Monday, May 3, 2010

Letter # 20 May 3, 1943

May 3, 1943
Hi Wifey dear;
Got your letter with the news of the cyclone last evening. I had seen a very brief article in the Houston paper about it but that only mentioned Akron and Cleveland, I had no idea it had come so close to home. That is as near as I want one to come too. Sounds like there must be a lot of property damage. I bet Willis Shaw jumped up and down a plenty. Sure am glad it missed our little love nest, guess you must be so sweet the powers that be decided to pass you by.
I spent a very quiet Sunday, off all day and after writing several letters I just lay around in the barracks in my shorts and read the Sunday papers, the Gazette you sent, and the Esquire. The redhead in there is a dandy and if it wasn't against regulations she would be on the wall. If I didn't put her there somebody else would. In some places she reminds me of you and if all the stories I hear of lost weight are true maybe you resemble her in lots of other ways too. Anyhow you would sure look a lot better to me than she does if I could see you. I guess I must love you a little even after 5 weeks absence. That is the only respect in which it seems that long and that seems like a lot longer. The days just seem to fly by so fast even I have to ask the date. Each one that goes by makes it just that much closer to the time I will come back to you.
Darn you, you sure made your marks on me permanently and without me fully realizing it. How did you do it? By being so sweet? I like it and wouldn't change it for worlds. You hadn't better try it either or I'll haunt you as you used to say. No kidding, I really didn't know how much you meant to me until I left you. This interval of army life may have a good effect on all the rest of our lives together. I even used to kid myself that given the proper opportunity I might even step over the fence and see what some other girl had but you have such a hold on me that that is definitely out and I'm not kidding. They don't even look good in comparison anymore. You can consider yourself highly complimented and by your husband at that. Guess maybe I needed a little jar to see how lucky I was. That's damn near a confession isn't it. Anyhow I think I'm sweet too. We were just made for each other I guess. Am I improving in my love letters or are they love letters? I mean them to be.
I got the package from the Co-Workers today and wrote Mrs. Abbott a letter of thanks or something as per your instructions. It was very thoughtful of them and I appreciate it even if I did have both articles, an apron for toilet articles and a shoulder money belt. I haven't even used the ones I have since I've been here. The money belt was too hot in this climate and the apron unnecessary while in barracks. Will probably use them again when we go on extended cross country trips and stay out for a week or weeks at a time.
The boys that went to Lake Charles say they had a good time and really enjoyed the swimming. I hear they may take another convoy to Port Arthur this coming Sunday.
to be continued on May 4


sue said...

aren't cyclones called tornados in Ohio?

Unknown said...

Yes, I don't know why he refered to it like that. Except maybe they were rare. certainly they weren't reported and watched as closely as today.
Alice remembers that tornado. It took down several barns in the area and killed two young boys that were in a barn locally.

sue said...

Wow! are you sharing the letters with Alice? She probably remembers a lot. said...

Thanks Jane for sharing your family's story and letters! MULTIMEDIA video on

Lorraine :)