Thursday, May 27, 2010

Letter # 34 May 27, 1943

May 27, 1943
Thurs eve
Hi Honey.
I did very well today. Three letters from my darling wife all at once. Your Sat, Sun, and Monday letters. I retired to the latrine and sat me down to read in comfort. Remember how I used to read the funnies in the same position. I like to read my letters there now.
Glad you aren't finding the lawn too much for you. As for which way you mow it, it doesn't make any difference. I bet my Jack-in-the-Pulpit gets bigger than yours. Why call the tulips mine? They are yours. I just planted them for you while you slept, you devil. Did only two of them come up? You spoke of your Pussy-willow being ready to plant. Remember where we put the one last year? Did it come out this spring or did it die? That would probably be a good place to plant the new one. They will get a good start and then we can transplant them. I wish I could be there to pace around and look at everything. I bet I wouldn't get much but you looked at for a while. I might even hold your hand while I paced around. I love you, you old devil.
Well Jr's not passing will leave you one man in the neighborhood to take care of you. It's rather ironic that after all the trying to stay out, the army didn't want him after all. I rather thought that would be the outcome all the time.
I had a letter from Carl and he says if we want him to do anything, just let him know. John says the same so if you get stuck call on them. Did you come out better on the electric bill this month? If you want the heater turned down call
Carl. It's only 5 minutes work and he can do it on the way home from work. How are you doing on the gasoline, tire and car situation?
So John, the little stinker, is running out on Harold. I feel sorry for Harold. He really stuck his neck out when he took that job. I hope he can get some good help, but I suppose that is nearly impossible. He'll just have to do like you at the diner. Close it part of the time so he can have time to get his merchandise in shape.
I was rather surprised to hear that Kenny's wife is coming down here to live. It may be all right for them but in our case I don't think it would work very well. I'm not thinking of the house when I say that either, I'm thinking of you. You could find plenty of work and some place to stay and I know you could do something with the home but here is where the rub comes. I know I couldn't see you more than once during the week and I probably could see you nearly every Sat night and Sun as things stand now, but in the army everything is so uncertain that you might just get here and I would leave and then you would either have to follow or go back to your folks. That is the smallest reason why I don't think it advisable. Here is the biggest reason against it as I see it: You were never the kind of person that could go away from home and be happy. If I could be with you every night or even be sure of being with you two or three evenings and on weekends you might manage to get along without being too homesick. But imagine yourself down here among strangers and me not being able to see you more than weekends and there will be times when we are out when I won't even be in on weekends. If I could manage to see you during the week I would have to be back at camp by 11 P.M. So you can see what it would be like for you. Believe me, I would really love to have you here, but nice as it would be for me, the price you would pay, homesickness and lonesomeness, would be way too high to justify my wanting you to do it. I would be getting the lion's share of enjoyment and you would have the tough end. I know you want to see me as much as I want to see you. But for your sake I wouldn't advise it. It might even lead to trouble between us. I'm not kidding. I know you and can realize how hard it would be for you to be so far away from all your friends. I couldn't see you nearly enough to compensate. Remember you nearly got homesick on our honeymoon and I was with you all the time.
If you should decide against my advice be sure to talk it over with your folks first.
From the sound of things I am fairly sure of a furlough in the fall or maybe before. If that doesn't happen, then if you can I would like to have you here for a couple weeks and I could by that time, probably arrange to live off the post part of the time. Much as I hate to have it this way, it is my advice for the present. However, the final decision lies with you. You are a 50-50 partner in this marriage you know and whatever you do is OK with me.
You talk of taking a shower. That brings back memories. Remember how I liked to hug you from the back and play with your bubbles and then the old "thing" would get mad and you would run upstairs. It bothers me to think of it. Me a two month virgin. Bet I could really go to town if I caught you under the shower now. I love you honey. This letter wouldn't pass the Hayes censor but I can't talk to you any other way so damn it all I'll write what I want to.
I told you of our job classifications the other day and that I might be able to change mine. Well I did. I am starting to mechanics school Monday, but it is here at camp. I go to school Mon, Wed, & Friday and spend the other three days getting any advanced combat training with the company. I guess I was rather lucky. There are only about 35 men from this company that are going to schools. Only 3 mechanics. I couldn't see any reason to be in supply. I wanted to learn another trade that might someday come in handy. I've got to be able to work at something to take care of my honey when this is over. I think it will be swell training and is something I like. I'm rather tickled.
I don't know how long the school lasts or exactly what it may lead to but I'll find out after I'm in it.
Leo asked to be reclassified but hasn't been as yet. He may be used as teacher for some of the illiterate. There are quite a few that are unable to read or write.
So you haven't forgotten the old man's birthday. Good for you and Tib. I'm getting nearly as bad as you. I like to get little surprise boxes from you. Wish I could send you some also but I haven't gotten anyplace to buy anything and beside I'm trying to save my money so I can send myself home if I get the chance. I won't be able to save much of my pay so I'm sticking to what I have.
I'm leaving camp for the first time tomorrow and staying out until Sunday evening. That doesn't sound much like saving my money but it won't cost much. The army is taking a convoy to Lake Charles and furnishes eats and lodging. So all I have to spend is what I want to. Leo and Norman Rahill are going in my truck. I say mine because I have been picked for driver. We pull out at 8 in the morning. There are about 40 of us going from this company and probably the same number form the rest of the companies in the 80th A.R. It will make quite a convoy.
We will probably be put up in 6 man tents but we are taking our field packs in case there isn't room enough and in that case some of us will bivouac. We are to be on our own nearly all the time, so we ought to have fun.
Here is a little incident Leo advised me not to tell you about but it strikes me funny so I'm going to tell you anyhow.
The army insists that each man leaving camp carry a package of rubbers, [not for the feet] and some disease preventive dope. So here I go to town armed for anything, but with no intentions. I still firmly believe I can't be tempted as long as I have you. These girls must not have what it takes, or I have slipped or you are so much better than the rest of the girls that they don't even bother me. I think it's the latter. You're a sweet thing and I love you a lot.
It's nearly bedtime so I'll close. If I can take time out from seeing the sights I'll write from Lake Charles.
Good night honey darling. I love you like hell.
your loving hubby.

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