Monday, July 26, 2010

Letter # 70 July 26, 1943

July 26, 1943
Hello Wifey darling;
Well honey I guess you must really have made up your mind to see me. You're a sweet old thing and I'm flattered to think that after all the things I said about this place you would still come to see me in spite of it. You must want to very badly. I sure hope it won't be necessary. It won't be bad for you to come to Louisville. Not nearly so far and they say it's a damn nice town. Sgt. Marinics says there is a small town about halfway between Fort Knox and Louisville where we might be able to stay. We won't worry about that yet. As soon as I get settled I'll look around and then we can decide.
I haven't heard anything more about the time we have or anything, but they haven't changed their minds as yet. I've got everything crossed.
Yesterday I met Shorty Bishop again and we went down to see Henry again. I wanted to say goodbye in case I don't see him again. If they break up this division and I go to Fort Knox we may not meet again until after the war. We tried to find Kenny but I guess he was in town with his wife. I suppose she is still here. I haven't seen anyone that knows for a long time.
This army just doesn't want to let me get settled anyplace. They took me off night shift and put me back as leader of my old squad. It won't be for long. We are having a series of tests on drill and other phases of training on Wed. morn and we are doing some extensive review and brush up work today & tomorrow. I don't know why they had to pick on me. I haven't had any of that for some time and I sure was rusty. I stumbled all over myself for a while. Rahill was called out also and he had the same trouble I did. He has been working with intelligence about as long as I've been at the motor park.
Today the C.O. said that as far as he knew, furloughs would probably start in a couple weeks. Only 10 days though. Looks like I'm getting screwed by going to school. See, that's what I get for working, just more work. I was just kidding there but it sure would be swell to get home. As it is I'll have to wait until school is over. I won't mind much if my wife come to see me for a few days. Will she? I love her and will do my best to show her a time as well as show her how much I love her. I do you know.
One nice thing about the furlough business is, if they do change their minds about the school, I still have a chance to get home. One or the other ought to click. Maybe I wasn't dreaming too much after all.
Henry didn't have very much to say except that he is still very disgusted. He thinks he will get leave about the end of August.
I just put another "Turret Topics" in an envelope and will send it along. Even I broke into print in it.
I wish the picture of the infiltration course was better, but the description is good.
Well honey I guess I better quit. Nearly time for lights out. Hope it won't be too long before you have something more than a dream to hug. I'll have a dream to hug but it'll be a real flesh and blood dream. I love you honey. It will be like a dream to have you again after all this time. Here's to what will happen when we meet again. Night honey, I'll be seeing you and I'm loving you bushels.
your "wild" soldier.

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