Saturday, July 31, 2010

Letter # 71 July 29, 43

July 29, 43
Hello my egotistical Wife;
I've been forced to neglect you the past couple days, but I'll make up for that when I see you in a few weeks. I can be a little egotistical also, you see I have a little more good news. It is definite that we are going to Fort Knox, but I'm not sure when. We were supposed to leave today, so I packed up last night and this morning I turned in my bed and etc and they paid us off.
There was some mix up in the orders from Washington, so we aren't leaving today. I'm going to borrow a bed for tonight. We will leave as soon as they get the orders straightened out. It may be tomorrow or it may be two or three days yet.
You said you wanted me to call you. I would but it is a 4 or 5 hour job from down here and I may not be at Fort Knox by Sun or Mon. If I am I will try to call you. I'm sending this air mail and hope it reaches you by Mon. at the latest.
There is one more little piece of news. I guess in as much as you were a good girl and didn't peek in the last letter I'll tell you at once. That was kind of a mean trick and I can imagine what you were like as you read it. As I said before you deserved it. I love you honey.
Here is the news. I am now wearing one stripe on my sleeve. You probably noticed it on the return address already. It was a long time coming and now that I'm going to school, I probably won't go any further until I graduate. This outfit is slow to give ratings, but after the first one they usually come fast. There are only 4 of us in this outfit so far. I'm rich now honey. $4.00 more next mo.
I was talking to the C.O. again today and he said I shouldn't figure on a furlough until Christmas, but we'll see. If we want I may be able to work it from the other end at graduation. We won't worry about that now.
Here is another of the current rumors. The 8th is moving to Camp Perry. Boy if that one turned out to be true I'd be kind of "pissed off". Me way down in Fort Knox.
Honey the pictures were swell, nearly as good as seeing home again. The only trouble is I can't get a feel of those nice legs of yours. The belly looks good also. In fact you look the same as always to me. Damn good. Really honey. You look so good I could practically eat you. I love you plenty honey. I'm sending part of them back but keeping the best ones. Thanks honey but I don't want anything to keep them in. Too bulky to move around. I've got two, two bushel bags full now. I hate to think of lugging them very far. The picture of you and Vi was also very good. I kept the only one in which she didn't have her face in a glass. Boy those drinks must have been good.
I see the old place looks much the same even to all the current magazines on the table and the notions on the new magazine rack. It looks so natural I can just imagine sitting in my chair in the corner and seeing it all. The boys think the place looks like we must be wealthy. They don't know the half of it. They all like my wife also and can't see how you came to marry me. I fixed that up by showing them the bedroom picture. The 410 shows very plainly and I told them it was a shotgun wedding in reverse. I forced you to marry me at the point of a gun and have kept it handy ever since.
If I didn't have you now I think I would try that method if nothing else worked. I love you too much to let you get away. Gee I'm glad I got you honey. I'm really anticipating seeing you soon and may even insist on that every other week business. You're a sweet old devil and I believe you would wear yourself out to come down if you thought I wanted you to.
I'll look the situation over as soon as I can after I get there and let you know. If we had left today I could have looked around this Sunday but now I guess it will have to wait until next weekend.
Honey I'm as bad as you are. I can't even think of anything else but seeing you. I don't think I looked forward as much to our wedding day as I am to this reunion day. It seems a hell of a while since I saw you. It is exactly 4 mo. today. 1/3 of a year. It sure beats me how much I miss you honey. You must be a peach.
Well bye for now honey. I may not be able to write for a few days but I'll sure be thinking of you and getting myself primed to show you a time in Old Kentucky. I love you honey. Boy I could squeeze the daylights out of you if I could get a hold of you. Night sweetheart.
I'll be seeing you
Your lover

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