However it's like all stories and articles written for the public.  embellished a bit here and there.  Skeleton Country is very true.  Have made their acquaintance myself more than once. I imagine the actual experience took place at least a year ago.  I see you underlined "cold and wet".  That may be hard to believe but it is true at times.  When it is cloudy and stormy it really is cold in the hills, especially at night.  Several nights I was plenty cold with two waterproof covers wrapped around me and completely dressed.  Even down here, like this afternoon. Plenty hot until about 3 P.M. and then it clouded up and a breeze sprung up.  I was sweating when I went to the shower but as soon as I got wet the goosebumps came out, even on me.  Queer climate.  The part about G.I. shoes being comfortable to walk in is nothing but crap.  No foot soldier would ever make that statement, not if he had the rubber soled ones I've had all the time.  They burn my feet every time I go on a march of any length.  They were so badly burned on this trip I took, that now the soles of my feet are all peeling.  I don't mean they are sore now.  They got over it every night and haven't been sore a bit since I got back.  Like sunburn, takes a while for the dead hide to loosen up and peel.
Now I'm going to answer a letter or two.
Sept 14.  You should talk about your letters rambling on and on.  How about some of mine?  They sure ramble, anywhere and everywhere.  I like to just talk to you though.  Our letters to each other don't need to follow the rules set up by Hoyle.  I like to be me, and yours surely are you.  I love 'em like that.  Makes it so much more natural than an ordinary letter.  Keep it up, honey.  You're doing swell.
Go ahead and thrive on bitching if you want to.  Both kinds.  I can always listen to the verbal kind coming from you and usually get a grin out of it.  The other kind?  Well, I'm a pretty good tamer of that kind of bitch.   Ready to crack the whip any time and keep on cracking it a long, long time.  Just hold on, sweetheart, I'll tame you again.  No, I don't get it, but I'm expecting to, but good.
Uh huh.  Teasing me again about another surprise.  I knew it.  I always knew you were a big tease.  I sure like to have you tease me though. I'll be in heaven again when you can tease me in a different way.  Get it?  You will.
I don't imagine you will have to worry about our pines and the landscaping project.  I think they'll respect the start we made and there isn't much bank to work on anyhow, except the far east side.  They better hadn't molest our honeymoon pines.  They're one souvenir I think a lot of.  Growing all the time, like our love too.
I sure am tickled to pieces that you like your library job so much.  I have been told by others, Mom & Hazel & Mrs, Dulaney  that you like it a lot and were looking very good, so I have further proof of your statements.  I hope it is due to the job and not your pestiferous husband's absence that you look so well.  I know it's the job.  I'm a bit conceited too, you know.
You and your names for problematical children! You're incorrigible.  Honestly honey, they all suit me.  I'll probably have other and rather unspeakable names for them most of the time.  I haven't gotten and don't intend to get any farther at present, than the thinking of things that come before names are necessary.  I like the idea and will be very glad to do all I can to make it a reality.  I do get a kick out of your enthusiasm though.  Just like you are about a surprise. Bubbling and all tickled.  Keep it up, honey.  That's one of your traits that are very dear to me.  I love all about you.
Night, honey.  Continued tomorrow.  Continued tomorrow and forever is my love for you.
Your hubby.

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