Sunday, July 31, 2011

V-Mail # 397 June 21, 1944

June 21, 1944
Hello Sweetheart;  I
Gosh, honey I just had to sit down and write a note to you.  Everything is so rosy and bright and I feel so good.  Guess why?  I got my first letters from you today. A whole bunch of them.  Eleven letters and two birthday cards.  Think of that!  The first in exactly a month.  The last I had gotten was May 22. I got yours of the 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 1, 2 & 4 so they are all here in rotation.  Gosh, sweetheart I sure was glad to hear from you again.  Makes it seem that I am not all alone in a strange and unfriendly country.  I really appreciate the effort you put into writing, now, more than ever.  I don't expect I will be able to do as well as I have done in the past but I'll sure as hell do the best I can.  Gosh, honey, I love you.  You're a darling.  Best wife a man ever could have.  If you were a bit closer I could show you what I mean, a lot better than I can write it.  I'm glad I gotcha. 
I'm sorry I have to keep writing on this damn V-mail, but it's all I have at present.  If I find I can't get any I'm going to send good old mummy for paper and stamps.  I'll send a specific request if necessary.  I can hardly settle down to writing yet.  I can't lay your letters down long enough. 
Norman Effinger

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