Thursday, February 10, 2011

Letter # 199 February 5, 1944

Feb, 5, 1944
Sat. Eve.
Saturday again and we were off early, about 2:30. No work tomorrow either. I have charge of a short detail for tomorrow morning. The headquarters platoon drew the detail of cleaning battalion headquarters building tomorrow. Brownie is supposed to be in charge but he took off to find a little "meat for his tiger." He passed the detail on to me. It's only a half hours work.
Being the first weekend since payday the camp is nearly deserted. The boys seem to be wild to get out of camp, even if they have no place to go. I guess I'm funny but it makes me dissatisfied when I get out. Guess it's homesick. When I see the other men with their gals and wives, I miss you too much, so I stay in. No place to go any how, unless you want to keep on the go all the time. Not time enough to get any place. I'm getting old honey. Don't like to go without sleep just to go someplace. I bundled up my notebook, the Yanks and, believe it or not, I even put in a few packs of gum. Trotted down to the P.O. and mailed them. Got myself some more air mail stamps also. Can't afford to run out. The mail must keep going through to my sweetheart.
From all reports the airborne division is going to move out soon and some outfit of the 4th army is coming in. That's the outfit we belong to at present. I'm beginning to be more and more afraid that we'll spend the summer here again. A couple fellows from a Quartermaster Truck Battalion, just stopped in here at the day room. Their battalion of trucks is here now to move the paratroopers out. Both of these boys have been with their outfits for over two years and, except for the period of their basic, have never been in barracks. In the field all the time. They furnish the supply line for troops on maneuvers. They have been moved all over, New York, California, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, and now, Louisiana. They seem to like it. New country every couple months. Does sound rather good. I've still got a little of the old wanderlust in me yet.
Don't worry, sweetheart, I'll never want to wander unless you are with me. I want to be where you are too much to get very far away. I loves you. You're a darling.
I got another letter from you today. It was your Wed eve. one. I've got a couple other here to answer so I guess I'll get going.
I don't blame you for reneging on some of your old meetings. Seems like you have a hell of a lot of them. What's the idea? Trying to wear my wife out? Think I'd tell them to go to hell also. Remember? I used to feel the same about going to things that were a must, after I'd been working all day. I wanted to do what I wanted to. I rather imagine those P.T.A. meetings are rather useless anyhow. Aren't they?
Get mad at them honey. Tell 'em to go to hell if you want to. A few of them a year would be acceptable but one nearly every week is asking too much.
I was wondering if Steve was still alone. I doubted it because he hasn't been as punctual as usual about answering my letters. I guess I haven't been either and I don't have any excuse.
If you were here, I'm afraid no one would hear from me unless you did the writing. I'd be busy!
I noticed Larry's address in the Gazette also. I didn't know there was a break between he and Jean. I would like to know what happened to him and his flying. Something very fishy.
I also noticed a nice write up about Bing Lutz. Looks like he will get in radio. He should do well in that line.
I also noticed your little piece about T/4 Norman W. Effinger.
Sweetheart, you let the Effingers get in the army but you stay out. You're one Effinger I sure as hell don't want to see in uniform. It might be fun for you and you'd undoubtedly make a good soldier. I'd sure have a hell of a chance of seeing you then. No go, honey.
The waiting and wondering is finally over for Jean & Gus. I imagine that is a little relief at least. It's hell.
I may get the credit, from some people, for you being so nice, but think how many more give you credit for changing me. You did too. I don't know how much of the change other people can see, but I know there is a lot of it. All for the better too. You're a big influence on me. I love you. Don't belittle yourself, darling. You know darn good and well, that when you are in the mood, you're as good loving as any ever came down the road or ever will. You're tops in all ways. There. I've gotten your back letters answered. I'll save today's for tomorrow.
Night sweetheart. I'm loving you and dreaming of you and everything.
your hubby.

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