Monday, October 17, 2011

Letter # 419 July 13, 1944

New Guinea
Thurs. Eve.
July 13, 1944
My Darling;
I skipped out this afternoon and went swimming again.  I wasn't the only one.  Brown, Mac, and I all took off.  We thought we had been working enough and needed a rest.  That isn't really true, but it made a nice excuse.  The swimming was wonderful.  Big breakers coming in, some as high as seven or eight feet.  They are fun.  Either dive through them or jump up and swim to the top of them and slide down the other side.  Like going down a big hill on a sled.  Then again, wait until they get almost on top of you and then start swimming toward shore and let them carry you along.  Wash you way up on the beach.  I'm really spoiled for fresh water swimming now.  The salt water is the stuff.  Doesn't even taste bad after the first few times. 
Got another bunch of coconuts too.  John Clarius has made a pair of climbers like the linemen wear so it isn't any trouble to get them now.  I can really eat them too. 
My, my honey, such language for a school teacher and librarian and very sweet lady.  All over such a small thing as V-mail forms too.  However, I feel exactly the same about them.  I like to hear you swear anyhow.  Tickles me a lot at times.  Remember the times you have embarrassed yourself?  I bet Hal Burton remembered it until he died.  Here's a little secret though.  I like the V-mail except when I'm writing to you.  Very good excuse to write a short letter. 
Ronnie [Nichols] was very right about the boat ride.  I sure had a dilly.  It is funny that he remembers me.  I doubt very much that he does.  I expect he hears my name mentioned often enough to get it and connects it with you.   He is a cute little bugger.  If all kids were like that no one could kick a bit. 
I can't imagine what a big turtle was doing in our front yard.   Don't suppose he had heard about us planning a lake out back and was coming to see if he could find a new home.  He sure was rather out of place there.  We surely do have all kinds of wild friends there don't we?  That makes me think of the mouse situation.  Have you had any more since I plugged up the hole? 
Don't be disappointed that your Hawaiian plans didn't work.  It really doesn't matter.  It's probably a lot wilder over here but no different in any other respect.  Safe as in La. 
I was in slightly better financial condition than Mickey, but I hadn't spent a couple months with my wife, previous to going over.  That costs money as we both know.  I never got any more good from money spent than I did from that.  I was hoping to spend that $250 I sent you in the same manner.  Now it will have to wait but we'll have the good time anyhow.  Postponed, damn it, for a time.  I love you, beautiful.  Yes, you are too.  So there.  You're the best girl I ever saw.  Not only in some ways, but in all ways.  One in several million.  Go ahead and say I'm prejudiced or anything you want to.  It won't change my mind.  I have very well set opinions along that line.  I'm in love with you. 
Your lover

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