Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Letter # 420 July 14, 1944

New Guinea
Fri. eve.
July 14, 1944
My darling wife;
I rated at mail call today.  Three from you, one from Marg, and one from Jim.  Yours were: One from back June 19th and one V-mail and one air mail from June 30.  So there we have the two kinds coming together.  You sure must have been all stirred up that day you first heard.  This makes three letters from the same day.  I bet it was good to hear again.  I know I was sure glad to get your letters.  Even though I don't think much of letters as a means of talking to you, they sure do make you seem a lot closer to me.  Your letters are so much like you most of the time that it seems you can't be far away.  You're sweet darling and gosh, do I love you!  You're my wife.  Remember?  
I'm going to interrupt this now and go see some sort of show they have for us.  Bye, for a while honey.  I'll be missing not having you to hang on to. 
I'm back again.  Saw a negro band that call themselves the "Quarter Master Caravan" .  They were good too.  Most of the members were from orchestras and bands before they came to the army.  Having a picture after the performance but I didn't stay for it.  I wanted to write to Mummy and then go to bed and dream.  The hell of it is:  I never seem to be able to dream of you.  I don't dream of other girls either.  When I do have a dream it's always some very crazy thing I can't even remember in the morning.  I can and do day dream.  Good too. 
Started on a new project today.  We mechanics have our work pretty well in order so today we gathered up a bunch of junk and discarded parts and are building a sawmill.  Going into production in a few days to saw out enough lumber to put wood floors in all our tents.  I'm perfectly satisfied with the dirt floors but I guess they want to keep us busy.  Anyhow, it's a change of work and I always did like that kind. 
I see your letter of the 19th needs some comments, some of which I have already answered.  This is the letter in which you tell of receiving the pictures from Mrs. Clarius.  I had already talked about that last night I believe.  You were probably right about seeing the knife on my belt although it could have been my canteen.  They were both there.  I only saw the pictures for a moment and don't remember much about them.  No, I don't care for any bigger knife.  I never intend to use it for anything but a hunting knife and it's plenty good.  If I ever need a lethal instrument I don't intend to be close enough to use a knife. 
Make up your mind about Brown, will you?  He's a regular man in most ways.  The tall blond fellow you ask about is Pfc. Earl Hanson from Sioux City.  He is the driver of our maintenance half track and helps us in the shop.  I told him you said he looked like Mickey's friend and he says he had been told that some fellow in Nebraska was his double.  I know this friend of Mickey's was from someplace out there.  Would be kind of funny if it was the same fellow.  Hanson isn't as big though, as you say this fellow is.  About the same weight and an inch shorter than I am.  That picture of all the maintenance men was taken the morning we left Polk.  One of them is Gebhardt.  Clarius is more or less attached to us.  Part time as peep or truck driver and helps with the mechanic work.  Are you acquainted now? 
June 26th letter.  You did start that letter rather abruptly and surprisingly.  "J.C. I've been out with a man."  It did surprise me and I wondered who the lucky devil was and then you explained.  I wouldn't care if it had been some other man.  I know it would be innocent and I'd trust you anytime.  Wouldn't even blame you if I couldn't trust you.  If I had all the opportunities you must have, I don't know if I would be so worthy of trust or not.  It isn't hard to resist temptation if it isn't there. 
Don't strain yourself trying to keep up with Steve's estimation of me.  I may be a better looking man physically than I was when I left but as far as really being a better man, I doubt it.  I though I was a pretty good man then.  How about it? 
You say you need a lot of taking care of.  What do you think I need?  We'll have out hands full of taking care of each other.  I need you so much.  Everything I do seems to have the inspiration in you.  That keeps me going and looking forward to the wonderful days coming.  May they be soon.  Bye, sweetheart.  I love you.
your hubby.

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