Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Letter # 209 February 18, 1944

Feb 18, 1944
Fri, eve.
Hello, Sweetheart;
I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to write last night and I'm afraid this is going to be short. Our streak of good luck came to an end and boy have we been on the go. I pulled in at 1 A.M. this morning and we were on the go again at 5. Got in at 9 tonight and roll out at 5 again tomorrow. I'm a bit tired and in need of sleep. Getting old, I guess. Can't take it anymore. Gotta have my sleep. I won't get into detail on anything tonight. I'll do that over the weekend if I have any time. I rather expect we'll work Sunday again. Big battalion problem the first of the week and we'll be expected to have all the vehicles in running order. So far this week our tanks have covered about 500 miles and we lost two in that time. One, the other day and another today. Couple more are limping so I expect we might loose at least one more tomorrow.
Our cold spell is still with us. Not as bad as a week ago, but right snappy at times.
I got two letters from you yesterday. Your Fri and weekend one. None today. I also got the package today. Good stuff honey. I haven't more than tasted the eats but they are very good. That is part of the reason I have to cut your letter short. I spent too much time reading the funnies and magazines you sent. You know me. I can't rest if I have some unread funnies. Thanks a lot honey. It's nice to get things like that. Seems like I can feel a part of you in those boxes. You see, I'm giving you credit this time.
I'm glad you got the tax business cleared up. It sure turned out very good for us. Like getting money from home. Kind of a surprise.
You must have gotten over your bitching spell, [as you called it]. Two very nice sweet letters. I got them in the field and they couldn't budge me until I read them. I likes to hear from my wifey. You're a sweet old thing and I love you like hell.
Well honey, I'm going to close this now. I'll try to write you a nice long one tomorrow and answer your letters.
Thanks again for the sweets. It was very sweet of you.
Night sweetheart. I guess you know I love you. I could demonstrate it very effectively, I think, only I can't get close enough to you. I love you, wifey.
Your hubby.

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